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Last active June 13, 2024 07:00
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How to insert a conversation history into the API Mottle
import json
import os
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from yaspin import yaspin
BOT_ID = os.getenv("BOT_ID")
BOT_SECRET = os.getenv("BOT_SECRET")
url = f"{BOT_ID}"
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = {
"secret": BOT_SECRET,
"stream": True,
"temperature": 0, # You can modify to be within 0 and 2 (though 0 is recommeded).
"conversation": [
{"isBot": True, "msg": "Hi there, how can I help you with Mottle"},
{"isBot": False, "msg": "wat services do you offer"},
"isBot": True,
"msg": "Hi! At Mottle, we offer a chatbot creation tool that allows you to create a chatbot from your existing documentation by simply uploading files.",
{"isBot": False, "msg": "$$?"},
bot_response = ""
response = None
with yaspin(text="Calling API", spinner="dots") as spinner:
response =, headers=headers, json=data, stream=True)
if response.status_code != 200:"❌: {response.status_code} Error")
for line in response.iter_lines():
if not line:
decoded_line = line.decode("utf-8")
if decoded_line.startswith("{") or not decoded_line.find(": ") > 0:
field, value = decoded_line.split(": ", 1)
if field == "data":
data = json.loads(value)
msg = data.get("message")
bot_response += msg
print(msg, end="")
if data.get("isFinished"):
# The varibale `bot_response` now contains the response from the bot
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