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Last active December 12, 2023 07:40
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from os import walk
from os.path import join, basename
from pydub import AudioSegment
import pydub.scipy_effects
import numpy
import scipy.signal as sg
import csv
def count_silent_chunks(chunks, threshold, rev=False):
count the number of chunks that are silent from start or end to first noise and return it as an integer"
Keyword arguments:
chunks -- a list of chunks of a sound file
threshold -- dbFS value to compare against for detection of silence
rev -- which edge to start from (True = right edge)
silent_blocks = 0
rng = reversed(xrange(len(chunks))) if rev else xrange(len(chunks))
for i in rng:
if chunks[i].dBFS == float('-inf') or chunks[i].dBFS < threshold:
silent_blocks += 1
return silent_blocks
def get_silence(audio, interval, threshold, step):
"""get length of silence at edges in ms from a wav file and return
{start: [ms, blocks], end: [ms, blocks], duration: ms, threshold: dbFS}
Keyword arguments:
audio -- filename
interval -- size of chunks in ms
threshold -- start dbFS threshold for silence comparison
step -- amount to increment by when searching for silence threshold
# chop off this number of ms from end of file (mouse click)
end_omit = 250
wav = AudioSegment.from_wav(audio)[:-1 * end_omit]
# band-pass filter out low and high frequencies
# -- low freq cut off, high freq cutoff, order (6db * order)
wav = wav.band_pass_filter(100, 3000, 4)
# from
# order: nth order butterworth filter(default: 5th order). The
# attenuation is -6dB/octave beyond the cutoff frequency(for 1st
# order). A Higher order filter will have more attenuation, each level
# adding an additional - 6dB(so a 3rd order butterworth filter would
# be - 18dB/octave).
# break into chunks of interval ms
chunks = [wav[i:i+interval]
for i in range(0, len(wav), interval)]
# min/max chunks of silence to guard against implausible results
min_silence = 250 / interval
max_silence = len(chunks) - min_silence - 1
# find number of chunks with dBFS below threshold at start
silent_blocks_start = 0
selected_threshold = 0 # selected threshold
for i in numpy.arange(threshold, 0, step):
if silent_blocks_start > max_silence:
silent_blocks_start = -1
selected_threshold = 1
silent_blocks_start = count_silent_chunks(chunks, i)
if silent_blocks_start > min_silence:
selected_threshold = i
# find number of chunks with dBFS below threshold at end
if selected_threshold < 0:
silent_blocks_end = count_silent_chunks(
chunks, selected_threshold, True)
silent_blocks_end = -1
if silent_blocks_end < min_silence + 1:
silent_blocks_end = -1
end_ms_silence = -1
start_ms_silence = -1
if silent_blocks_start > 0 and silent_blocks_start < max_silence:
start_ms_silence = silent_blocks_start * interval - interval/2
if silent_blocks_end > 0 and silent_blocks_end < max_silence:
end_ms_silence = silent_blocks_end * interval - \
interval/2 + end_omit
return {"start": [start_ms_silence, silent_blocks_start], "end": [end_ms_silence, silent_blocks_end], "duration": len(chunks) * interval, "threshold": selected_threshold}
def print_item(name, vals):
""" print vales for a file """
print '{:>16} \t {:>8} {:>4} \t {:>8} {:>4} \t {:>8} \t {:-03.3f}'.format(
basename(name), vals["start"][0], vals["start"][1], vals["end"][0], vals["end"][1], vals["duration"], vals["threshold"])
def write_csv(data, filename):
"""" write data to a csv """
with open(str(filename), 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
writer.writerow(["file", "leading_silence_ms", "leading_silence_blocks",
"trailing_silence_ms", "trailing_silence_blocks", "duration", "dbFS_threshold"])
for (name, vals) in data:
[basename(name), vals["start"][0], vals["start"][1], vals["end"][0], vals["end"][1], vals["duration"], vals["threshold"]])
# get files in all directories in a directory
audio_path = "/Users/tyler/Downloads/recordings"
audio_files = []
for root, dirs, files in walk(audio_path):
for name in files:
if("wav" in name and "E" in name):
# only sound files of Experimental items (E for EXP)
audio_files.append(join(root, name))
if "prac" in dirs:
# eliminat practice items
if "108" in dirs:
# this is a glitch
if "0" in dirs:
# this is test data
if "1000" in dirs:
# this is test data
threshold = -60 # starting dbFS value for detecting silence
step = 0.01 # dbFS increment during search
interval = 50 # ms, increase to speed up
# iterate over all files and find sileces
edge_silences = {a: get_silence(
join(audio_path, a), interval, threshold, step) for a in audio_files}
# output result and count files with bad values
fails = 0
for name, vals in sorted(edge_silences.items()):
if vals["start"][0] < 0 or vals["end"][0] < 0:
# no value found for start and/or end of file
fails += 1
print_item(name, vals)
print '\n', str(fails), "failures out of", str(len(edge_silences))
# write results to file
write_csv(edge_silences.items(), "output.csv")
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