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Created February 11, 2012 23:11
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Leaflet shortcuts for common tile providers
var cloudmade = new L.TileLayer.CloudMade({key: 'API-KEY', styleId: 997}),
openStreetMap = new L.TileLayer.OpenStreetMap(),
openCycleMap = new L.TileLayer.OpenCycleMap(),
mapquestOsm = new L.TileLayer.MapQuestOpen.OSM(),
mapquestAerial = new L.TileLayer.MapQuestOpen.Aerial(),
mapbox = new L.TileLayer.MapBox({user: 'kkaefer', map: 'island'});
// Lefalet shortcuts for common tile providers - is it worth adding such 1.5kb to Leaflet core?
L.TileLayer.Common = L.TileLayer.extend({
initialize: function (options) {, this.url, options);
(function () {
var osmAttr = '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>';
L.TileLayer.CloudMade = L.TileLayer.Common.extend({
url: 'http://{s}{key}/{styleId}/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
options: {
attribution: 'Map data ' + osmAttr + ', Imagery &copy; <a href="">CloudMade</a>',
styleId: 997
L.TileLayer.OpenStreetMap = L.TileLayer.Common.extend({
url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
options: {attribution: osmAttr}
L.TileLayer.OpenCycleMap = L.TileLayer.Common.extend({
url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
options: {
attribution: '&copy; OpenCycleMap, ' + 'Map data ' + osm
var mqTilesAttr = 'Tiles &copy; <a href="" target="_blank">MapQuest</a> <img src="" />';
L.TileLayer.MapQuestOpen.OSM = L.TileLayer.Common.extend({
url: 'http://otile{s}{type}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
options: {
subdomains: '1234',
type: 'osm',
attribution: 'Map data ' + L.TileLayer.OSM_ATTR + ', ' + mqTilesAttr
L.TileLayer.MapQuestOpen.Aerial = L.TileLayer.MapQuestOpen.OSM.extend({
options: {
type: 'sat',
attribution: 'Imagery &copy; NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, ' + mqTilesAttr
L.TileLayer.MapBox = L.TileLayer.Common.extend({
url: 'http://{s}{user}.{map}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
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hoangv2 commented Jul 14, 2016

joonas-fi - how do you deal with OSM where local languages are displayed on the map?

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Has anyone figured out the issue with the local language on openstreetmap?

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There are lots of tile servers available based on OSM, you can choose the one that fits your requirement.
Visit :

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There are lots of tile servers available based on OSM, you can choose the one that fits your requirement. Visit :

Can you tell me how to add this to a qgis map

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