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Created April 1, 2017 19:39
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(ns acl2s.core
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]))
(def replacements
{'nat `(fn [x#] (and (integer? x#) (<= 0 x#)))
'plus `+
'minus `-})
(defn replace-symbols* [expr]
(if-not (list? expr)
(let [[expr & exprs] expr]
`(~(replacements expr expr) ~@exprs))))
(defn replace-symbols [expr]
(walk/postwalk replace-symbols* expr))
(defmacro defunc [name args & {:keys [input-test output-test body]}]
`(defn ~name ~args
(if ~(replace-symbols input-test)
~(replace-symbols body))))
'(defunc foobar [x]
:input-test (nat x)
:body (plus x (minus x x)))))
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