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Created December 27, 2011 16:00
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#ifndef BigFoot_Big_h
#define BigFoot_Big_h
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "TypeTraits.h"
#include "BigPrivate.h"
/** @brief BigFoot, aribitrary length integer library */
namespace BigFoot {
@brief Class for storing integers with arbitrary length
@tparam T Type for internal storage
template<class T = int> class Big {
typedef T Type; /**< @brief Type for internal storage */
* @brief Construct the value from character sequence
* @tparam base Input base (see @c convert parameter)
* @param value String value
* @param conver Converter to use (as there is no way to
* explicitly call templated constructor, you can workaround it
* here by passing class instance, e.g. Convert<16>() for
* hexadecimal numbers)
template<size_t base = 10> Big(const std::string& value, Convert<base> convert = Convert<base>()): d(new BigPrivate<Type>(1)) {
if(value.empty()) return;
bool negate = false;
size_t end = 1;
if(value[0] == '-') negate = true;
else if(value[0] != '+') end = 0;
Big<Type> result;
Big<Type> multiplier(1);
for(size_t i = value.size(); i != end; --i) {
char tmp = Convert<base>::from(value[i-1]);
if(tmp == -1) return;
result += tmp*multiplier;
multiplier *= base;
delete d;
d = result.d;
result.d = 0;
if(negate) *this = -*this;
/** @brief Construct default (zero) value */
inline Big(): d(new BigPrivate<Type>(1)) { ++d->references; }
/** @brief Construct the value from storage type */
Big(Type value) {
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType data(value);
d = new BigPrivate<Type>(&data, 1);
/** @brief Construct the value from user type (wider than Type) */
template<class U> Big(U value, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<U>::value && (sizeof(U) > sizeof(typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType))>::type* = 0) {
size_t size = sizeof(U)/sizeof(typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType);
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType data[sizeof(U)/sizeof(typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType)];
for(size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
data[i] = value & TypeTraits<Type>::mask;
value >>= TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
d = new BigPrivate<Type>(data, size);
/** @brief Copy constructor */
Big(const Big<Type>& other) {
d = other.d;
/** @brief Destructor */
inline ~Big() { if(d && !--d->references) delete d; }
/** @brief Assignment operator */
Big<Type>& operator=(const Big<Type>& other) {
if(d != other.d) {
if(!--d->references) delete d;
d = other.d;
return *this;
* @brief Value as character sequence
* @tparam base Output base
template<size_t base = 10> std::string value() const {
std::string result;
bool negate = *this < 0;
Big<Type> tmp(*this < 0 ? -*this : *this);
do {
Type remainder;
tmp = tmp.divideWithRemainder(base, &remainder);
} while(tmp != 0);
if(negate) result.push_back('-');
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
/** @{ @name Mathematical operators */
/** @brief Positive value */
inline Big<Type> operator+() const { return *this; }
/** @brief Negative value */
Big<Type> operator-() const {
Big<Type> result;
/* Negate */
for(size_t i = 0; i != d->data.size(); ++i)
result.d->data[i] = ~d->data[i];
/* Add 1 */
return ++result;
/** @brief Addition */
Big<Type> operator+(const Big<Type>& other_) const {
/* Detach and extend smaller number to size of larger */
Big<Type> result(other_.d->data.size() >= d->data.size() ? *this : other_);
const Big<Type>& other(other_.d->data.size() >= d->data.size() ? other_ : *this);
typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType tmp(0);
for(size_t i = 0; i != result.d->data.size()-1; ++i) {
/* Add the numbers */
tmp += static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(result.d->data[i]) +
static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(other.d->data[i]);
/* Save (truncated) and take out the carry for next iteration */
result.d->data[i] = tmp;
tmp >>= TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
/* Last number with signed extension */
tmp += static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(
static_cast<Type>(result.d->data.back())) +
static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(
result.d->data.back() = tmp;
tmp >>= TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
/* Add carry, if any, preserve signedness */
if((*this < 0) == (other_ < 0) && ((tmp != TypeTraits<Type>::mask && tmp != 0) || (*this < 0) != (result < 0)))
return result;
/** @brief Addition assignment */
inline Big<Type>& operator+=(const Big<Type>& other) {
*this = operator+(other);
return *this;
/** @brief Prefix increment */
inline Big<Type>& operator++() { return operator+=(1); }
/** @brief Postfix increment */
inline Big<Type> operator++(int) {
Big<Type> result(*this);
return result;
/** @brief Substraction */
inline Big<Type> operator-(const Big<Type>& other) const {
return operator+(-other);
/** @brief Substraction assignment */
inline Big<Type>& operator-=(const Big<Type>& other) {
return operator+=(-other);
/** @brief Prefix decrement */
inline Big<Type>& operator--() { return operator-=(1); }
/** @brief Postfix increment */
inline Big<Type> operator--(int) {
Big<Type> result(*this);
return result;
/** @brief Bitwise left shift */
Big<Type> operator<<(size_t bits) const {
Big<Type> result(*this);
/* Add elements to beginning of the vector */
size_t count = bits/TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
result.d->data.insert(result.d->data.begin(), count, 0);
/* Move the bits */
bits %= TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
if(bits) {
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType tmp;
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType carry(0);
for(size_t i = 0; i != result.d->data.size(); ++i) {
tmp = (result.d->data[i] << bits) | carry;
carry = result.d->data[i] >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-bits);
result.d->data[i] = tmp;
if(carry) result.d->data.push_back(carry);
return result;
/** @brief Bitwise left shift assignment */
inline Big<Type>& operator<<=(size_t bits) {
*this = operator<<(bits);
return *this;
/** @brief Multiplication */
Big<Type> operator*(const Big<Type>& other) const {
bool negative = ((other >= 0) != (*this >= 0));
Big<Type> a = *this < 0 ? -*this : *this;
Big<Type> b = other < 0 ? -other : other;
Big<Type> result;
for(size_t oi = 0; oi != b.d->data.size(); ++oi) {
Big<Type> part(new BigPrivate<Type>(a.d->data.size()));
typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType tmp(0);
for(size_t i = 0; i != a.d->data.size(); ++i) {
/* Multiply the numbers */
tmp += static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(a.d->data[i]) *
static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(b.d->data[oi]);
/* Save and take out the carry for next iteration */
part.d->data[i] = tmp;
tmp >>= TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
/* Add carry, if any, preserve signedness */
if((tmp != 0 && (tmp & TypeTraits<Type>::mask) != TypeTraits<Type>::mask) || part < 0)
result += (part << oi*TypeTraits<Type>::bits);
return negative ? -result : result;
/** @brief Multiplication assignment */
inline Big<Type> operator*=(const Big<Type>& other) {
*this = operator*(other);
return *this;
/** @brief Division (only with storage type) */
Big<Type> operator/(Type divisor) const {
Type remainder;
return divideWithRemainder(divisor, &remainder);
/** @brief Division assignment (only with storage type) */
Big<Type>& operator/=(Type divisor) {
*this = operator/(divisor);
return *this;
/** @brief Modulo (only with storage type) */
Type operator%(Type divisor) {
Type remainder;
divideWithRemainder(divisor, &remainder);
return remainder;
/** @{ @name Relational operators */
/** @brief Equality */
inline bool operator==(const Big<Type>& other) const {
if(other.d->data.size() != d->data.size()) return false;
for(size_t i = d->data.size(); i != 0; --i)
if(d->data[i-1] != other.d->data[i-1])
return false;
return true;
/** @brief Equal to */
inline bool operator!=(const Big<Type>& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
/** @brief Greater than or equal */
inline bool operator>=(const Big<Type>& other) const {
if((d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) <
(other.d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)))
return true;
if((d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) >
(other.d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)))
return false;
if(d->data.size() > other.d->data.size()) return true;
if(d->data.size() < other.d->data.size()) return false;
for(size_t i = d->data.size(); i != 0; --i)
if(d->data[i-1] < other.d->data[i-1]) return false;
return true;
/** @brief Greater than */
inline bool operator>(const Big<Type>& other) const {
return !operator<=(other);
/** @brief Less than or equal */
inline bool operator<=(const Big<Type>& other) const {
if((d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) >
(other.d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)))
return true;
if((d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) <
(other.d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)))
return false;
if(d->data.size() < other.d->data.size()) return true;
if(d->data.size() > other.d->data.size()) return false;
for(size_t i = d->data.size(); i != 0; --i)
if(d->data[i-1] > other.d->data[i-1]) return false;
return true;
/** @brief Less than */
inline bool operator<(const Big<Type>& other) const {
return !operator>=(other);
BigPrivate<Type>* d; /**< @brief Private object */
/** @brief Construct this object from given private object */
inline explicit Big(BigPrivate<Type>* d): d(d) {
/** @brief Detach this object from all shared references */
inline void detach() {
if(d->references > 1) {
d = new BigPrivate<Type>(*d);
d->references = 1;
* @brief Value for extending the data
* Zeros for positive (unsigned data), ones for negative signed data.
inline typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType extensionValue() const {
return (d->data.back() >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) ? TypeTraits<Type>::mask : 0;
/** @brief Sign extend the data to given size */
void signExtend(size_t size) {
if(size == d->data.size()) return;
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType value = extensionValue();
for(size_t i = d->data.size(); i < size; ++i)
/** @brief Clean the number
* Removes unneeded items at the end (all zeros or all ones in
* signed types).
void clean() {
typename TypeTraits<Type>::StorageType value = extensionValue();
/* nesmím když je kladné / neznaménkové a další odebrání by to zničilo */
while(d->data.size() > 1 && d->data.back() == value) {
/* Exit when another removal would change the sign */
if((d->data[d->data.size() - 2] >> (TypeTraits<Type>::bits-1)) != (value & 1))
/** @brief Division with remainder saving (only with storage type) */
Big<Type> divideWithRemainder(Type divisor, Type* remainder) const {
bool negative = (divisor >= 0) != (*this >= 0);
Big<Type> a = *this < 0 ? -*this : *this;
divisor = abs(divisor);
Big<Type> result(new BigPrivate<Type>(a.d->data.size()));
typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType tmp(0);
for(size_t i = a.d->data.size(); i != 0; --i) {
tmp+=static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(a.d->data[i-1]);
result.d->data[i-1] = tmp/static_cast<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ComputationType>(divisor);
tmp = (tmp%divisor << TypeTraits<Type>::bits);
*remainder = tmp >> TypeTraits<Type>::bits;
return negative ? -result : result;
#define outside_operator(op) \
template<class T, class U> inline auto operator op(T a, const Big<U>& b) -> decltype(Big<U>(a).operator op(b)) { \
return Big<U>(a) op b; \
#undef outside_operator
template<class T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Big<T>& number) {
return out << number.value();
template<class T> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Big<T>& number) {
std::string value;
while(in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9')
number = Big<T>(value);
return in;
#include <cassert>
#include "Big.h"
using BigFoot::TypeTraits;
void testPow() {
assert(BigFoot::pow(10, 0) == 1);
assert(BigFoot::pow(2, 10) == 1024);
void testFac() {
assert(BigFoot::fac(0) == 1);
assert(BigFoot::fac(5) == 120);
void testFib() {
assert(BigFoot::fib(0) == 0);
assert(BigFoot::fib(1) == 1);
assert(BigFoot::fib(11) == 89);
template<class T> void testBig() {
typedef BigFoot::Big<T> BigInt;
/* Create and compare */
assert(BigInt(1234) == 1234);
assert(BigInt(123456) != 123457);
/* Comparing two positive */
assert(!(BigInt(123456) >= 123457) && BigInt(123456) >= 123456 && BigInt(123456) >= 123455);
assert(!(BigInt(123456) <= 123455) && BigInt(123456) <= 123456 && BigInt(123456) <= 123457);
assert(BigInt(123456) > 123455 && !(BigInt(123456) > 123456) && !(BigInt(123456) > 123457));
assert(!(BigInt(123456) < 123455) && !(BigInt(123456) < 123456) && BigInt(123456) < 123457);
/* Comparing two negative */
assert(BigInt(-123456) >= -123457 && BigInt(-123456) >= -123456 && !(BigInt(-123456) >= -123455));
assert(BigInt(-123456) <= -123455 && BigInt(-123456) <= -123456 && !(BigInt(-123456) <= -123457));
assert(!(BigInt(-123456) > -123455) && !(BigInt(-123456) > -123456) && BigInt(-123456) > -123457);
assert(BigInt(-123456) < -123455 && !(BigInt(-123456) < -123456) && !(BigInt(-123456) < -123457));
/* Comparing positive and negative */
assert(BigInt(123456) >= BigInt(-123456) && !(BigInt(-123456) >= BigInt(123456)));
assert(BigInt(-123456) <= BigInt(123456) && !(BigInt(123456) <= BigInt(-123456)));
assert(BigInt(123456) > BigInt(-123456) && !(BigInt(-123456) > BigInt(123456)));
assert(BigInt(-123456) < BigInt(123456) && !(BigInt(123456) < BigInt(-123456)));
/* Comparing negative to zero */
assert(BigInt(T(0)) >= -123456 && !(BigInt(-123456) >= 0));
assert(BigInt(-123456) <= 0 && !(BigInt(T(0)) <= -123456));
assert(BigInt(T(0)) > -123456 && !(BigInt(-123456) > 0));
assert(BigInt(-123456) < 0 && !(BigInt(T(0)) < -123456));
/* Autoclean */
assert(BigInt(TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask) > 0);
assert(BigInt(-1 & ~TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask) < 0);
/* Copy and assign */
BigInt source(123456);
BigInt destination(source);
destination = 0;
assert(source == 123456);
destination = source;
source = 123455;
assert(destination == 123456);
/* Add */
BigInt a(123456);
BigInt b(1);
assert(a + b == 123457);
assert(a == 123456 && b == 1);
/* Preserve signedness */
assert(BigInt(1ul << (TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits-2)) +
BigInt(1ul << (TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits-2)) > 0);
assert(BigInt(static_cast<typename BigInt::Type>(1ul << (TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits-1))) +
BigInt(static_cast<typename BigInt::Type>(1ul << (TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits-1))) < 0);
/* Overflow */
assert(BigInt(TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask) + TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask == TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask*2);
/* Substract */
assert(a - b == 123455);
assert(123456 - b == 123455 && a - 1 == 123455);
assert(a == 123456 && b == 1);
assert((BigInt(0xFFF) + 123456) - 2*123456 ==
BigInt(0xFFF) - 123456);
/* Increment/decrement */
BigInt prefix(123455);
BigInt postfix(prefix);
assert(++prefix == 123456);
assert(postfix++ == 123455 && postfix == 123456);
assert(--prefix == 123455);
assert(postfix-- == 123456 && postfix == 123455);
/* Negative values */
assert(-BigInt(123456) == -123456);
assert(-(-BigInt(123456)) == 123456);
assert(123456 - BigInt(0xFFF) == -(BigInt(0xFFF-123456)));
/* Multiplication */
assert(BigInt(123456)*123456 == 123456ll*123456ll);
assert(BigInt(123456)*-123456 == -123456ll*123456ll);
assert(BigInt(-123456)*123456 == -123456ll*123456ll);
assert(BigInt(-123456)*-123456 == 123456ll*123456ll);
/* Left shift (multiplication depends on it, but it cannot be tested
without multiplication, so it is after it */
assert(BigInt(1) << TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits == pow(BigInt(2), TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::bits));
assert(BigInt(TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask) << 1 == BigInt(TypeTraits<typename BigInt::Type>::mask)*2);
/* Create from string */
assert(BigInt("123456") == 123456);
assert(BigInt("-123456") == -123456);
assert(BigInt("666", BigFoot::Convert<8>()) == 0666);
assert(BigInt("Cafe8abe", BigFoot::Convert<16>()) == 0xcafe8abel);
/* Division */
assert(BigInt(2)/2 == 1);
assert(BigInt(123456)/96 == 1286);
/* Save to string */
assert(BigInt().value() == "0");
assert(BigInt(123456).value() == "123456");
assert(BigInt(-123456).value() == "-123456");
assert(BigInt(0666).template value<8>() == "666");
assert(BigInt(0xcafe8abel).template value<16>() == "cafe8abe");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testBig<long long>();
return 0;
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