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Forked from Fireforge/push_replace.ps1
Created October 25, 2019 18:59
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Nuget Package push Powershell script with debug/release specific files
# push_replace.ps1
# This script is designed to produce customized release and debug nupkgs from a Visual Studio C# project. This is especially useful
# for nupkgs that include native DLLs that are different depending upon debug or release mode.
# How to use:
# In your .nuspec file in the <files> section, add the following line:
# <file src="$filelist$" target="lib\native" />
# That line is set to go to lib\native because this script was made for handling native DLLs, but that target can be anything.
# This script will look for a `debug.txt` and `release.txt` file which is just a list of files you want to include for that
# configuration. The file lists must:
# - Have only one file per line
# - Each file path must end with a semicolon before the end of the line EXCEPT the last one in the file
# - The paths must be relative to this script file
#### Setup ####
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot
# project parameters
$projname = "MyProject"
$nuspec = $projname + ".nuspec"
$nuspecBAK = $nuspec + ".TMP"
$pushdir = "path\to\release\nupkgs"
$debugdir = "path\to\debug\nupkgs"
$symdir = "path\to\symbols\nupkgs"
#### Debug ####
# make sure we're working with a clean directory
rm *.nupkg
copy $nuspec $nuspecBAK
# Generate the debug nuspec file from the base and the file lists
$debug_files = Get-Content debug.txt
(Get-Content $nuspecBAK).replace('$filelist$', $debug_files) | Set-Content $nuspec
# Create the nuget packages, both a default and symbols version
nuget pack $PSScriptRoot\$projname.csproj -Build -Symbols -Properties Configuration=Debug
# Push the symbols version
$symnupkg = ls *.symbols.nupkg
nuget push -source $symdir $symnupkg
rm $symnupkg
# Push the default version
$nupkg = ls *.nupkg
nuget push -source $debugdir $nupkg
rm $nupkg
#### Release ####
# Generate the release nuspec file from the base and the file lists
$release_files = Get-Content release.txt
(Get-Content $nuspecBAK).replace('$filelist$', $release_files) | Set-Content $nuspec
# Create the nuget package
nuget pack $PSScriptRoot\$projname.csproj -Build -Properties Configuration=Release
# Push the package
$nupkg = ls *.nupkg
nuget push -source $pushdir $nupkg
rm $nupkg
#### Teardown ####
copy $nuspecBAK $nuspec
rm $nuspecBAK
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