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Created October 24, 2013 23:50
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-- Given this data
-- tag_id timestamp
-- ----------------------
-- Joe 1382637527
-- Joe 1382637934
-- Bob 1382637000
-- Bob 1382637300
-- How can I modify this query to yield rank based on the lowest time to highest
tag_id as "Tag ID",
FROM_UNIXTIME(MIN(timestamp), '%H:%i:%S') as "Start Time",
FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp), '%H:%i:%S') as "Finish Time",
SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, FROM_UNIXTIME(MIN(timestamp)), FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp)))) as "Total Time",
SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, FROM_UNIXTIME(MIN(timestamp)), FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp))) / 3.1) as "Pace"
FROM timing_test
GROUP BY timing_test.tag_id
-- Currently the above query yields the following result
-- Tag ID Start Time Finish Time Total Time Pace
-- Bob 13:50:00 13:55:00 00:05:00 00:01:37
-- Joe 13:58:47 14:05:34 00:06:47 00:02:11
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