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Created February 3, 2012 16:45
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[6] pry(main)> cd Blog
[7] pry(Blog):1> show-method classify_blogs!
Error: The method 'classify_blogs!' could not be found. Type `show-method --help` for help.
[8] pry(Blog):1> show-method classify_blogs
From: /Users/joe/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03@ss/gems/pry- @ line 300:
Number of lines: 14
Owner: #<Class:Blog(id: integer, url: string, feed_url: string, canonical_url: string, title: string, description: text, average_daily_visits: decimal, average_daily_visitors: decimal, average_daily_pageviews: decimal, platform_id: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, vertical_id: integer, publisher_id: integer, review_status: string, majority_country: string, cost: integer, auth_username: string, foreign_id: string, auth_token: string, auth_secret: string, author_name: string, type: string, screen_name: string, full_name: string, followers_count: integer, stats_updated_at: datetime, ga_status: string, open_offers_count: integer, approved_offers_count: integer, premium: boolean, design_quality: integer, writing_quality: integer, last_active_at: datetime, language_id: integer, audited_at: datetime, rejection_explanation: text, argus_posts_count: integer, publishing_status: string, ga_token: string, ga_secret: string, crypted_auth_password: string, admin_url: string, protocol_id: string, ga_profile_id: string, ga_last_reported_at: datetime, vertical_locked: boolean, advertiser_rating: decimal, claimed: boolean, staff_pick: boolean, auto_classify: boolean, can_sample_products: boolean, lead_threshold_enabled: boolean, lead_threshold: integer, deals_theme: string, widget_size: string, total_clicks: integer, total_views: integer, ctr: decimal)>
Visibility: public
TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum
from /Users/joe/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03@ss/gems/pry- `+'
[9] pry(Blog):1> cat --ex
Exception: TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum
From: /Users/joe/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03@ss/gems/pry- @ line 113 @ level: 0 of backtrace (of 38).
108: def initialize(lines=[], start_line=1, code_type=:ruby)
109: if lines.is_a? String
110: lines = lines.lines
111: end
=> 113: @lines = { |l, i| [l.chomp, i + start_line] }
114: @code_type = code_type
115: end
117: # Append the given line. `line_num` is one more than the last existing
118: # line, unless specified otherwise.
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