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Last active June 26, 2017 15:29
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import Html exposing (text)
islamic_epoch = 1948439.5
gregorian_epoch = 1721425.5
persian_epoch = 1948320.5
type alias Date =
{ year : Int
, month : Int
, day : Int
mod : Float -> Float -> Float
mod a b =
a - (b * toFloat(floor(a / b)))
leap_islamic : Int -> Bool
leap_islamic year = ((year * 11) + 14) % 30 < 11
leap_gregorian : Int -> Bool
leap_gregorian year =
(year % 4 == 0) && not( (year % 100 == 0) && (year % 400 /= 0) )
leap_persian : Int -> Bool
leap_persian year =
(((((year - (if year > 0 then 474 else 473))
% 2820 )
+ 512 )
* 682 )
% 2816 )
< 682
gregorian_to_jd: Date -> Float
gregorian_to_jd date =
(gregorian_epoch - 1)
+ (365 * (toFloat(date.year) - 1))
+ toFloat(floor(toFloat(date.year - 1) / 4))
+ toFloat(-1 * floor(toFloat(date.year - 1) / 100))
+ toFloat(floor(toFloat(date.year - 1) / 400))
+ toFloat(floor(((367 * toFloat(date.month)) - 362) / 12))
+ (if date.month <= 2 then 0 else
(if leap_gregorian(date.year) then -1 else -2)
+ toFloat(
islamic_to_jd: Int -> Int -> Int -> Float
islamic_to_jd year month day =
+ toFloat(ceiling(29.5 * toFloat(month - 1)))
+ toFloat((year - 1) * 354)
+ toFloat(floor(toFloat(3 + (11 * year)) / 30))
+ islamic_epoch - 1.0
persian_to_jd: Date -> Float
persian_to_jd date =
epbase = toFloat(date.year - if date.year >=0 then 474 else 473)
epyear = 474 + mod epbase 2820
+ toFloat(if date.month <=7 then (date.month - 1) * 31 else ((date.month - 1) * 30) + 6)
+ toFloat(floor(((epyear * 682) - 110) / 2816))
+ toFloat(floor(epbase / 2820) * 1029983)
+ ((epyear - 1) * 365)
+ persian_epoch - 1
jd_to_persian: Float -> Date
jd_to_persian jd =
jdf = toFloat(floor(jd)) + 0.5
depoch = jdf - 2121445.5
cycle = floor(depoch / 1029983)
cyear = mod depoch 1029983
aux1 = floor(cyear / 366)
aux2 = mod cyear 366
ycycle = if cyear == 1029982 then 2820 else
(floor(((aux2 * 2816) + toFloat(aux1 * 2134) + 2815) / 1028522) + aux1 + 1)
year = if (ycycle + (2820 * cycle) + 474) <= 0 then
(ycycle + (2820 * cycle) + 473)
(ycycle + (2820 * cycle) + 474)
yday = (jd - (persian_to_jd (Date year 1 1))) + 1
month = if yday <= 186 then ceiling(yday / 31) else ceiling((yday - 6) / 30)
day = round(jd - (persian_to_jd (Date year month 1)) + 1)
Date year month day
jd_to_gregorian: Float -> Date
jd_to_gregorian jd =
wjd = toFloat(floor(jd - 0.5)) + 0.5
depoch = wjd - gregorian_epoch
quadricent = floor(depoch / 146097)
dqc = mod depoch 146097
cent = floor(dqc / 36524)
dcent = mod dqc 36524
quad = floor(dcent / 1461)
dquad = mod dcent 1461
yindex = floor(dquad / 365)
initialyear = (quadricent * 400) + (cent * 100) + (quad * 4) + yindex
year = if cent == 4 || yindex == 4 then initialyear else initialyear + 1
yearday = wjd - gregorian_to_jd (Date year 1 1)
leapadj = if wjd < gregorian_to_jd (Date year 3 1) then 0 else
(if leap_gregorian year then 1 else 2)
month = floor((((yearday + leapadj) * 12) + 373) / 367)
day = round(wjd - (gregorian_to_jd (Date year month 1)) + 1)
Date year month day
-- Usage
today = Date 1367 09 28
main =
persian_to_jd today
|> jd_to_gregorian
|> toString
|> text
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