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Last active June 11, 2019 20:15
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from os import walk
from os.path import join, basename
from pydub import AudioSegment
from json import dump, dumps
import pydub.scipy_effects
import numpy
import csv
import time
def keyByVal(haystack, needle):
for key, val in haystack.iteritems():
if needle == val:
return key
def chunk(seq, sample_rate):
""" Return an AudioSegment in sample_rate size chunks
Keyword arguments
sequence -- an AudioSegment
sample_rate -- width in ms of chunks returned
return [seq[i:i+sample_rate]
for i in range(0, len(seq), sample_rate)]
def segment(chunks, threshold, sample_rate):
""" Classify and group a series of chunks of audios as silence or noise
Keyword arguments
chunks -- a list of dBFS levels for each chunk
thresho -- dBFS threshold below which a chunk is considered silence
sample_rate -- the width, in ms, of each chunk
(needed for calculating timestamps)
output = [{"start": -1, "stop": 0, "below": None}]
candidate = None
min_len = {True: 250, False: 1000}
for t, frame_decibel in enumerate(chunks):
frame_now = t * sample_rate
frame_below = frame_decibel <= threshold
if candidate:
if frame_below is not candidate["below"]:
candidate = None
elif frame_now - candidate["start"] > min_len[candidate["below"]]:
output[-1]["stop"] = candidate["start"]
candidate = None
elif frame_below is not output[-1]["below"]:
candidate = {
"start": frame_now,
"stop": None,
"below": frame_below
output[-1]["stop"] = t * sample_rate
return output[1:]
def get_silences(filename, sample_rate):
""" For a given file, apply a band_pass_filter and then search for the
lowest silence threshold that will split the file into at least 2 chunks of
reasonable size, where the first and last chunks are silence. Return the
succesful segmentation (array of silence/noise segments), or an empty array.
Keyword arguments
filename -- path to wav file
sample_rate -- width in ms of chunks
global failures, times, thresholds, main_start_time
start_time = time.time()
# omit the first and lsat 150ms from the sound file
# will be added back in as presumed silence later on
# this is due to the prevalance of mouse clicks at the
# very start and very end
audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(filename)
audio = audio.band_pass_filter(150, 3100)
# divide audio into sample_rate sized chunks and get a list of the
# dBFS levels for each chunk
decibels = [frame.dBFS for frame in chunk(audio, sample_rate)]
# we will search from min to max dBFS for a threshold that will segment
# the file as desired
m_min = min(decibels)
m_max = max(decibels)
# winner will capture the first successful segmentation
winner = []
for m in numpy.arange(m_min + 5, m_max - 5, step=0.1):
segments = segment(decibels, m, sample_rate)
if len(segments) < 3:
# not enough chunks segments :(
if segments[0]["below"] != True:
# first segment is noise :(
winner = segments
thresholds[basename(filename)] = m
end_time = time.time()
times[basename(filename)] = end_time - start_time
restr = "{} {:<16.16} ({:.2f} -- {})".format(
"+" if winner else "-",
times[basename(filename)] * 1000,
time.strftime("%Mm %Ss", time.gmtime(end_time - main_start_time))
print restr
if not winner:
return None
return winner
def one_file_per_row(file, value):
"""returns a list of values for file (intended for single-file-per-row
output to csv)
Keyword arguments
file -- the .wav file being processed
value -- the object that was the result of successful search+segmentation
initial = None
final = None
if value:
silences = [x for x in value if x["below"]]
if silences:
initial = silences[0]
if len(silences) > 1:
final = silences[-1]
return [
basename(file), # filename
initial["stop"] - initial["start"] if initial else "NA", # leading
final["stop"] - final["start"] if final else "NA", # trailing
value[-1]["stop"] if value else "NA",
"F" in basename(file),
"Q" in basename(file),
"Y" in basename(file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
main_start_time = time.time()
# get files in all directories in a directory
audio_path = "/Users/tyler/Downloads/recordings"
audio_files = []
for root, dirs, files in walk(audio_path):
if "prac" in dirs:
# eliminat practice items
if "108" in dirs:
# this is a glitch
if "0" in dirs:
# this is test data
if "1000" in dirs:
# this is test data
for name in files:
if("wav" in name and "P" not in name and "108" not in name):
# only sound files of Experimental items (E for EXP)
audio_files.append(join(root, name))
print("built dir paths in " + str(round(time.time() - main_start_time, 2)))
failures = []
times = {}
thresholds = {}
silences_in_files = {basename(a): get_silences(a, 50) for a in audio_files}
maxtime = max(times.values())
mintime = min(times.values())
maxm = max(thresholds.values())
minm = min(thresholds.values())
print("\n{:=^80}\n".format(" Done! "))
main_stop_time = time.time()
report = {
"average search": round(numpy.mean(times.values()), 2) * 1000,
"longest search": {
"time (ms)": maxtime * 1000,
"recording": keyByVal(times, maxtime)
"shortest search": {
"time (ms)": mintime * 1000,
"recording": keyByVal(times, mintime)
"total time": (main_stop_time - main_start_time),
"average threshold": round(numpy.mean(thresholds.values()), 2),
"min threshold": {
"threshold": minm,
"recording": keyByVal(thresholds, minm)
"max threshold": {
"threshold": maxm,
"recording": keyByVal(thresholds, maxm)
"fails": len(failures),
"failures": failures,
"thresholds": thresholds,
"times": times
k: report[k] for k in (
j for j in report.keys() if j not in (
"failures", "times", "thresholds"
}, indent=2)
dts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
with open('report-'+dts+'.json', 'w') as outjson:
dump(report, outjson, indent=2)
with open(
'timings-one_rec_per_row-'+dts+'.csv', 'w') as outcsv:
writer = csv.writer(outcsv)
for afile in sorted(silences_in_files):
one_file_per_row(afile, silences_in_files[afile])
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