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Created October 19, 2021 11:23
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Custom tag input field with auto suggestion
<div class="relative">
<div class='tag-input'>
<div v-for='(tag, index) in tags' :key='index' class='tag-input__tag'>
{{ tag }}
<span role="button" class="ml-2 text-xs font-bold" @click="removeTag(index)"> &#10005; </span>
<input type="text" class='tag-input__text' v-model="search" :placeholder="placeholder" @input="onChange" @keydown.enter="onEnter" @keydown.delete="removeLastTag" @keydown.down="onArrowDown" @keydown.up="onArrowUp" />
<ul ref="scrollContainer" class="tag-input__dropdown" v-if="showDropdown">
<li :ref="`option-${index}`" v-for=" (suggestion, index) in matches" :key="index" :class="{'active': isActive(index)}" @click="suggestionClick(index)">
{{ suggestion }}
export default {
props: {
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: "Search tags",
modelValue: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
suggestions: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
data() {
return {
tags: [],
search: "",
isOpen: false,
arrowCounter: -1,
computed: {
* Filter suggestions based on search
matches() {
return this.suggestions.filter((str) => {
return (
str.toLowerCase().startsWith( &&
* Boolean value for dropdown open
showDropdown() {
return ( !== "" &&
this.matches.length != 0 &&
this.isOpen === true
watch: {
tags(newValue) {
this.$emit("update:modelValue", this.tags);
methods: {
* Add new tag to the tag list
addTag() {
if ( > 0) {
this.tags.push(; = "";
this.isOpen = false;
* Set the unique values
setUnique() {
let uTags = new Map( => [s.toLowerCase(), s]));
this.tags = [...uTags.values()];
* Remove tag from the tag list
removeTag(index) {
this.tags.splice(index, 1);
* Remove tag on backspace or delete
removeLastTag(event) {
if ( === 0) {
this.removeTag(this.tags.length - 1);
* On up arrow press
onArrowUp() {
if (this.arrowCounter > 0) {
* On down arrow press
onArrowDown() {
if (this.arrowCounter < this.matches.length - 1) {
onEnter(event) {
if (this.arrowCounter >= 0) { = this.matches[this.arrowCounter];
this.arrowCounter = -1;
* When the user changes input
onChange() {
if (this.isOpen == false) {
this.isOpen = true;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
* Highlight the selected element
isActive(index) {
return index === this.arrowCounter;
* When one of the suggestion is clicked
suggestionClick(index) { = this.matches[index];
* Close the dropdown on outside click
handleClickOutside(event) {
if (!this.$el.contains( {
this.isOpen = false;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
* Set scrolling on arrow key press
setScroll() {
const height =
this.$refs.scrollContainer.scrollTop = height * this.arrowCounter;
mounted() {
document.addEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
destroyed() {
document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
created() {
this.tags = this.modelValue;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tag-input {
@apply w-full flex flex-wrap rounded-primary border border-gray-300 text-sm items-center px-4 focus-within:border-primary-300 focus-within:ring focus-within:ring-primary-200 focus-within:ring-opacity-50 shadow-sm;
.tag-input__tag {
@apply flex items-center rounded-primary bg-primary-500 text-white h-6 px-4 mr-2 mt-2 mb-2;
.tag-input__text {
@apply py-2 flex-grow;
border: none !important;
outline: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
&:focus {
border: none !important;
outline: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.tag-input__dropdown {
@apply w-full absolute bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-primary overflow-auto;
list-style: none;
max-height: 200px;
li {
@apply px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100;
} {
@apply bg-primary-500 text-white hover:bg-primary-600;
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