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Last active March 13, 2021 12:07
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Mandelbrot Set
package main
import (
type setting struct {
start complex128
leftTop, rightDown complex128
step float64
maxIteration int
const maxConcurrency = 4
var s = []*setting{
start: 0 + 0i,
leftTop: -2 + 1.5i,
rightDown: 1 - 1.5i,
step: 0.001,
maxIteration: 2500,
start: 0 + 0i,
leftTop: -0.671875 + 0.46875i,
rightDown: -0.65625 + 0.453125i,
step: 5e-06,
maxIteration: 2500,
start: 0 + 0i,
leftTop: -0.6640625 + 0.46875i,
rightDown: -0.65625 + 0.4609375i,
step: 2.5e-06,
maxIteration: 2500,
start: 0 + 0i,
leftTop: -0.66015625 + 0.46875i,
rightDown: -0.65625 + 0.46484375i,
step: 2.5e-06,
maxIteration: 2500,
start: 0 + 0i,
leftTop: -0.658203125 + 0.46875i,
rightDown: -0.65625 + 0.466796875i,
step: 1e-06,
maxIteration: 2500,
func main() {
for _, ss := range s[:1] {
func generateImage(s *setting) {
width := int(math.Floor((real(s.rightDown) - real(s.leftTop)) / s.step))
height := int(math.Floor((imag(s.leftTop) - imag(s.rightDown)) / s.step))
fmt.Printf("Generating %vx%v image...\n", width, height)
bar := progressbar.Default(int64(width * height))
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
concurrency := make(chan struct{}, maxConcurrency)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < width; i++ {
finalI := i
go func() {
concurrency <- struct{}{}
for j := 0; j < height; j++ {
paintPixel(s, finalI, j, s.start, img)
<- concurrency
_ = bar.Add(height)
_ = bar.Finish()
name := fmt.Sprintf("leftTop%v,%v_rightDown%v,%v_size%vx%v_step%v_itr%v.png",
real(s.leftTop), imag(s.leftTop), real(s.rightDown), imag(s.rightDown),
width, height, s.step, s.maxIteration)
fmt.Printf("Outputting as file %v...\n", name)
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
err = png.Encode(f, img)
if err != nil {
func paintPixel(s *setting, i int, j int, start complex128, img *image.RGBA) {
c := complex(real(s.leftTop)+float64(i)*s.step, imag(s.leftTop)-float64(j)*s.step)
if it := iterationsBeforeDiverge(s.maxIteration, start, c); it == -1 {
img.Set(i, j, color.Black)
} else {
img.Set(i, j, toHSL(it))
func toHSL(it int) color.Color {
return colorful.Hsl(float64(it%256), 0.75, 0.5)
func toMonochromatic(it int) color.Color {
// Normalize number of iterations to 0 ~ 1 value
normalized := 1 - math.Pow(math.E, float64(1 - it) * 0.02)
v := uint8(normalized * 255.0)
return color.RGBA{
R: v,
G: v,
B: v,
A: 255,
// Returns number of iterations before abs(z) goes over 2, returns -1 if converges.
func iterationsBeforeDiverge(maxIteration int, start, c complex128) int {
z := start
for i := 0; i < maxIteration; i++ {
z = f(z, c)
if cmplx.Abs(z) > 2 {
return i + 1
return -1
func f(z, c complex128) complex128 {
return z * z + c
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