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Created August 9, 2019 23:55
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The Vigenère Cipher Encryption and Decryption - Python
######## Made By Mouad Khiat
######## This script is the Famous Vigenere cipher its like caesar that ive made in the previous gist
######## but the difference is that we deal here with letters not numbers
######## So with this script you can encrypt anything you want with your given key , decrypt it either with a key or a part of it
######## or by guessing
from random import sample
from itertools import product as col
def generator(key,char,length):
char_len = key.count(char)
key_piece = key[:length - char_len:]
list_keys = [key_piece+"".join(i) for i in list(col([chr(i) for i in range(65, 65+26)], repeat=char_len))]
return list_keys
def vigenere(x,key):
lst_final = []
code = list(x)
j = 0
for i,char in enumerate(code):
if char.isalpha():
code[i] = key[(i+j)%len(key)]
if encrypt:
lst_final.append((ord(x[i]) + ord(code[i]) - 65 * 2) % 26)
lst_final.append((ord(x[i]) - ord(code[i])) % 26)
j -=1
for i,char in enumerate(code):
if char.isalpha():
lst_final[i] = chr(lst_final[i] + 65)
lst_final[i] = chr(lst_final[i])
return ''.join(lst_final)
print("Welcome to Vigenere cipher")
if input('Encrypt or Decrypt : ').lower() == 'encrypt':
x = input('Enter the text : ').upper()
key = input('Enter the key : ').upper()
encrypt = True
x = input('text : ').upper()
encrypt = False
if input('have you the key (y/n) : ') == "y":
key = input('Enter the key : ').upper()
question = input('Enter a part of the key or length (answer by 1 or 2 or nothing): ')
if question == '1':
key = input('*use \'?\' for the missing letter in the key (C?? or CL? refer for ex to CLE): ').upper()
list_of_keys = generator(key,'?',len(key))
for k in list_of_keys:
print(f'for {k} ==> {vigenere(x,k)}')
elif question == '2':
length = int(input('Enter the length: '))
while True:
key_gen = ''.join(sample(abc,length))
print(f"for {key_gen} = {vigenere(x,key_gen)}")
if input('continue(y/n) ... : ')== "n":
print("S0rry this script cannot find your encrypted text")
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