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Created December 4, 2015 02:10
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def needs_washup?(mech, invoice_rel)
# Gets some info from the page at{invoice_rel},
# checks if the accuracy_status of the invoice is actual, and if the total due
# equals 0. If accuracy_status is actual and total due != 0, return true, else false
page = mech.get("" + invoice_rel)
accuracy_status ='dl[id="invoice_details"]').to_s.include?("actual")
invoice_lines ='tfoot[class~="invoice-totals"]').children
# Strip out all of the whitespace
totals = invoice_lines.text.gsub(/\s+/, "")
# Iterate backwards through until we get a $ character - this index will be
# where to slice to get just the total due
dollar = -1
while totals[dollar] != '$'
dollar -= 1
wash_up = (totals [dollar + 1..-1].to_f != 0.00) && accuracy_status
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