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Last active September 1, 2020 12:15
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An inverted index like Elasticsearch for term filter lookups only
(ns plank.core
(:import (java.util.regex Pattern)))
; Problem Statement: Write code to solve this problem
; Given a set of news articles find articles that match the search query from a user.
; Assume that the search query is a single word.
; Each article has this structure: Id,Headline,Content
; Articles cannot be updated
; Sort order of search results is not deterministic
;; term -> ids
(def ^{:doc "Inverse index for term to id"} term-lookup (atom {}))
;; id -> document
(def ^{:doc "Id to full document"} id-lookup (atom {}))
(def word-pattern (Pattern/compile "\\s"))
(defn find-terms
"Find terms in a text"
(clojure.string/split text word-pattern))
(defn not-empty-text?
"Check if a text is empty or not"
(not (clojure.string/blank? (clojure.string/trim text))))
(defn insert-terms
"Insert terms from a text into the term lookup"
[id text]
(when (and id
(not-empty-text? id)
(not-empty-text? text))
(doseq [word (find-terms text)]
(when (not-empty-text? word)
(swap! term-lookup
(fn [current-state]
(update current-state
(fn [ids]
(if ids (conj ids id) #{id})))))))))
(defn insert-document
"Insert a document into the ID lookup structure for retrieval"
[{:keys [id headline content]}]
(when (get @id-lookup id)
(println "Warning: Overwrite"))
(swap! id-lookup
(fn [current-state]
(assoc current-state
{:headline headline
:id id
:content content}))))
(defn retrieve-document
"Given an id, return the full document"
(@id-lookup id))
(defn index-document
"Given a document, index it into the term lookup and id lookup structures."
[{:keys [id headline content] :as document}]
(insert-terms id headline)
(insert-terms id content)
(insert-document document))
(defn search
"Given a word, see if this word is present in any article, if present, return ids"
(when-let [ids (@term-lookup word)]
(mapv retrieve-document ids)))
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