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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Save moskewcz/a40f5f170c18c9b151f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DCNN ops examples
data = NDA("data",num_img,3,227,227) # SOURCE num,chan,y,x
conv1_filts = NDA("conv1_filts",96,3,11,11) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv1_biases = NDA("conv1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
conv1 = NDA("conv1",num_img,96,55,55) # num,chan,y,x
data_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("data_one_row_per_patch_buf",3025,363)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=data[i,:,:,:], dest=data_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="4 4" ) # one copy per output elem
conv1 = data_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv1_filts,96,363)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 3025x363x96
norm1 = NDA("norm1",num_img,96,55,55) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm1",bots=[ conv1 ],tops=[ norm1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool1 = NDA("pool1",num_img,96,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool1",bots=[ norm1 ],tops=[ pool1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
conv2_filts = NDA("conv2_filts",256,96,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv2_biases = NDA("conv2_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
conv2 = NDA("conv2",num_img,256,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
pool1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool1_one_row_per_patch_buf",729,2400)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool1[i,:,:,:], dest=pool1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
conv2 = pool1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv2_filts,256,2400)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 729x2400x256
norm2 = NDA("norm2",num_img,256,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm2",bots=[ conv2 ],tops=[ norm2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool2 = NDA("pool2",num_img,256,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool2",bots=[ norm2 ],tops=[ pool2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
conv3_filts = NDA("conv3_filts",384,256,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv3_biases = NDA("conv3_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
conv3 = NDA("conv3",num_img,384,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf",169,2304)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool2[i,:,:,:], dest=pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
conv3 = pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv3_filts,384,2304)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 169x2304x384
conv4_filts = NDA("conv4_filts",384,384,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv4_biases = NDA("conv4_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
conv4 = NDA("conv4",num_img,384,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
conv3_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("conv3_one_row_per_patch_buf",169,3456)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=conv3[i,:,:,:], dest=conv3_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
conv4 = conv3_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv4_filts,384,3456)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 169x3456x384
conv5_filts = NDA("conv5_filts",256,384,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv5_biases = NDA("conv5_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
conv5 = NDA("conv5",num_img,256,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
conv4_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("conv4_one_row_per_patch_buf",169,3456)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=conv4[i,:,:,:], dest=conv4_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
conv5 = conv4_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv5_filts,256,3456)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 169x3456x256
pool5 = NDA("pool5",num_img,256,6,6) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool5",bots=[ conv5 ],tops=[ pool5 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
fc6_conv_filts = NDA("fc6_conv_filts",4096,256,6,6) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc6_conv_biases = NDA("fc6_conv_biases",4096) # SOURCE out_chan
fc6 = NDA("fc6",num_img,4096,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
pool5_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool5_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,9216)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool5[i,:,:,:], dest=pool5_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
fc6 = pool5_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(fc6_conv_filts,4096,9216)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x9216x4096
fc7_conv_filts = NDA("fc7_conv_filts",4096,4096,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc7_conv_biases = NDA("fc7_conv_biases",4096) # SOURCE out_chan
fc7 = NDA("fc7",num_img,4096,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
fc6_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("fc6_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,4096)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=fc6[i,:,:,:], dest=fc6_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
fc7 = fc6_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(fc7_conv_filts,4096,4096)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x4096x4096
fc8_conv_filts = NDA("fc8_conv_filts",1000,4096,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc8_conv_biases = NDA("fc8_conv_biases",1000) # SOURCE out_chan
fc8 = NDA("fc8",num_img,1000,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
fc7_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("fc7_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,4096)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=fc7[i,:,:,:], dest=fc7_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
fc8 = fc7_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(fc8_conv_filts,1000,4096)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x4096x1000
data = NDA("data",num_img,3,227,227) # SOURCE num,chan,y,x
conv1_filts = NDA("conv1_filts",96,3,11,11) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv1_biases = NDA("conv1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
conv1 = NDA("conv1",num_img,96,55,55) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv1",bots=[ data ],tops=[ conv1 ],filts=conv1_filts,biases=conv1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="4 4")
norm1 = NDA("norm1",num_img,96,55,55) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm1",bots=[ conv1 ],tops=[ norm1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool1 = NDA("pool1",num_img,96,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool1",bots=[ norm1 ],tops=[ pool1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
conv2_filts = NDA("conv2_filts",256,96,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv2_biases = NDA("conv2_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
conv2 = NDA("conv2",num_img,256,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv2",bots=[ pool1 ],tops=[ conv2 ],filts=conv2_filts,biases=conv2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
norm2 = NDA("norm2",num_img,256,27,27) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm2",bots=[ conv2 ],tops=[ norm2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool2 = NDA("pool2",num_img,256,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool2",bots=[ norm2 ],tops=[ pool2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
conv3_filts = NDA("conv3_filts",384,256,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv3_biases = NDA("conv3_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
conv3 = NDA("conv3",num_img,384,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv3",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ conv3 ],filts=conv3_filts,biases=conv3_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
conv4_filts = NDA("conv4_filts",384,384,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv4_biases = NDA("conv4_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
conv4 = NDA("conv4",num_img,384,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv4",bots=[ conv3 ],tops=[ conv4 ],filts=conv4_filts,biases=conv4_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
conv5_filts = NDA("conv5_filts",256,384,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv5_biases = NDA("conv5_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
conv5 = NDA("conv5",num_img,256,13,13) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv5",bots=[ conv4 ],tops=[ conv5 ],filts=conv5_filts,biases=conv5_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
pool5 = NDA("pool5",num_img,256,6,6) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool5",bots=[ conv5 ],tops=[ pool5 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
fc6_conv_filts = NDA("fc6_conv_filts",4096,256,6,6) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc6_conv_biases = NDA("fc6_conv_biases",4096) # SOURCE out_chan
fc6 = NDA("fc6",num_img,4096,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="fc6_conv",bots=[ pool5 ],tops=[ fc6 ],filts=fc6_conv_filts,biases=fc6_conv_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
fc7_conv_filts = NDA("fc7_conv_filts",4096,4096,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc7_conv_biases = NDA("fc7_conv_biases",4096) # SOURCE out_chan
fc7 = NDA("fc7",num_img,4096,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="fc7_conv",bots=[ fc6 ],tops=[ fc7 ],filts=fc7_conv_filts,biases=fc7_conv_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
fc8_conv_filts = NDA("fc8_conv_filts",1000,4096,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
fc8_conv_biases = NDA("fc8_conv_biases",1000) # SOURCE out_chan
fc8 = NDA("fc8",num_img,1000,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="fc8_conv",bots=[ fc7 ],tops=[ fc8 ],filts=fc8_conv_filts,biases=fc8_conv_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
name: "AlexNet"
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
transform_param {
mirror: true
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "/scratch/datasets/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
data_param {
source: "/scratch/datasets/imagenet_classification/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"
batch_size: 256
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TEST
transform_param {
mirror: false
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "/scratch/datasets/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
data_param {
source: "/scratch/datasets/imagenet_classification/ilsvrc12_val_lmdb"
batch_size: 50
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 11
stride: 4
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
layer {
name: "norm1"
type: "LRN"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "norm1"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layer {
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "norm1"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool1"
top: "conv2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.1
layer {
name: "relu2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
layer {
name: "norm2"
type: "LRN"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "norm2"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layer {
name: "pool2"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "norm2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "conv3"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3"
top: "conv3"
layer {
name: "conv4"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3"
top: "conv4"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.1
layer {
name: "relu4"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4"
top: "conv4"
layer {
name: "conv5"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4"
top: "conv5"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.1
layer {
name: "relu5"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5"
top: "conv5"
layer {
name: "pool5"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv5"
top: "pool5"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "fc6-conv"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool5"
top: "fc6"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 4096
kernel_size: 6
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.005
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.1
layer {
name: "relu6"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"
layer {
name: "drop6"
type: "Dropout"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
name: "fc7-conv"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc7"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 4096
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.005
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.1
layer {
name: "relu7"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"
layer {
name: "drop7"
type: "Dropout"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
name: "fc8-conv"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc8"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 1000
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "accuracy"
type: "Accuracy"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy"
include {
phase: TEST
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"

lists of operations for forward pass for alexnet and googlenet

data = NDA("data",num_img,3,224,224) # SOURCE num,chan,y,x
conv1_filts = NDA("conv1_filts",64,3,7,7) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv1_biases = NDA("conv1_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
conv1 = NDA("conv1",num_img,64,112,112) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv1",bots=[ data ],tops=[ conv1 ],filts=conv1_filts,biases=conv1_biases,
in_pad="3 3 3 3",stride="2 2")
pool1 = NDA("pool1",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool1",bots=[ conv1 ],tops=[ pool1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
norm1 = NDA("norm1",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm1",bots=[ pool1 ],tops=[ norm1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
reduction2_filts = NDA("reduction2_filts",64,64,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
reduction2_biases = NDA("reduction2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
reduction2 = NDA("reduction2",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="reduction2",bots=[ norm1 ],tops=[ reduction2 ],filts=reduction2_filts,biases=reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
conv2_filts = NDA("conv2_filts",192,64,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv2_biases = NDA("conv2_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
conv2 = NDA("conv2",num_img,192,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="conv2",bots=[ reduction2 ],tops=[ conv2 ],filts=conv2_filts,biases=conv2_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
norm2 = NDA("norm2",num_img,192,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm2",bots=[ conv2 ],tops=[ norm2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool2 = NDA("pool2",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool2",bots=[ norm2 ],tops=[ pool2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp1_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp1_reduction1_filts",96,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp1_reduction1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_reduction1 = NDA("icp1_reduction1",num_img,96,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_reduction1",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ icp1_reduction1 ],filts=icp1_reduction1_filts,biases=icp1_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp1_out1_filts = NDA("icp1_out1_filts",128,96,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out1_biases = NDA("icp1_out1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out1 = NDA("icp1_out1",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_out1",bots=[ icp1_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp1_out1 ],filts=icp1_out1_filts,biases=icp1_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp1_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp1_reduction2_filts",16,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp1_reduction2_biases",16) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_reduction2 = NDA("icp1_reduction2",num_img,16,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_reduction2",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ icp1_reduction2 ],filts=icp1_reduction2_filts,biases=icp1_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp1_out2_filts = NDA("icp1_out2_filts",32,16,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out2_biases = NDA("icp1_out2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out2 = NDA("icp1_out2",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_out2",bots=[ icp1_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp1_out2 ],filts=icp1_out2_filts,biases=icp1_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp1_pool = NDA("icp1_pool",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp1_pool",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ icp1_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp1_out3_filts = NDA("icp1_out3_filts",32,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out3_biases = NDA("icp1_out3_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out3 = NDA("icp1_out3",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_out3",bots=[ icp1_pool ],tops=[ icp1_out3 ],filts=icp1_out3_filts,biases=icp1_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp1_out0_filts = NDA("icp1_out0_filts",64,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out0_biases = NDA("icp1_out0_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out0 = NDA("icp1_out0",num_img,64,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp1_out0",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ icp1_out0 ],filts=icp1_out0_filts,biases=icp1_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_in = NDA("icp2_in",num_img,256,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp2_in",bots=[ icp1_out0, icp1_out1, icp1_out2, icp1_out3 ],tops=[ icp2_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp2_reduction1_filts",128,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp2_reduction1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_reduction1 = NDA("icp2_reduction1",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_reduction1",bots=[ icp2_in ],tops=[ icp2_reduction1 ],filts=icp2_reduction1_filts,biases=icp2_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_out1_filts = NDA("icp2_out1_filts",192,128,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out1_biases = NDA("icp2_out1_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out1 = NDA("icp2_out1",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_out1",bots=[ icp2_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp2_out1 ],filts=icp2_out1_filts,biases=icp2_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp2_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp2_reduction2_filts",32,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp2_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_reduction2 = NDA("icp2_reduction2",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_reduction2",bots=[ icp2_in ],tops=[ icp2_reduction2 ],filts=icp2_reduction2_filts,biases=icp2_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_out2_filts = NDA("icp2_out2_filts",96,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out2_biases = NDA("icp2_out2_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out2 = NDA("icp2_out2",num_img,96,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_out2",bots=[ icp2_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp2_out2 ],filts=icp2_out2_filts,biases=icp2_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp2_pool = NDA("icp2_pool",num_img,256,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp2_pool",bots=[ icp2_in ],tops=[ icp2_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp2_out3_filts = NDA("icp2_out3_filts",64,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out3_biases = NDA("icp2_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out3 = NDA("icp2_out3",num_img,64,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_out3",bots=[ icp2_pool ],tops=[ icp2_out3 ],filts=icp2_out3_filts,biases=icp2_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_out0_filts = NDA("icp2_out0_filts",128,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out0_biases = NDA("icp2_out0_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out0 = NDA("icp2_out0",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp2_out0",bots=[ icp2_in ],tops=[ icp2_out0 ],filts=icp2_out0_filts,biases=icp2_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_out = NDA("icp2_out",num_img,480,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp2_out",bots=[ icp2_out0, icp2_out1, icp2_out2, icp2_out3 ],tops=[ icp2_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_in = NDA("icp3_in",num_img,480,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp3_in",bots=[ icp2_out ],tops=[ icp3_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp3_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp3_reduction1_filts",96,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp3_reduction1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_reduction1 = NDA("icp3_reduction1",num_img,96,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_reduction1",bots=[ icp3_in ],tops=[ icp3_reduction1 ],filts=icp3_reduction1_filts,biases=icp3_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_out1_filts = NDA("icp3_out1_filts",208,96,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out1_biases = NDA("icp3_out1_biases",208) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out1 = NDA("icp3_out1",num_img,208,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_out1",bots=[ icp3_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp3_out1 ],filts=icp3_out1_filts,biases=icp3_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp3_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp3_reduction2_filts",16,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp3_reduction2_biases",16) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_reduction2 = NDA("icp3_reduction2",num_img,16,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_reduction2",bots=[ icp3_in ],tops=[ icp3_reduction2 ],filts=icp3_reduction2_filts,biases=icp3_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_out2_filts = NDA("icp3_out2_filts",48,16,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out2_biases = NDA("icp3_out2_biases",48) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out2 = NDA("icp3_out2",num_img,48,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_out2",bots=[ icp3_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp3_out2 ],filts=icp3_out2_filts,biases=icp3_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp3_pool = NDA("icp3_pool",num_img,480,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp3_pool",bots=[ icp3_in ],tops=[ icp3_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp3_out3_filts = NDA("icp3_out3_filts",64,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out3_biases = NDA("icp3_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out3 = NDA("icp3_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_out3",bots=[ icp3_pool ],tops=[ icp3_out3 ],filts=icp3_out3_filts,biases=icp3_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_out0_filts = NDA("icp3_out0_filts",192,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out0_biases = NDA("icp3_out0_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out0 = NDA("icp3_out0",num_img,192,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp3_out0",bots=[ icp3_in ],tops=[ icp3_out0 ],filts=icp3_out0_filts,biases=icp3_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_out = NDA("icp3_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp3_out",bots=[ icp3_out0, icp3_out1, icp3_out2, icp3_out3 ],tops=[ icp3_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls1_pool = NDA("cls1_pool",num_img,512,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls1_pool",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ cls1_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="3 3")
cls1_reduction_filts = NDA("cls1_reduction_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_reduction_biases = NDA("cls1_reduction_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_reduction = NDA("cls1_reduction",num_img,128,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="cls1_reduction",bots=[ cls1_pool ],tops=[ cls1_reduction ],filts=cls1_reduction_filts,biases=cls1_reduction_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls1_fc1_filts = NDA("cls1_fc1_filts",1024,128,4,4) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_fc1_biases = NDA("cls1_fc1_biases",1024) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_fc1 = NDA("cls1_fc1",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
InnerProduct(name="cls1_fc1",bots=[ cls1_reduction ],tops=[ cls1_fc1 ],filts=cls1_fc1_filts,biases=cls1_fc1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls1_fc2__filts = NDA("cls1_fc2__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_fc2__biases = NDA("cls1_fc2__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_fc2_ = NDA("cls1_fc2_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
InnerProduct(name="cls1_fc2_",bots=[ cls1_fc1 ],tops=[ cls1_fc2_ ],filts=cls1_fc2__filts,biases=cls1_fc2__biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp4_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp4_reduction1_filts",112,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp4_reduction1_biases",112) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_reduction1 = NDA("icp4_reduction1",num_img,112,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_reduction1",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ icp4_reduction1 ],filts=icp4_reduction1_filts,biases=icp4_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp4_out1_filts = NDA("icp4_out1_filts",224,112,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out1_biases = NDA("icp4_out1_biases",224) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out1 = NDA("icp4_out1",num_img,224,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_out1",bots=[ icp4_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp4_out1 ],filts=icp4_out1_filts,biases=icp4_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp4_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp4_reduction2_filts",24,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp4_reduction2_biases",24) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_reduction2 = NDA("icp4_reduction2",num_img,24,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_reduction2",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ icp4_reduction2 ],filts=icp4_reduction2_filts,biases=icp4_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp4_out2_filts = NDA("icp4_out2_filts",64,24,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out2_biases = NDA("icp4_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out2 = NDA("icp4_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_out2",bots=[ icp4_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp4_out2 ],filts=icp4_out2_filts,biases=icp4_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp4_pool = NDA("icp4_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp4_pool",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ icp4_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp4_out3_filts = NDA("icp4_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out3_biases = NDA("icp4_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out3 = NDA("icp4_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_out3",bots=[ icp4_pool ],tops=[ icp4_out3 ],filts=icp4_out3_filts,biases=icp4_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp4_out0_filts = NDA("icp4_out0_filts",160,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out0_biases = NDA("icp4_out0_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out0 = NDA("icp4_out0",num_img,160,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp4_out0",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ icp4_out0 ],filts=icp4_out0_filts,biases=icp4_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp4_out = NDA("icp4_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp4_out",bots=[ icp4_out0, icp4_out1, icp4_out2, icp4_out3 ],tops=[ icp4_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp5_reduction1_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp5_reduction1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_reduction1 = NDA("icp5_reduction1",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_reduction1",bots=[ icp4_out ],tops=[ icp5_reduction1 ],filts=icp5_reduction1_filts,biases=icp5_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_out1_filts = NDA("icp5_out1_filts",256,128,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out1_biases = NDA("icp5_out1_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out1 = NDA("icp5_out1",num_img,256,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_out1",bots=[ icp5_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp5_out1 ],filts=icp5_out1_filts,biases=icp5_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp5_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp5_reduction2_filts",24,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp5_reduction2_biases",24) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_reduction2 = NDA("icp5_reduction2",num_img,24,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_reduction2",bots=[ icp4_out ],tops=[ icp5_reduction2 ],filts=icp5_reduction2_filts,biases=icp5_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_out2_filts = NDA("icp5_out2_filts",64,24,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out2_biases = NDA("icp5_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out2 = NDA("icp5_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_out2",bots=[ icp5_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp5_out2 ],filts=icp5_out2_filts,biases=icp5_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp5_pool = NDA("icp5_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp5_pool",bots=[ icp4_out ],tops=[ icp5_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp5_out3_filts = NDA("icp5_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out3_biases = NDA("icp5_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out3 = NDA("icp5_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_out3",bots=[ icp5_pool ],tops=[ icp5_out3 ],filts=icp5_out3_filts,biases=icp5_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_out0_filts = NDA("icp5_out0_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out0_biases = NDA("icp5_out0_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out0 = NDA("icp5_out0",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp5_out0",bots=[ icp4_out ],tops=[ icp5_out0 ],filts=icp5_out0_filts,biases=icp5_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_out = NDA("icp5_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp5_out",bots=[ icp5_out0, icp5_out1, icp5_out2, icp5_out3 ],tops=[ icp5_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp6_reduction1_filts",144,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp6_reduction1_biases",144) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_reduction1 = NDA("icp6_reduction1",num_img,144,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_reduction1",bots=[ icp5_out ],tops=[ icp6_reduction1 ],filts=icp6_reduction1_filts,biases=icp6_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_out1_filts = NDA("icp6_out1_filts",288,144,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out1_biases = NDA("icp6_out1_biases",288) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out1 = NDA("icp6_out1",num_img,288,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_out1",bots=[ icp6_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp6_out1 ],filts=icp6_out1_filts,biases=icp6_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp6_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp6_reduction2_filts",32,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp6_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_reduction2 = NDA("icp6_reduction2",num_img,32,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_reduction2",bots=[ icp5_out ],tops=[ icp6_reduction2 ],filts=icp6_reduction2_filts,biases=icp6_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_out2_filts = NDA("icp6_out2_filts",64,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out2_biases = NDA("icp6_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out2 = NDA("icp6_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_out2",bots=[ icp6_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp6_out2 ],filts=icp6_out2_filts,biases=icp6_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp6_pool = NDA("icp6_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp6_pool",bots=[ icp5_out ],tops=[ icp6_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp6_out3_filts = NDA("icp6_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out3_biases = NDA("icp6_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out3 = NDA("icp6_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_out3",bots=[ icp6_pool ],tops=[ icp6_out3 ],filts=icp6_out3_filts,biases=icp6_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_out0_filts = NDA("icp6_out0_filts",112,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out0_biases = NDA("icp6_out0_biases",112) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out0 = NDA("icp6_out0",num_img,112,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp6_out0",bots=[ icp5_out ],tops=[ icp6_out0 ],filts=icp6_out0_filts,biases=icp6_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_out = NDA("icp6_out",num_img,528,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp6_out",bots=[ icp6_out0, icp6_out1, icp6_out2, icp6_out3 ],tops=[ icp6_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls2_pool = NDA("cls2_pool",num_img,528,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls2_pool",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ cls2_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="3 3")
cls2_reduction_filts = NDA("cls2_reduction_filts",128,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_reduction_biases = NDA("cls2_reduction_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_reduction = NDA("cls2_reduction",num_img,128,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="cls2_reduction",bots=[ cls2_pool ],tops=[ cls2_reduction ],filts=cls2_reduction_filts,biases=cls2_reduction_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls2_fc1_filts = NDA("cls2_fc1_filts",1024,128,4,4) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_fc1_biases = NDA("cls2_fc1_biases",1024) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_fc1 = NDA("cls2_fc1",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
InnerProduct(name="cls2_fc1",bots=[ cls2_reduction ],tops=[ cls2_fc1 ],filts=cls2_fc1_filts,biases=cls2_fc1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls2_fc2__filts = NDA("cls2_fc2__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_fc2__biases = NDA("cls2_fc2__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_fc2_ = NDA("cls2_fc2_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
InnerProduct(name="cls2_fc2_",bots=[ cls2_fc1 ],tops=[ cls2_fc2_ ],filts=cls2_fc2__filts,biases=cls2_fc2__biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp7_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp7_reduction1_filts",160,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp7_reduction1_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_reduction1 = NDA("icp7_reduction1",num_img,160,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_reduction1",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ icp7_reduction1 ],filts=icp7_reduction1_filts,biases=icp7_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp7_out1_filts = NDA("icp7_out1_filts",320,160,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out1_biases = NDA("icp7_out1_biases",320) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out1 = NDA("icp7_out1",num_img,320,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_out1",bots=[ icp7_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp7_out1 ],filts=icp7_out1_filts,biases=icp7_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp7_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp7_reduction2_filts",32,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp7_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_reduction2 = NDA("icp7_reduction2",num_img,32,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_reduction2",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ icp7_reduction2 ],filts=icp7_reduction2_filts,biases=icp7_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp7_out2_filts = NDA("icp7_out2_filts",128,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out2_biases = NDA("icp7_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out2 = NDA("icp7_out2",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_out2",bots=[ icp7_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp7_out2 ],filts=icp7_out2_filts,biases=icp7_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp7_pool = NDA("icp7_pool",num_img,528,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp7_pool",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ icp7_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp7_out3_filts = NDA("icp7_out3_filts",128,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out3_biases = NDA("icp7_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out3 = NDA("icp7_out3",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_out3",bots=[ icp7_pool ],tops=[ icp7_out3 ],filts=icp7_out3_filts,biases=icp7_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp7_out0_filts = NDA("icp7_out0_filts",256,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out0_biases = NDA("icp7_out0_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out0 = NDA("icp7_out0",num_img,256,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp7_out0",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ icp7_out0 ],filts=icp7_out0_filts,biases=icp7_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp7_out = NDA("icp7_out",num_img,832,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp7_out",bots=[ icp7_out0, icp7_out1, icp7_out2, icp7_out3 ],tops=[ icp7_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_in = NDA("icp8_in",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp8_in",bots=[ icp7_out ],tops=[ icp8_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp8_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp8_reduction1_filts",160,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp8_reduction1_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_reduction1 = NDA("icp8_reduction1",num_img,160,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_reduction1",bots=[ icp8_in ],tops=[ icp8_reduction1 ],filts=icp8_reduction1_filts,biases=icp8_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_out1_filts = NDA("icp8_out1_filts",320,160,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out1_biases = NDA("icp8_out1_biases",320) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out1 = NDA("icp8_out1",num_img,320,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_out1",bots=[ icp8_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp8_out1 ],filts=icp8_out1_filts,biases=icp8_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp8_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp8_reduction2_filts",32,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp8_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_reduction2 = NDA("icp8_reduction2",num_img,32,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_reduction2",bots=[ icp8_in ],tops=[ icp8_reduction2 ],filts=icp8_reduction2_filts,biases=icp8_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_out2_filts = NDA("icp8_out2_filts",128,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out2_biases = NDA("icp8_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out2 = NDA("icp8_out2",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_out2",bots=[ icp8_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp8_out2 ],filts=icp8_out2_filts,biases=icp8_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp8_pool = NDA("icp8_pool",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp8_pool",bots=[ icp8_in ],tops=[ icp8_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp8_out3_filts = NDA("icp8_out3_filts",128,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out3_biases = NDA("icp8_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out3 = NDA("icp8_out3",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_out3",bots=[ icp8_pool ],tops=[ icp8_out3 ],filts=icp8_out3_filts,biases=icp8_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_out0_filts = NDA("icp8_out0_filts",256,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out0_biases = NDA("icp8_out0_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out0 = NDA("icp8_out0",num_img,256,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp8_out0",bots=[ icp8_in ],tops=[ icp8_out0 ],filts=icp8_out0_filts,biases=icp8_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_out = NDA("icp8_out",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp8_out",bots=[ icp8_out0, icp8_out1, icp8_out2, icp8_out3 ],tops=[ icp8_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp9_reduction1_filts",192,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp9_reduction1_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_reduction1 = NDA("icp9_reduction1",num_img,192,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_reduction1",bots=[ icp8_out ],tops=[ icp9_reduction1 ],filts=icp9_reduction1_filts,biases=icp9_reduction1_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_out1_filts = NDA("icp9_out1_filts",384,192,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out1_biases = NDA("icp9_out1_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out1 = NDA("icp9_out1",num_img,384,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_out1",bots=[ icp9_reduction1 ],tops=[ icp9_out1 ],filts=icp9_out1_filts,biases=icp9_out1_biases,
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp9_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp9_reduction2_filts",48,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp9_reduction2_biases",48) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_reduction2 = NDA("icp9_reduction2",num_img,48,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_reduction2",bots=[ icp8_out ],tops=[ icp9_reduction2 ],filts=icp9_reduction2_filts,biases=icp9_reduction2_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_out2_filts = NDA("icp9_out2_filts",128,48,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out2_biases = NDA("icp9_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out2 = NDA("icp9_out2",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_out2",bots=[ icp9_reduction2 ],tops=[ icp9_out2 ],filts=icp9_out2_filts,biases=icp9_out2_biases,
in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1")
icp9_pool = NDA("icp9_pool",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp9_pool",bots=[ icp8_out ],tops=[ icp9_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp9_out3_filts = NDA("icp9_out3_filts",128,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out3_biases = NDA("icp9_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out3 = NDA("icp9_out3",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_out3",bots=[ icp9_pool ],tops=[ icp9_out3 ],filts=icp9_out3_filts,biases=icp9_out3_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_out0_filts = NDA("icp9_out0_filts",384,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out0_biases = NDA("icp9_out0_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out0 = NDA("icp9_out0",num_img,384,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Convolution(name="icp9_out0",bots=[ icp8_out ],tops=[ icp9_out0 ],filts=icp9_out0_filts,biases=icp9_out0_biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_out = NDA("icp9_out",num_img,1024,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp9_out",bots=[ icp9_out0, icp9_out1, icp9_out2, icp9_out3 ],tops=[ icp9_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls3_pool = NDA("cls3_pool",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls3_pool",bots=[ icp9_out ],tops=[ cls3_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls3_fc__filts = NDA("cls3_fc__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls3_fc__biases = NDA("cls3_fc__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls3_fc_ = NDA("cls3_fc_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
InnerProduct(name="cls3_fc_",bots=[ cls3_pool ],tops=[ cls3_fc_ ],filts=cls3_fc__filts,biases=cls3_fc__biases,
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
data = NDA("data",num_img,3,224,224) # SOURCE num,chan,y,x
conv1_filts = NDA("conv1_filts",64,3,7,7) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv1_biases = NDA("conv1_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
conv1 = NDA("conv1",num_img,64,112,112) # num,chan,y,x
data_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("data_one_row_per_patch_buf",12544,147)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=data[i,:,:,:], dest=data_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="3 3 3 3",stride="2 2" ) # one copy per output elem
conv1 = data_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv1_filts,64,147)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 12544x147x64
pool1 = NDA("pool1",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool1",bots=[ conv1 ],tops=[ pool1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
norm1 = NDA("norm1",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm1",bots=[ pool1 ],tops=[ norm1 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
reduction2_filts = NDA("reduction2_filts",64,64,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
reduction2_biases = NDA("reduction2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
reduction2 = NDA("reduction2",num_img,64,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
norm1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("norm1_one_row_per_patch_buf",3136,64)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=norm1[i,:,:,:], dest=norm1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
reduction2 = norm1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(reduction2_filts,64,64)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 3136x64x64
conv2_filts = NDA("conv2_filts",192,64,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
conv2_biases = NDA("conv2_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
conv2 = NDA("conv2",num_img,192,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",3136,576)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
conv2 = reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(conv2_filts,192,576)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 3136x576x192
norm2 = NDA("norm2",num_img,192,56,56) # num,chan,y,x
LRN(name="norm2",bots=[ conv2 ],tops=[ norm2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
pool2 = NDA("pool2",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="pool2",bots=[ norm2 ],tops=[ pool2 ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp1_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp1_reduction1_filts",96,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp1_reduction1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_reduction1 = NDA("icp1_reduction1",num_img,96,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,192)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool2[i,:,:,:], dest=pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_reduction1 = pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_reduction1_filts,96,192)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x192x96
icp1_out1_filts = NDA("icp1_out1_filts",128,96,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out1_biases = NDA("icp1_out1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out1 = NDA("icp1_out1",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp1_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp1_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,864)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp1_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp1_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_out1 = icp1_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_out1_filts,128,864)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x864x128
icp1_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp1_reduction2_filts",16,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp1_reduction2_biases",16) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_reduction2 = NDA("icp1_reduction2",num_img,16,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,192)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool2[i,:,:,:], dest=pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_reduction2 = pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_reduction2_filts,16,192)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x192x16
icp1_out2_filts = NDA("icp1_out2_filts",32,16,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out2_biases = NDA("icp1_out2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out2 = NDA("icp1_out2",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp1_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp1_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,400)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp1_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp1_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_out2 = icp1_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_out2_filts,32,400)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x400x32
icp1_pool = NDA("icp1_pool",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp1_pool",bots=[ pool2 ],tops=[ icp1_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp1_out3_filts = NDA("icp1_out3_filts",32,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out3_biases = NDA("icp1_out3_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out3 = NDA("icp1_out3",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,192)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp1_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_out3 = icp1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_out3_filts,32,192)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x192x32
icp1_out0_filts = NDA("icp1_out0_filts",64,192,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp1_out0_biases = NDA("icp1_out0_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp1_out0 = NDA("icp1_out0",num_img,64,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,192)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=pool2[i,:,:,:], dest=pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp1_out0 = pool2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp1_out0_filts,64,192)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x192x64
icp2_in = NDA("icp2_in",num_img,256,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp2_in",bots=[ icp1_out0, icp1_out1, icp1_out2, icp1_out3 ],tops=[ icp2_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp2_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp2_reduction1_filts",128,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp2_reduction1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_reduction1 = NDA("icp2_reduction1",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,256)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_reduction1 = icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_reduction1_filts,128,256)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x256x128
icp2_out1_filts = NDA("icp2_out1_filts",192,128,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out1_biases = NDA("icp2_out1_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out1 = NDA("icp2_out1",num_img,192,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,1152)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_out1 = icp2_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_out1_filts,192,1152)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x1152x192
icp2_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp2_reduction2_filts",32,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp2_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_reduction2 = NDA("icp2_reduction2",num_img,32,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,256)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_reduction2 = icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_reduction2_filts,32,256)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x256x32
icp2_out2_filts = NDA("icp2_out2_filts",96,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out2_biases = NDA("icp2_out2_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out2 = NDA("icp2_out2",num_img,96,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,800)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_out2 = icp2_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_out2_filts,96,800)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x800x96
icp2_pool = NDA("icp2_pool",num_img,256,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp2_pool",bots=[ icp2_in ],tops=[ icp2_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp2_out3_filts = NDA("icp2_out3_filts",64,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out3_biases = NDA("icp2_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out3 = NDA("icp2_out3",num_img,64,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,256)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_out3 = icp2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_out3_filts,64,256)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x256x64
icp2_out0_filts = NDA("icp2_out0_filts",128,256,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp2_out0_biases = NDA("icp2_out0_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp2_out0 = NDA("icp2_out0",num_img,128,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",784,256)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp2_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp2_out0 = icp2_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp2_out0_filts,128,256)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 784x256x128
icp2_out = NDA("icp2_out",num_img,480,28,28) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp2_out",bots=[ icp2_out0, icp2_out1, icp2_out2, icp2_out3 ],tops=[ icp2_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp3_in = NDA("icp3_in",num_img,480,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp3_in",bots=[ icp2_out ],tops=[ icp3_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp3_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp3_reduction1_filts",96,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp3_reduction1_biases",96) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_reduction1 = NDA("icp3_reduction1",num_img,96,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,480)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_reduction1 = icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_reduction1_filts,96,480)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x480x96
icp3_out1_filts = NDA("icp3_out1_filts",208,96,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out1_biases = NDA("icp3_out1_biases",208) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out1 = NDA("icp3_out1",num_img,208,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,864)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_out1 = icp3_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_out1_filts,208,864)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x864x208
icp3_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp3_reduction2_filts",16,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp3_reduction2_biases",16) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_reduction2 = NDA("icp3_reduction2",num_img,16,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,480)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_reduction2 = icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_reduction2_filts,16,480)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x480x16
icp3_out2_filts = NDA("icp3_out2_filts",48,16,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out2_biases = NDA("icp3_out2_biases",48) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out2 = NDA("icp3_out2",num_img,48,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,400)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_out2 = icp3_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_out2_filts,48,400)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x400x48
icp3_pool = NDA("icp3_pool",num_img,480,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp3_pool",bots=[ icp3_in ],tops=[ icp3_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp3_out3_filts = NDA("icp3_out3_filts",64,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out3_biases = NDA("icp3_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out3 = NDA("icp3_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,480)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_out3 = icp3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_out3_filts,64,480)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x480x64
icp3_out0_filts = NDA("icp3_out0_filts",192,480,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp3_out0_biases = NDA("icp3_out0_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp3_out0 = NDA("icp3_out0",num_img,192,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,480)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp3_out0 = icp3_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp3_out0_filts,192,480)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x480x192
icp3_out = NDA("icp3_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp3_out",bots=[ icp3_out0, icp3_out1, icp3_out2, icp3_out3 ],tops=[ icp3_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls1_pool = NDA("cls1_pool",num_img,512,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls1_pool",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ cls1_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="3 3")
cls1_reduction_filts = NDA("cls1_reduction_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_reduction_biases = NDA("cls1_reduction_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_reduction = NDA("cls1_reduction",num_img,128,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
cls1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",16,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls1_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=cls1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls1_reduction = cls1_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls1_reduction_filts,128,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 16x512x128
cls1_fc1_filts = NDA("cls1_fc1_filts",1024,128,4,4) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_fc1_biases = NDA("cls1_fc1_biases",1024) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_fc1 = NDA("cls1_fc1",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
cls1_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls1_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,2048)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls1_reduction[i,:,:,:], dest=cls1_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls1_fc1 = cls1_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls1_fc1_filts,1024,2048)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x2048x1024
cls1_fc2__filts = NDA("cls1_fc2__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls1_fc2__biases = NDA("cls1_fc2__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls1_fc2_ = NDA("cls1_fc2_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
cls1_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls1_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,1024)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls1_fc1[i,:,:,:], dest=cls1_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls1_fc2_ = cls1_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls1_fc2__filts,33,1024)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x1024x33
icp4_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp4_reduction1_filts",112,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp4_reduction1_biases",112) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_reduction1 = NDA("icp4_reduction1",num_img,112,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_reduction1 = icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_reduction1_filts,112,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x112
icp4_out1_filts = NDA("icp4_out1_filts",224,112,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out1_biases = NDA("icp4_out1_biases",224) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out1 = NDA("icp4_out1",num_img,224,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,1008)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_out1 = icp4_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_out1_filts,224,1008)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x1008x224
icp4_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp4_reduction2_filts",24,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp4_reduction2_biases",24) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_reduction2 = NDA("icp4_reduction2",num_img,24,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_reduction2 = icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_reduction2_filts,24,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x24
icp4_out2_filts = NDA("icp4_out2_filts",64,24,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out2_biases = NDA("icp4_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out2 = NDA("icp4_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,600)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_out2 = icp4_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_out2_filts,64,600)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x600x64
icp4_pool = NDA("icp4_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp4_pool",bots=[ icp3_out ],tops=[ icp4_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp4_out3_filts = NDA("icp4_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out3_biases = NDA("icp4_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out3 = NDA("icp4_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_out3 = icp4_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_out3_filts,64,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x64
icp4_out0_filts = NDA("icp4_out0_filts",160,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp4_out0_biases = NDA("icp4_out0_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp4_out0 = NDA("icp4_out0",num_img,160,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp3_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp4_out0 = icp3_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp4_out0_filts,160,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x160
icp4_out = NDA("icp4_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp4_out",bots=[ icp4_out0, icp4_out1, icp4_out2, icp4_out3 ],tops=[ icp4_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp5_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp5_reduction1_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp5_reduction1_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_reduction1 = NDA("icp5_reduction1",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_reduction1 = icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_reduction1_filts,128,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x128
icp5_out1_filts = NDA("icp5_out1_filts",256,128,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out1_biases = NDA("icp5_out1_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out1 = NDA("icp5_out1",num_img,256,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,1152)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_out1 = icp5_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_out1_filts,256,1152)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x1152x256
icp5_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp5_reduction2_filts",24,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp5_reduction2_biases",24) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_reduction2 = NDA("icp5_reduction2",num_img,24,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_reduction2 = icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_reduction2_filts,24,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x24
icp5_out2_filts = NDA("icp5_out2_filts",64,24,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out2_biases = NDA("icp5_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out2 = NDA("icp5_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,600)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_out2 = icp5_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_out2_filts,64,600)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x600x64
icp5_pool = NDA("icp5_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp5_pool",bots=[ icp4_out ],tops=[ icp5_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp5_out3_filts = NDA("icp5_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out3_biases = NDA("icp5_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out3 = NDA("icp5_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_out3 = icp5_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_out3_filts,64,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x64
icp5_out0_filts = NDA("icp5_out0_filts",128,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp5_out0_biases = NDA("icp5_out0_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp5_out0 = NDA("icp5_out0",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp4_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp5_out0 = icp4_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp5_out0_filts,128,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x128
icp5_out = NDA("icp5_out",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp5_out",bots=[ icp5_out0, icp5_out1, icp5_out2, icp5_out3 ],tops=[ icp5_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp6_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp6_reduction1_filts",144,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp6_reduction1_biases",144) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_reduction1 = NDA("icp6_reduction1",num_img,144,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_reduction1 = icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_reduction1_filts,144,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x144
icp6_out1_filts = NDA("icp6_out1_filts",288,144,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out1_biases = NDA("icp6_out1_biases",288) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out1 = NDA("icp6_out1",num_img,288,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,1296)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_out1 = icp6_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_out1_filts,288,1296)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x1296x288
icp6_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp6_reduction2_filts",32,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp6_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_reduction2 = NDA("icp6_reduction2",num_img,32,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_reduction2 = icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_reduction2_filts,32,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x32
icp6_out2_filts = NDA("icp6_out2_filts",64,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out2_biases = NDA("icp6_out2_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out2 = NDA("icp6_out2",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,800)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_out2 = icp6_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_out2_filts,64,800)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x800x64
icp6_pool = NDA("icp6_pool",num_img,512,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp6_pool",bots=[ icp5_out ],tops=[ icp6_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp6_out3_filts = NDA("icp6_out3_filts",64,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out3_biases = NDA("icp6_out3_biases",64) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out3 = NDA("icp6_out3",num_img,64,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_out3 = icp6_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_out3_filts,64,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x64
icp6_out0_filts = NDA("icp6_out0_filts",112,512,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp6_out0_biases = NDA("icp6_out0_biases",112) # SOURCE out_chan
icp6_out0 = NDA("icp6_out0",num_img,112,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,512)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp5_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp6_out0 = icp5_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp6_out0_filts,112,512)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x512x112
icp6_out = NDA("icp6_out",num_img,528,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp6_out",bots=[ icp6_out0, icp6_out1, icp6_out2, icp6_out3 ],tops=[ icp6_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls2_pool = NDA("cls2_pool",num_img,528,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls2_pool",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ cls2_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="3 3")
cls2_reduction_filts = NDA("cls2_reduction_filts",128,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_reduction_biases = NDA("cls2_reduction_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_reduction = NDA("cls2_reduction",num_img,128,4,4) # num,chan,y,x
cls2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",16,528)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls2_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=cls2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls2_reduction = cls2_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls2_reduction_filts,128,528)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 16x528x128
cls2_fc1_filts = NDA("cls2_fc1_filts",1024,128,4,4) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_fc1_biases = NDA("cls2_fc1_biases",1024) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_fc1 = NDA("cls2_fc1",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
cls2_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls2_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,2048)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls2_reduction[i,:,:,:], dest=cls2_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls2_fc1 = cls2_reduction_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls2_fc1_filts,1024,2048)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x2048x1024
cls2_fc2__filts = NDA("cls2_fc2__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls2_fc2__biases = NDA("cls2_fc2__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls2_fc2_ = NDA("cls2_fc2_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
cls2_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls2_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,1024)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls2_fc1[i,:,:,:], dest=cls2_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls2_fc2_ = cls2_fc1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls2_fc2__filts,33,1024)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x1024x33
icp7_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp7_reduction1_filts",160,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp7_reduction1_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_reduction1 = NDA("icp7_reduction1",num_img,160,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,528)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_reduction1 = icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_reduction1_filts,160,528)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x528x160
icp7_out1_filts = NDA("icp7_out1_filts",320,160,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out1_biases = NDA("icp7_out1_biases",320) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out1 = NDA("icp7_out1",num_img,320,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp7_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp7_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,1440)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp7_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp7_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_out1 = icp7_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_out1_filts,320,1440)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x1440x320
icp7_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp7_reduction2_filts",32,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp7_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_reduction2 = NDA("icp7_reduction2",num_img,32,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,528)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_reduction2 = icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_reduction2_filts,32,528)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x528x32
icp7_out2_filts = NDA("icp7_out2_filts",128,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out2_biases = NDA("icp7_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out2 = NDA("icp7_out2",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp7_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp7_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,800)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp7_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp7_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_out2 = icp7_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_out2_filts,128,800)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x800x128
icp7_pool = NDA("icp7_pool",num_img,528,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp7_pool",bots=[ icp6_out ],tops=[ icp7_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp7_out3_filts = NDA("icp7_out3_filts",128,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out3_biases = NDA("icp7_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out3 = NDA("icp7_out3",num_img,128,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp7_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp7_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,528)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp7_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp7_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_out3 = icp7_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_out3_filts,128,528)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x528x128
icp7_out0_filts = NDA("icp7_out0_filts",256,528,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp7_out0_biases = NDA("icp7_out0_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp7_out0 = NDA("icp7_out0",num_img,256,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",196,528)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp6_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp7_out0 = icp6_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp7_out0_filts,256,528)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 196x528x256
icp7_out = NDA("icp7_out",num_img,832,14,14) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp7_out",bots=[ icp7_out0, icp7_out1, icp7_out2, icp7_out3 ],tops=[ icp7_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp8_in = NDA("icp8_in",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp8_in",bots=[ icp7_out ],tops=[ icp8_in ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="2 2")
icp8_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp8_reduction1_filts",160,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp8_reduction1_biases",160) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_reduction1 = NDA("icp8_reduction1",num_img,160,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_reduction1 = icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_reduction1_filts,160,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x160
icp8_out1_filts = NDA("icp8_out1_filts",320,160,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out1_biases = NDA("icp8_out1_biases",320) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out1 = NDA("icp8_out1",num_img,320,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,1440)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_out1 = icp8_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_out1_filts,320,1440)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x1440x320
icp8_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp8_reduction2_filts",32,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp8_reduction2_biases",32) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_reduction2 = NDA("icp8_reduction2",num_img,32,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_reduction2 = icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_reduction2_filts,32,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x32
icp8_out2_filts = NDA("icp8_out2_filts",128,32,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out2_biases = NDA("icp8_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out2 = NDA("icp8_out2",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,800)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_out2 = icp8_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_out2_filts,128,800)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x800x128
icp8_pool = NDA("icp8_pool",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp8_pool",bots=[ icp8_in ],tops=[ icp8_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp8_out3_filts = NDA("icp8_out3_filts",128,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out3_biases = NDA("icp8_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out3 = NDA("icp8_out3",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_out3 = icp8_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_out3_filts,128,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x128
icp8_out0_filts = NDA("icp8_out0_filts",256,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp8_out0_biases = NDA("icp8_out0_biases",256) # SOURCE out_chan
icp8_out0 = NDA("icp8_out0",num_img,256,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_in[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp8_out0 = icp8_in_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp8_out0_filts,256,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x256
icp8_out = NDA("icp8_out",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp8_out",bots=[ icp8_out0, icp8_out1, icp8_out2, icp8_out3 ],tops=[ icp8_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
icp9_reduction1_filts = NDA("icp9_reduction1_filts",192,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_reduction1_biases = NDA("icp9_reduction1_biases",192) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_reduction1 = NDA("icp9_reduction1",num_img,192,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_reduction1 = icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_reduction1_filts,192,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x192
icp9_out1_filts = NDA("icp9_out1_filts",384,192,3,3) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out1_biases = NDA("icp9_out1_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out1 = NDA("icp9_out1",num_img,384,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp9_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp9_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,1728)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp9_reduction1[i,:,:,:], dest=icp9_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_out1 = icp9_reduction1_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_out1_filts,384,1728)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x1728x384
icp9_reduction2_filts = NDA("icp9_reduction2_filts",48,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_reduction2_biases = NDA("icp9_reduction2_biases",48) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_reduction2 = NDA("icp9_reduction2",num_img,48,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_reduction2 = icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_reduction2_filts,48,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x48
icp9_out2_filts = NDA("icp9_out2_filts",128,48,5,5) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out2_biases = NDA("icp9_out2_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out2 = NDA("icp9_out2",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp9_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp9_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,1200)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp9_reduction2[i,:,:,:], dest=icp9_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="2 2 2 2",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_out2 = icp9_reduction2_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_out2_filts,128,1200)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x1200x128
icp9_pool = NDA("icp9_pool",num_img,832,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="icp9_pool",bots=[ icp8_out ],tops=[ icp9_pool ],
in_pad="1 1 1 1",stride="1 1")
icp9_out3_filts = NDA("icp9_out3_filts",128,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out3_biases = NDA("icp9_out3_biases",128) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out3 = NDA("icp9_out3",num_img,128,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp9_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp9_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp9_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=icp9_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_out3 = icp9_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_out3_filts,128,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x128
icp9_out0_filts = NDA("icp9_out0_filts",384,832,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
icp9_out0_biases = NDA("icp9_out0_biases",384) # SOURCE out_chan
icp9_out0 = NDA("icp9_out0",num_img,384,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf",49,832)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=icp8_out[i,:,:,:], dest=icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
icp9_out0 = icp8_out_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(icp9_out0_filts,384,832)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 49x832x384
icp9_out = NDA("icp9_out",num_img,1024,7,7) # num,chan,y,x
Concat(name="icp9_out",bots=[ icp9_out0, icp9_out1, icp9_out2, icp9_out3 ],tops=[ icp9_out ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls3_pool = NDA("cls3_pool",num_img,1024,1,1) # num,chan,y,x
Pooling(name="cls3_pool",bots=[ icp9_out ],tops=[ cls3_pool ],
in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1")
cls3_fc__filts = NDA("cls3_fc__filts",33,1024,1,1) # SOURCE out_chan,in_chan,y,x
cls3_fc__biases = NDA("cls3_fc__biases",33) # SOURCE out_chan
cls3_fc_ = NDA("cls3_fc_",num_img,33,1,1) # SINK num,chan,y,x
cls3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf = NDA("cls3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf",1,1024)
for i in range(0,num_img):
patches_to_rows( src=cls3_pool[i,:,:,:], dest=cls3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf, in_pad="0 0 0 0",stride="1 1" ) # one copy per output elem
cls3_fc_ = cls3_pool_one_row_per_patch_buf * transpose(reshape(cls3_fc__filts,33,1024)) # sgemm: MxNxK == 1x1024x33
name: "GoogLeNet"
layers {
name: "data"
type: DATA
top: "data"
top: "label"
data_param {
#source: "train_lmdb"
#source: "/scratch/forresti/ilsvrc2012/ilsvrc2012_train_256x256_lmdb"
#source: "/nscratch/forresti/FlickrLogos-32/FlickrLogos-32_trainval_lmdb"
#source: "/nscratch/forresti/FlickrLogos-32/FlickrLogos-32_trainval_logosonly_lmdb"
source: "/scratch/datasets/imagenet_classification/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"
backend: LMDB
batch_size: 32
transform_param {
crop_size: 224
#mean_file: "network5_mean.binaryproto"
#mean_file: "/home/eecs/forresti/caffe_depthMax_and_hog/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
mean_file: "/scratch/datasets/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
mirror: true
include: { phase: TRAIN }
layers {
name: "data"
type: DATA
top: "data"
top: "label"
data_param {
#source: "test_lmdb"
#source: "/scratch/forresti/ilsvrc2012/ilsvrc2012_val_256x256_lmdb"
#source: "/nscratch/forresti/FlickrLogos-32/FlickrLogos-32_test_lmdb"
#source: "/nscratch/forresti/FlickrLogos-32/FlickrLogos-32_test_logosonly_lmdb"
source: "/scratch/datasets/imagenet_classification/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"
backend: LMDB
#batch_size: 32
batch_size: 25
transform_param {
crop_size: 224
#mean_file: "network5_mean.binaryproto"
#mean_file: "/home/eecs/forresti/caffe_depthMax_and_hog/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
mean_file: "/scratch/datasets/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
mirror: false
include: { phase: TEST }
layers {
name: "conv1"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 7
stride: 2
pad: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.015
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu1"
type: RELU
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
layers {
name: "pool1"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
pad: 0
layers {
name: "norm1"
type: LRN
bottom: "pool1"
top: "norm1"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layers {
name: "reduction2"
bottom: "norm1"
top: "reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
group: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "reduction2"
top: "reduction2"
layers {
name: "conv2"
bottom: "reduction2"
top: "conv2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 192
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
group: 1
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.02
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu2"
type: RELU
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
layers {
name: "norm2"
type: LRN
bottom: "conv2"
top: "norm2"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layers {
name: "pool2"
bottom: "norm2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
pad: 0
# Inception module 1 ***************
layers {
name: "icp1_reduction1"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "icp1_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_reduction1"
top: "icp1_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp1_reduction2"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "icp1_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 16
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_reduction2"
top: "icp1_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp1_pool"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "icp1_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp1_out0"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "icp1_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_out0"
top: "icp1_out0"
layers {
name: "icp1_out1"
bottom: "icp1_reduction1"
top: "icp1_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_out1"
top: "icp1_out1"
layers {
name: "icp1_out2"
bottom: "icp1_reduction2"
top: "icp1_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_out2"
top: "icp1_out2"
layers {
name: "icp1_out3"
bottom: "icp1_pool"
top: "icp1_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp1_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp1_out3"
top: "icp1_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp2_in"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp1_out0"
bottom: "icp1_out1"
bottom: "icp1_out2"
bottom: "icp1_out3"
top: "icp2_in"
# Inception module 2 ***************
layers {
name: "icp2_reduction1"
bottom: "icp2_in"
top: "icp2_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_reduction1"
top: "icp2_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp2_reduction2"
bottom: "icp2_in"
top: "icp2_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_reduction2"
top: "icp2_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp2_pool"
bottom: "icp2_in"
top: "icp2_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp2_out0"
bottom: "icp2_in"
top: "icp2_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_out0"
top: "icp2_out0"
layers {
name: "icp2_out1"
bottom: "icp2_reduction1"
top: "icp2_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 192
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_out1"
top: "icp2_out1"
layers {
name: "icp2_out2"
bottom: "icp2_reduction2"
top: "icp2_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_out2"
top: "icp2_out2"
layers {
name: "icp2_out3"
bottom: "icp2_pool"
top: "icp2_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp2_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp2_out3"
top: "icp2_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp2_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp2_out0"
bottom: "icp2_out1"
bottom: "icp2_out2"
bottom: "icp2_out3"
top: "icp2_out"
layers {
name: "icp3_in"
bottom: "icp2_out"
top: "icp3_in"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
pad: 0
# Inception module 3 ***************
layers {
name: "icp3_reduction1"
bottom: "icp3_in"
top: "icp3_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_reduction1"
top: "icp3_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp3_reduction2"
bottom: "icp3_in"
top: "icp3_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 16
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_reduction2"
top: "icp3_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp3_pool"
bottom: "icp3_in"
top: "icp3_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp3_out0"
bottom: "icp3_in"
top: "icp3_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 192
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_out0"
top: "icp3_out0"
layers {
name: "icp3_out1"
bottom: "icp3_reduction1"
top: "icp3_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 208
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_out1"
top: "icp3_out1"
layers {
name: "icp3_out2"
bottom: "icp3_reduction2"
top: "icp3_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 48
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_out2"
top: "icp3_out2"
layers {
name: "icp3_out3"
bottom: "icp3_pool"
top: "icp3_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp3_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp3_out3"
top: "icp3_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp3_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp3_out0"
bottom: "icp3_out1"
bottom: "icp3_out2"
bottom: "icp3_out3"
top: "icp3_out"
# first classification branch ************
layers {
name: "cls1_pool"
bottom: "icp3_out"
top: "cls1_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: AVE
kernel_size: 5
stride: 3
pad: 0
# this padding is somewhat special
layers {
name: "cls1_reduction"
bottom: "cls1_pool"
top: "cls1_reduction"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_cls1_reduction"
type: RELU
bottom: "cls1_reduction"
top: "cls1_reduction"
layers {
name: "cls1_fc1"
bottom: "cls1_reduction"
top: "cls1_fc1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 1024
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_cls1_fc1"
type: RELU
bottom: "cls1_fc1"
top: "cls1_fc1"
layers {
name: "cls1_drop"
bottom: "cls1_fc1"
top: "cls1_fc1"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.7
layers {
name: "cls1_fc2_"
bottom: "cls1_fc1"
top: "cls1_fc2_"
#blobs_lr: 1
#blobs_lr: 2
# blobs_lr is set to higher than for other layers, because this layer is starting from random while the others are already trained
blobs_lr: 10
blobs_lr: 20
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
inner_product_param {
#num_output: 1000
num_output: 33
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "loss1"
bottom: "cls1_fc2_"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss1"
loss_weight: 1
# Inception module 4 ***************
layers {
name: "icp4_reduction1"
bottom: "icp3_out"
top: "icp4_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 112
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_reduction1"
top: "icp4_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp4_reduction2"
bottom: "icp3_out"
top: "icp4_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 24
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_reduction2"
top: "icp4_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp4_pool"
bottom: "icp3_out"
top: "icp4_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp4_out0"
bottom: "icp3_out"
top: "icp4_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 160
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_out0"
top: "icp4_out0"
layers {
name: "icp4_out1"
bottom: "icp4_reduction1"
top: "icp4_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 224
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_out1"
top: "icp4_out1"
layers {
name: "icp4_out2"
bottom: "icp4_reduction2"
top: "icp4_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_out2"
top: "icp4_out2"
layers {
name: "icp4_out3"
bottom: "icp4_pool"
top: "icp4_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp4_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp4_out3"
top: "icp4_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp4_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp4_out0"
bottom: "icp4_out1"
bottom: "icp4_out2"
bottom: "icp4_out3"
top: "icp4_out"
# Inception module 5 ***************
layers {
name: "icp5_reduction1"
bottom: "icp4_out"
top: "icp5_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_reduction1"
top: "icp5_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp5_reduction2"
bottom: "icp4_out"
top: "icp5_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 24
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_reduction2"
top: "icp5_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp5_pool"
bottom: "icp4_out"
top: "icp5_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp5_out0"
bottom: "icp4_out"
top: "icp5_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_out0"
top: "icp5_out0"
layers {
name: "icp5_out1"
bottom: "icp5_reduction1"
top: "icp5_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_out1"
top: "icp5_out1"
layers {
name: "icp5_out2"
bottom: "icp5_reduction2"
top: "icp5_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_out2"
top: "icp5_out2"
layers {
name: "icp5_out3"
bottom: "icp5_pool"
top: "icp5_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp5_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp5_out3"
top: "icp5_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp5_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp5_out0"
bottom: "icp5_out1"
bottom: "icp5_out2"
bottom: "icp5_out3"
top: "icp5_out"
# Inception module 6 ***************
layers {
name: "icp6_reduction1"
bottom: "icp5_out"
top: "icp6_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_reduction1"
top: "icp6_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp6_reduction2"
bottom: "icp5_out"
top: "icp6_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_reduction2"
top: "icp6_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp6_pool"
bottom: "icp5_out"
top: "icp6_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp6_out0"
bottom: "icp5_out"
top: "icp6_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 112
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_out0"
top: "icp6_out0"
layers {
name: "icp6_out1"
bottom: "icp6_reduction1"
top: "icp6_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 288
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_out1"
top: "icp6_out1"
layers {
name: "icp6_out2"
bottom: "icp6_reduction2"
top: "icp6_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_out2"
top: "icp6_out2"
layers {
name: "icp6_out3"
bottom: "icp6_pool"
top: "icp6_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp6_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp6_out3"
top: "icp6_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp6_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp6_out0"
bottom: "icp6_out1"
bottom: "icp6_out2"
bottom: "icp6_out3"
top: "icp6_out"
# second classification branch ************
layers {
name: "cls2_pool"
bottom: "icp6_out"
top: "cls2_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: AVE
kernel_size: 5
stride: 3
pad: 0
# this padding is somewhat special
layers {
name: "cls2_reduction"
bottom: "cls2_pool"
top: "cls2_reduction"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_cls2_reduction"
type: RELU
bottom: "cls2_reduction"
top: "cls2_reduction"
layers {
name: "cls2_fc1"
bottom: "cls2_reduction"
top: "cls2_fc1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 1024
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_cls2_fc1"
type: RELU
bottom: "cls2_fc1"
top: "cls2_fc1"
layers {
name: "cls2_drop"
bottom: "cls2_fc1"
top: "cls2_fc1"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.7
layers {
name: "cls2_fc2_"
bottom: "cls2_fc1"
top: "cls2_fc2_"
#blobs_lr: 1
#blobs_lr: 2
# blobs_lr is set to higher than for other layers, because this layer is starting from random while the others are already trained
blobs_lr: 10
blobs_lr: 20
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
inner_product_param {
#num_output: 1000
num_output: 33
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "loss2"
bottom: "cls2_fc2_"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss2"
loss_weight: 1
# Inception module 7 ***************
layers {
name: "icp7_reduction1"
bottom: "icp6_out"
top: "icp7_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 160
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_reduction1"
top: "icp7_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp7_reduction2"
bottom: "icp6_out"
top: "icp7_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_reduction2"
top: "icp7_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp7_pool"
bottom: "icp6_out"
top: "icp7_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp7_out0"
bottom: "icp6_out"
top: "icp7_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_out0"
top: "icp7_out0"
layers {
name: "icp7_out1"
bottom: "icp7_reduction1"
top: "icp7_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 320
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_out1"
top: "icp7_out1"
layers {
name: "icp7_out2"
bottom: "icp7_reduction2"
top: "icp7_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_out2"
top: "icp7_out2"
layers {
name: "icp7_out3"
bottom: "icp7_pool"
top: "icp7_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp7_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp7_out3"
top: "icp7_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp7_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp7_out0"
bottom: "icp7_out1"
bottom: "icp7_out2"
bottom: "icp7_out3"
top: "icp7_out"
layers {
name: "icp8_in"
bottom: "icp7_out"
top: "icp8_in"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
pad: 0
# Inception module 8 ***************
layers {
name: "icp8_reduction1"
bottom: "icp8_in"
top: "icp8_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 160
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_reduction1"
top: "icp8_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp8_reduction2"
bottom: "icp8_in"
top: "icp8_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_reduction2"
top: "icp8_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp8_pool"
bottom: "icp8_in"
top: "icp8_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp8_out0"
bottom: "icp8_in"
top: "icp8_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_out0"
top: "icp8_out0"
layers {
name: "icp8_out1"
bottom: "icp8_reduction1"
top: "icp8_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 320
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_out1"
top: "icp8_out1"
layers {
name: "icp8_out2"
bottom: "icp8_reduction2"
top: "icp8_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_out2"
top: "icp8_out2"
layers {
name: "icp8_out3"
bottom: "icp8_pool"
top: "icp8_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp8_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp8_out3"
top: "icp8_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp8_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp8_out0"
bottom: "icp8_out1"
bottom: "icp8_out2"
bottom: "icp8_out3"
top: "icp8_out"
# Inception module 9 ***************
layers {
name: "icp9_reduction1"
bottom: "icp8_out"
top: "icp9_reduction1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 192
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_reduction1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_reduction1"
top: "icp9_reduction1"
layers {
name: "icp9_reduction2"
bottom: "icp8_out"
top: "icp9_reduction2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 48
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_reduction2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_reduction2"
top: "icp9_reduction2"
layers {
name: "icp9_pool"
bottom: "icp8_out"
top: "icp9_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
# ***********
layers {
name: "icp9_out0"
bottom: "icp8_out"
top: "icp9_out0"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_out0"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_out0"
top: "icp9_out0"
layers {
name: "icp9_out1"
bottom: "icp9_reduction1"
top: "icp9_out1"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.04
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_out1"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_out1"
top: "icp9_out1"
layers {
name: "icp9_out2"
bottom: "icp9_reduction2"
top: "icp9_out2"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.08
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_out2"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_out2"
top: "icp9_out2"
layers {
name: "icp9_out3"
bottom: "icp9_pool"
top: "icp9_out3"
blobs_lr: 1
blobs_lr: 2
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 0
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "relu_icp9_out3"
type: RELU
bottom: "icp9_out3"
top: "icp9_out3"
# Concat them together
layers {
name: "icp9_out"
type: CONCAT
bottom: "icp9_out0"
bottom: "icp9_out1"
bottom: "icp9_out2"
bottom: "icp9_out3"
top: "icp9_out"
# third classification branch
layers {
name: "cls3_pool"
bottom: "icp9_out"
top: "cls3_pool"
pooling_param {
pool: AVE
kernel_size: 7
stride: 1
pad: 0
# This padding is somewhat special
layers {
name: "cls3_drop"
bottom: "cls3_pool"
top: "cls3_pool"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.4
layers {
name: "cls3_fc_"
bottom: "cls3_pool"
top: "cls3_fc_"
#blobs_lr: 1
#blobs_lr: 2
# blobs_lr is set to higher than for other layers, because this layer is starting from random while the others are already trained
blobs_lr: 10
blobs_lr: 20
weight_decay: 1
weight_decay: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 33
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layers {
name: "loss3"
bottom: "cls3_fc_"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss3"
loss_weight: 1
layers {
name: "accuracy1"
bottom: "cls3_fc_"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy1"
include: { phase: TEST }
layers {
name: "accuracy5"
bottom: "cls3_fc_"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy5"
include: { phase: TEST }
accuracy_param {
top_k: 5
# from up one dir from gist (i.e. run/tr1)
boda cnet_ana --in-model=alexnet_ng_conv --in-sz=227 --print-ops=1 && cp ex_gist/alexnet_ng_conv.txt
boda cnet_ana --in-model=googlenet_ft_fl --in-sz=224 --print-ops=1 && cp ex_gist/googlenet.txt
boda cnet_ana --in-model=alexnet_ng_conv --in-sz=227 --print-ops=1 --expand-ops=1 && cp ex_gist
boda cnet_ana --in-model=googlenet_ft_fl --in-sz=224 --print-ops=1 --expand-ops=1 && cp ex_gist
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