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Last active May 25, 2021 11:36
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LaunchDarkly, Create and Add UserSegmentRules with the Java API based on examples given here
package com.moshe.ldclient;
import com.launchdarkly.api.ApiClient;
import com.launchdarkly.api.ApiException;
import com.launchdarkly.api.Configuration;
import com.launchdarkly.api.api.UserSegmentsApi;
import com.launchdarkly.api.auth.ApiKeyAuth;
import com.launchdarkly.api.model.*;
import com.launchdarkly.sdk.LDUser;
import com.launchdarkly.sdk.server.LDClient;
import com.launchdarkly.sdk.server.LDConfig;
import com.launchdarkly.sdk.server.interfaces.LDClientInterface;
import java.util.List;
* Created by: moshee
* Date: 2021-05-13 2:49 p.m.
public class FeatureToggleClientImpl {
private UserSegmentsApi apiInstance;
public FeatureToggleClientImpl() {
final ApiClient apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ApiKeyAuth Token = (ApiKeyAuth) apiClient.getAuthentication("Token");
this.apiInstance = new UserSegmentsApi(apiClient); // initiate UserSegmentAPI client with debugging
public FeatureToggleClientImpl(LDClientInterface ldClient, UserSegmentsApi apiInstance) {
this.apiInstance = apiInstance;
public String createSegment(String key, String description) {
String projectKey = "default"; // String | The project key, used to tie the flags together under one project so they can be managed together.
String environmentKey = "production"; // String | The environment key, used to tie together flag configuration and users under one environment so they can be managed together.
UserSegmentBody userSegmentBody = new UserSegmentBody(); // UserSegmentBody | Create a new user segment.
userSegmentBody.setTags(List.of("api", "generated")); // set relevant tags
PatchOperation patchOperation = new PatchOperation();
patchOperation.setOp("add");// OP - add/replace/remove
patchOperation.setPath("/rules/0"); // rules are numbered - got to start from 0
Clause clause = new Clause(); // a clause is the rule filter.
clause.setAttribute("attribute"); // use any attribute in the UserContext
clause.setOp("in"); // OP - in/endsWith/startsWith/matches/contains/greaterThanOrEqual
clause.setValues(List.of(16)); // casts to the relevant type in LaunchDarkly
clause.setNegate(false); // use negate to get opposite of `op` endsWith + negate = true, means does NOT endWith
patchOperation.setValue(new Clauses(List.of(clause))); // include clause in rule
UserSegment result;
String segmentKey = "";
try {
// You have to first create the User Segment, only later can you "Patch" it to add properties such as rules
result = apiInstance.getUserSegment(projectKey, environmentKey, key);
// use the PATCH command to add/update values internal to the object, represented as PatchOperation(s)
UserSegment userSegment = apiInstance.patchUserSegment(projectKey, environmentKey, key, List.of(patchOperation));
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling UserSegmentsApi#postUserSegment");
return "";
// This structure adds the required `clauses` section is required for the API call to work
public class Clauses {
private List<Clause> clauses = null;
public Clauses(List<Clause> clauses) {
this.clauses = clauses;
@ApiModelProperty(required = true, value = "")
public List<Clause> getClauses() {
return clauses;
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Source for structure is here
launchdarkly/ld-openapi#87 (comment)

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