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Last active July 31, 2021 16:18
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* 2 types
1. immutable -> val
2. mutable -> var
*Global varriables are called ‘top level varaibles
*Data types are not nullable by default, to make it nullable, add ? at the end, String?
*Could auto detect type, no need to assign type, just-> var a=“5”
*if use auto detect, it won’t take null anymore
*if else works as normal
*when() use as ‘switch’
*abul= if(a==b) c else d; the syntax for Ternary operator
*abul = abul?:”abul not found” -> used to perform null check
*when() could also used as ternary return
*the operator === checks for same object, like js. == calls equals method , if have any.
*use ‘is’ to very type. if (Tercher is Employee){}
Basic Functions
*functions could be written outside of class, these are called ‘top level function’
*fun abul():String{} how to write return type
*use $ to interpolate string -> “hi, i am $name”
*use ‘=‘ for single statement function. fun abul()= println(“asdf”)
*collections are immutable bydefault in kotlin
*arrayOf(2,4,5) to get array
*foreach, forEachIndexed,
*[], get() both works for array
*listOf() to get list
*lots of functions are available inside list, like filter(), filterNotNull(), associate(), forEach() etc
*return orEmpty() while filtereing a list, to avoid null
*mutableListOf() to get mutable list
*mapOf() just like array
*mutableMapOf() to get mutable map
*List<String> to receive a list in function
Vararg, named, and default parameter
*vararg works as …
*star operator works as spread operator in javascripts, could be used to pass array to vararg
*could mention parameter name while calling the function, so it helps to override signature
*equal operator is used to assign default value
*class Person(val firstName:String=“peter”, val lastName:String=“perker”)
*without specifing getter and setter, variables stays accessible through name
*use get(),set() right after a var, with a tab
*everything is by defauld public
*access modifiers -> public=public, internal=default, private = private, protected= within the class or subclass
*There are interface, absctract class like normal
*interface can have default implementation of method
*(abul as babul).getSomething(). -> as is used to cast babul to abul
*compiler can auto cast, with smart casting
*by default class are final, to make it extendable, use ‘open’ in front of it
*to override a instance variable, it also have to be open
Object expression
*basically anonymous inner class
Companion objects
*a function or any member of the class that can be called without having the instance of the class then you can write the same as a member of a companion object inside the class.The companion objects can access private members of the class. Hence, they can be used to implement the factory method patterns
*you can access all methods of a companinon object with the outer class name
*they can extend and implement class/interface
Object Declarations
*a safe way to create thread safe singleton in kotlin
object SingletonExample {
... .. ...
// body of class
... .. ...
*enum class EntityType{
*use “” to get the name as string. liken will return “EASY”
*use “enumClassname.getFormattedName()” to get name in formatted string.
Sealed Class
*Sealed classes are used for representing restricted class hierarchies, when a value can have one
of the types from a limited set,but cannot have any other type.
*outer class contains ‘sealed’ keyword
*inner classes must extend the outer class
*inner classes could be instantiated from anywhere through outer.inner
*the outer class acts as enum, ther inner classes acts as types for enum. this could be used in when() operator to check the
type of object
Data Classes
*it’s a class that contains ‘data’ keyword
*it contains the following methods under the hoods, without writing any code
* equals(): Boolean
* hashCode(): Int
* toString(): String
* component() functions corresponding to the properties
* copy()
*thats why it’s very convenient to hold DTO type objects in data class
Extension Function/Properties
*add method to a class, from outside the class
fun Person.printPersonId(){}
Advanced Functions
Heiger Order functions
*takes or returns functions
*passing function is done with lambda
*if last parameter is lamda while calling, it could be written outside the ()
Functional type
*store functoin inside a variable
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