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Created October 26, 2016 02:37
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linked list all cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
int data;
Node * next;
void insertAtTheBegining(Node * &head, int el) {
Node * temp = new Node;
temp->data = el;
temp -> next = NULL;
if(head == NULL){
head = temp;
temp->next = head;
head = temp;
void insertAtTheEnd(Node * &head, int el){
Node *ptr = new Node;
ptr -> data = el;
ptr -> next = NULL;
if(head == NULL){
head = ptr;
Node * it = head;
while(it -> next != NULL){
it = it -> next;
it -> next = ptr;
void printList(Node * head) {
while (head != NULL) {
cout << head->data << "-->";
head = head->next;
cout << "NULL" << endl;
void reversePrint(Node *head) {
if(head == NULL) {
cout << head->data << " ";
void deleteFromEnd(Node * & head) {
if (head == NULL) {
if (head->next == NULL) {
delete head;
head = 0;
Node *it = head;
while (it->next->next != NULL) {
it = it->next;
delete it->next;
it->next = 0;
void deleteFromHead(Node * &head){
if(head == NULL){
if(head -> next == NULL){
head = NULL;
Node * temp = head;
head = head -> next;
temp -> next = NULL;
void findElementAtK(Node * head, int k){
Node * it = head;
int i = k - 1;
while(it && i){
it = it -> next;
cout << "Position Entered was Invalid, Please enter a valid Position!\n";
cout << "Element at kth Position is : " << (it -> data) << '\n';
void findMidOfTheList(Node * head){
Node * it1, * it2;
it1 = it2 = head;
/// it2 != NULL is for the Even length list case and it->next != NULL is for the odd length list case.
while(it2 && it2 -> next){
it1 = it1 -> next;
it2 = it2 -> next -> next;
cout << "Middle Element of the Linked List is : " << (it1 -> data) <<'\n';
int LengthOfLinkedList(Node * head){
int l=0;
Node *it = head;
it = it -> next;
return l;
/// Given two sorted Linked list merge them into One.
Node * MergeSorted(Node * head1, Node * head2){
Node * it1 = head1, *it2 = head2, *sortHead = NULL, *sortTail;
while(it1 && it2){
if((it1->data) < (it2->data)){
if(sortHead == NULL){
sortHead = sortTail =it1;
it1 = it1 -> next;
} else {
sortTail -> next = it1;
it1 = it1 -> next;
sortTail = sortTail -> next;
sortTail -> next = NULL;
} else {
if(sortHead == NULL){
sortHead = it2;
it2 = it2 -> next;
sortTail = sortHead;
} else {
sortTail -> next = it2;
it2 = it2 -> next;
sortTail = sortTail -> next;
sortTail -> next = NULL;
sortTail -> next = it1;
it1 = it1 -> next;
sortTail = sortTail -> next;
sortTail -> next = NULL;
sortTail -> next = it2;
it2 = it2 -> next;
sortTail = sortTail -> next;
sortTail -> next = NULL;
return sortHead;
/// Eliminate Duplicates from a sorted LinkedList.
void EliminateDuplicates(Node * head){
Node * it = head;
/// check condition.
while(it && it->next){
if((it->data) == (it->next->data)){
Node * temp = it -> next;
it -> next = it -> next -> next;
temp -> next = NULL;
delete (temp);
} else {
it = it -> next;
/// Check Palindrome, Approach - Returning a Structure with a Node address and a boolean value.
struct myvar{
Node *add;
bool check;
myvar checkPalindrome(Node *head, Node*curr){
myvar var;
if(curr -> next == NULL){
if(curr -> data == head->data){
var.add = head -> next;
var.check = true;
} else {
var.add = NULL;
var.check = false;
return var;
myvar subans = checkPalindrome(head, curr -> next);
if(subans.check == false){
return subans;
if(subans.add -> data != curr -> data){
subans.add = NULL;
subans.check = false;
return subans;
subans.add = subans.add -> next;
subans.check = true;
return subans;
/// Check if two linked list are reverse of each other.
myvar checkIfReverse(Node * head1, Node * head2){
myvar var;
if(head2 -> next == NULL){
if(head2->data == head1->data){
var.add = head1 -> next;
var.check = true;
} else {
var.add = NULL;
var.check = false;
return var;
myvar subans = checkIfReverse(head1, head2->next);
if(subans.check == false){
return subans;
if(subans.add->data != head2->data){
subans.add = NULL;
subans.check = false;
return subans;
subans.add = subans.add->next;
subans.check = true;
return subans;
/// Append last n element to the front of the linked list.
void AppendLastN(Node * &head, int n){
Node *it = head;
int l = LengthOfLinkedList(head);
if(l-n == 0){
if(l-n < 0){
cout << "Operation Not Possible!";
l = l - n - 1;
it = it -> next;
Node * newHead = it -> next;
it -> next = NULL;
it = newHead;
while(it -> next != NULL){
it = it -> next;
it -> next = head;
head = newHead;
void deleteElementAtKPosition(Node * &head, int k){
if(k == 1){
int l = LengthOfLinkedList(head);
if(k > l){
cout << "Deletion not Possible! Value of k does not exist!";
Node * temp, *it = head;
k = k - 2;
it = it -> next;
temp = it -> next;
it -> next = it -> next -> next;
temp -> next = NULL;
delete (temp);
void insertElementAtKPosition(Node * &head, int k, int el){
if(k == 1){
insertAtTheBegining(head, el);
int l = LengthOfLinkedList(head);
if(k > l+1){
cout << "Insertion Not Possible! Invalid Value of k!";
Node * ptr = new Node, *it = head;
ptr -> data = el;
ptr -> next = NULL;
k = k - 2;
it = it -> next;
ptr -> next = it -> next;
it -> next = ptr;
void SwapNodesIandJ(Node * &head, int i, int j){
if(i == j){
int k = min(i, j);
j = max(i, j);
i = k;
Node * previ = NULL, *prevj = NULL, *curri = head, *currj = head;
k = i - 1;
previ = curri;
curri = curri -> next;
k = j - 1;
prevj = currj;
currj = currj -> next;
if(curri == NULL || currj == NULL){
cout << "Either of the index is invalid!";
if(previ != NULL){
previ -> next = currj;
} else {
head = currj;
if(prevj != NULL){
prevj -> next = curri;
} else {
head = curri;
Node * temp = currj -> next;
currj -> next = curri -> next;
curri -> next = temp;
/// We can check anagram by using a counter for all the values as done below OR by sorting using merge sort with O(n log(n)).
bool checkAnagram(Node *head1, Node *head2){
map<int, int> m1, m2;
Node * it1 = head1, * it2 = head2 ;
while(it1 && it2){
m1[it1 -> data]++;
m2[it2 -> data]++;
it1 = it1 -> next;
it2 = it2 -> next;
if(it1 == NULL && it2 != NULL || it2 == NULL && it1 != NULL){
return false;
if(m1.size() != m2.size()){
return false;
map<int, int> :: iterator i, j;
i = m1.begin(), j = m2.begin();
for( ; i!= m1.end() && j!=m2.end() ; i++, j++){
if(i->first != j->first){
return false;
} else {
if(i->second != j->second){
return false;
return true;
/// Rearranging Linked List in such a way that all the even nodes are after all the odd nodes.
/// Method : 1 - By reaching the end of the list by one pointer the traversing again and pushing all even nodes at back.
/// Method : 2 - By Separating the even and the odd Nodes, and finally joining them.
/// Both these method work in O(n), with O(1) extra space.
void separateOddEven(Node * &head){
Node *oddHead = NULL, * evenHead = NULL, *oddTail = NULL, * evenTail = NULL;
Node * it = head;
if((it-> data) % 2 == 0){
if(evenHead == NULL){
evenHead = evenTail = it;
it = it -> next;
evenTail -> next = NULL;
} else {
evenTail -> next = it;
evenTail = it;
it = it -> next;
evenTail -> next = NULL;
} else {
if(oddHead == NULL){
oddHead = oddTail = it;
it = it -> next;
oddTail -> next = NULL;
} else {
oddTail -> next = it;
oddTail = it;
it = it -> next;
oddTail -> next = NULL;
it = oddHead;
it = it -> next;
it -> next = evenHead;
head = oddHead;
oddHead = oddTail = evenTail = evenHead = NULL;
/// **** SORTINGS IN LINKED LIST **** ///
/// Selection Sorting.
Node * RemoveSmallestAndReturn(Node * &head){
if(head == NULL){
return NULL;
Node *it = head, *prevofsmallest = NULL, *smallest = NULL, *prevofIt = NULL;
int min = INT_MAX;
if(it -> data < min){
min = it -> data;
prevofsmallest = prevofIt;
smallest = it;
prevofIt = it;
it = it -> next;
if(prevofsmallest == NULL){
head = head -> next;
} else {
prevofsmallest -> next = smallest -> next;
smallest -> next = NULL;
return smallest;
void selectionSort(Node * &head){
if(head == NULL){
Node *newHead = NULL, *newTail = NULL, * smallest;
do {
smallest = RemoveSmallestAndReturn(head);
if(newHead == NULL){
newHead = newTail = smallest;
} else {
newTail -> next = smallest;
newTail = smallest;
} while(smallest != NULL);
head = newHead;
newHead = newTail = NULL;
/// Bubble Sorting.
/// we are swapping the data in the nodes we can also do it by swapping the nodes.
void BubbleSort(Node * head){
if(head == NULL){
int n = LengthOfLinkedList(head);
if(n == 1){
for(int i=1 ; i<=n ; i++){
Node * j1 = head, *j2 = head -> next;
for(int j=1 ; j<= n-i ; j++){
if(j1 -> data > j2 -> data){
int temp = j1 -> data;
j1-> data = j2 -> data;
j2 -> data = temp;
j1 = j2;
j2 = j2 -> next;
/// Insertion Sort.
void InsertionSort(Node * head){
Node * it, * curr;
curr = head -> next;
for(it = head ; it != curr ; it = it -> next){
if(it -> data > curr -> data){
int temp = it -> data;
it -> data = curr -> data;
curr -> data = temp;
curr = curr -> next;
/// Merge Sort.
/// It uses Function MergeSorted.
Node * ReturnPrevOfMid(Node * head){
Node * it1 = head, * it2 = head, *prevofMID = NULL;
while(it2 && it2 -> next){
prevofMID = it1;
it1 = it1 -> next;
it2 = it2 -> next -> next;
return prevofMID;
void MergeSort(Node * &head){
if(head == NULL || head -> next == NULL){
Node * mid = ReturnPrevOfMid(head), * head1, * head2;
head1 = head;
head2 = mid -> next;
mid -> next = NULL;
head = MergeSorted(head1, head2);
/// Reverse a LinkedList Iterative.
void reverseALinkedListIterative(Node * & head){
Node * prev = NULL, * curr = head, * next = NULL;
next = curr -> next;
curr -> next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
head = prev;
/// Reverse a linked list Recursive.
/* The Implementation below is Tail recursive We can also do it by Normal Recursion Method */
Node * reverseALinkedListRecursiveHelper(Node * prev, Node * curr, Node * next){
if(curr == NULL){
return prev;
next = curr -> next;
curr -> next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return reverseALinkedListRecursiveHelper(prev, curr, next);
void reverseALinkedListRecursive(Node * &head){
if(head == NULL){
return ;
head = reverseALinkedListRecursiveHelper(NULL, head, head -> next);
/// K reverse in a linked List.
Node * KReverseALinkedListHelper(Node * head, int k){
Node * prev = NULL, * curr = head, * next = head -> next;
int i=k;
while(curr && i--){
next = curr -> next;
curr -> next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
if(curr != NULL){
head -> next = KReverseALinkedListHelper(next, k);
return prev;
void KReverseALinkedList(Node * &head, int k){
if(head == NULL){
int l = LengthOfLinkedList(head);
if(l < k){
cout << "Value of the K entered is greater than K, Enter a Valid Value of K";
head = KReverseALinkedListHelper(head, k);
int main(){
Node * head1 = NULL, *head2 = NULL;
return 0;
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