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Save movstox/0f780ebfc3d45797b4d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ember-runtime/lib/computed/reduce_computed_macros.js
// Credit to Nopik via
var item1 = Ember.Object.create({
tags: [ 'important', 'bug', 'task' ],
var item2 = Ember.Object.create({
tags: [ 'urgent', 'feature', 'task' ],
App.ItemList = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
allTags: Ember.computed.flattenArray( 'content', 'tags' )
var myList = App.ItemList.create({ content: [ item1, item2 ] });
myList.get( 'allTags' );
// -> ["important", "bug", "task", "urgent", "feature", "task"]
A computed property which takes an array of arrays, flatten single
level of them and returns the result.
Optionally, it can take a list of objects, get a property from
each object (which is expected to be an array) and return one
array being a concatenation of those partial ones.
var item1 = Ember.Object.create({
tags: [ 'important', 'bug', 'task' ],
var item2 = Ember.Object.create({
tags: [ 'urgent', 'feature', 'task' ],
App.ItemList = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
allTags: Ember.computed.flattenArray( 'content', 'tags' )
var myList = App.ItemList.create({ content: [ item1, item2 ] });
myList.get( 'allTags' );
// -> ["important", "bug", "task", "urgent", "feature", "task"]
To use without a key:
App.ItemList = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
tagMap: Ember.computed.mapBy( 'content', 'tags' );
allTags: Ember.computed.flattenArray( 'tagMap' )
var myList = App.ItemList.create({ content: [ item1, item2 ] });
myList.get( 'allTags' );
// -> ["important", "bug", "task", "urgent", "feature", "task"]
@method computed.flattenArray
@for Ember
@param {String} sourceArrayProperty
@param {String} (optional) if given, values from sourceArray are
treated as objects, and property named by the `key` will be extracted
from them. If `key` is not given, the values from sourceArray are
expected to be the arrays to be flattened.
@return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new flattened array from
the input
Ember.computed.flattenArray = function(nestedArray, key) {
return Ember.arrayComputed(nestedArray, {
initialize: function(array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
instanceMeta.lengths = [];
instanceMeta.listeners = [];
return array;
addedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
var args, flat, i, len, listener, localIndex;
if (item != null) {
if (key != null) {
flat = item.get( key );
} else {
flat = item;
} else {
flat = null;
if (flat != null) {
listener = Ember.Object.create({
flat: flat,
arrayWillChange: function() {},
arrayDidChange: function(source_list, start, remove_count, add_count) {
var args, i, idx, lidx, rem_amt, source_slice, len;
idx = 0;
lidx = 0;
for (i = 0, len = instanceMeta.listeners.length; i < len; i++) {
if (instanceMeta.listeners[i] === this) {
lidx += 1;
idx += instanceMeta.lengths[i];
source_slice = [];
if (add_count < 0) {
source_slice = source_list.slice(0);
} else {
if (add_count > 0) {
source_slice = source_list.slice(start, start + add_count);
rem_amt = 0;
if (remove_count < 0) {
rem_amt = instanceMeta.lengths[lidx];
} else {
rem_amt = remove_count;
instanceMeta.lengths[lidx] += source_slice.length - rem_amt;
args = [ idx + start, rem_amt ].concat( source_slice );
array.arrayContentWillChange(idx + start, rem_amt, source_slice.length);
array.splice.apply(array, args);
array.arrayContentDidChange(idx + start, rem_amt, source_slice.length);
localIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < changeMeta.index; i++ ) {
localIndex += instanceMeta.lengths[i];
if (flat != null) {
len = flat.get('length');
} else {
len = 0;
instanceMeta.lengths.splice(changeMeta.index, 0, len);
instanceMeta.listeners.splice(changeMeta.index, 0, listener);
args = [localIndex, 0];
if (flat != null) {
args = args.concat(flat);
array.arrayContentWillChange(localIndex, 0, len);
array.splice.apply(array, args);
array.arrayContentDidChange(localIndex, 0, len);
return array;
removedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
var i, listener, localIndex, old_len, flat;
localIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < changeMeta.index; i++ ) {
localIndex += instanceMeta.lengths[i];
old_len = instanceMeta.lengths[changeMeta.index];
instanceMeta.lengths.splice(changeMeta.index, 1);
listener = instanceMeta.listeners[changeMeta.index];
if (listener != null) {
if ((flat = listener.get('flat')) != null) {
instanceMeta.listeners.splice(changeMeta.index, 1);
array.arrayContentWillChange(localIndex, old_len, 0);
array.splice(localIndex, old_len);
array.arrayContentDidChange(localIndex, old_len, 0);
return array;
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