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Created July 30, 2023 11:53
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Some cheat commands to easily view AWS status on localstack container
Localstack docker commands (rentblocks)
# Create fifo queue (note the `.fifo` and special attributes)
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sqs create-queue --queue-name TxMgrTransferRequest.fifo --attributes FifoQueue=true,MessageRetentionPeriod=1209600,ContentBasedDeduplication=false
# Create regular sqs queue
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sqs create-queue --queue-name TxMgrTransferRequest
# send message to regular code
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sqs send-message --queue-url http://localhost:4566/000000000000/TxMgrTransferRequest.fifo --message-body "empty"
#Get list of queues in localstack
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sqs list-queues0
#read a messages from queue
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sqs receive-message --queue-url http://localhost:4566/000000000000/localstackDeadLetters.fifo
#get list of topics
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sns list-topics
# get subscriptions to topic (which queues receive messages from topicvi )
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 sns list-subscriptions-by-topic --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:NodesReply
# Tail for docker logs
docker logs --follow transaction-manager
#list s3 buckets in localstack
aws --endpoint-url= --region=us-east-1 s3 ls
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