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Delete unused vscode extension directories
import os
import os.path as path
import json
import shutil
print("WARNING: This script will delete unused extension directories. Press enter to continue.")
extensionsDir = path.join(path.expanduser("~"), ".vscode", "extensions")
if not path.exists(extensionsDir):
print("VSCode extensions directory not exists")
extensionsFile = path.join(extensionsDir, "extensions.json")
with open(extensionsFile, "r") as file:
extensions = json.load(file)
ignoreExtensionRelativePaths = set()
for extension in extensions:
for relativePath in os.listdir(extensionsDir):
absolutePath = path.join(extensionsDir, relativePath)
if path.isdir(absolutePath) and not ignoreExtensionRelativePaths.__contains__(relativePath):
print("Delete unused extension directory: " + absolutePath)
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