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Created August 10, 2022 14:04
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create ssl certificate using Openssl
#code works on macbook
#Author Moya Richards
function create_ssl_certificate(){
local cert_dir=$1
local domain_name=$2
local expire=${3:-365}
local corporation=${4:-My-Corporation}
local group=${5:-My-Corporate-Group}
local city=${6:-City}
local state=${7:-State}
local country=${8:-US}
local subject="/CN=$domain_name/OU=$group/O=$corporation/L=$city/ST=$state/C=$country"
mkdir -p $cert_dir && chmod 0700 $cert_dir
#------Root certificate ---------------------
local cert_root_dir="$( cd $cert_dir/..; pwd)/CAroot/";
echo $cert_root_dir;
mkdir -p $cert_root_dir && chmod 0700 $cert_root_dir
local CA_KEY="$cert_root_dir/ca.key" #private key
local CA_CRT="$cert_root_dir/ca.crt" #public key
create_ca_certificate $cert_root_dir 3650 "ca.key" "ca.crt"
cd $cert_dir
#-------Site SSL Certificate ----------------
echo "Generate key and csr: creating private key and certificate signing request (CSR) with passphrase removed"
openssl req -new \
-newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout ${domain_name}.key \
-out ${domain_name}-req.csr \
-subj ${subject}
echo "Sign ${domain_name}-req.csr certificate signing request (CSR) with Certificate Authority key and certificate"
echo subjectAltName = DNS.1:${domain_name} > extfile.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days $expire -sha256 \
-in ${domain_name}-req.csr -CA ${CA_CRT} -CAkey ${CA_KEY} -CAcreateserial \
-extfile extfile.cnf \
-out ${domain_name}.crt
echo "\nGenerated Private Key: ${domain_name}.key "
echo "Generated Public Key: ${domain_name}.crt"
function create_ca_certificate(){
local cert_dir=$1
local expire=${2:-365}
local CA_KEY=${3:-"ca.key"} #private key
local CA_CRT=${4:-"ca.crt"} #public key
local subject=${5:-"/CN=Root Certicate/"}
mkdir -p $cert_dir && chmod 0700 $cert_dir
cd $cert_dir
local days_left=$(certDaysRemaining $CA_CRT)
echo "days_left" $days_left
if [[ ! -f $CA_KEY && ! -f $CA_CRT] || $days_left -lt 90 ]]; then
#recreate if file doesn't exists or expires in 90 days - 3 months
echo "Generate ROOT certificate to become a local Certificate Authority"
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days $expire -newkey rsa:4096 \
-keyout $CA_KEY -out $CA_CRT \
-subj $subject
echo "$CA_KEY and $CA_CRT exists and has not expired, using them to generate certs"
echo "\nAdding the Root Certificate to macOS Keychain: \nEnter admin password if requested."
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" $CA_CRT
# Checks to see if the site has a valid SSL Certificate
# Displays the number of remaining days for certificate validity (If negative, number of days since expiry)
function certDaysRemaining(){
local cert=$1
local days_left=0;
local expire_date
if [[ -f $cert ]]; then
# read the dates on each certificate
local ENDDATE=$(openssl x509 -noout -in "${cert}" -enddate 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -z "$ENDDATE" ]]; then
# this cert could not be read.
printf "INFO - $cert could not be loaded by openssl\n" >&2
# Remove "notAfter=" from ENDDATE variable for reporting
expire_date=`echo $ENDDATE | awk -F notAfter= '{print $NF}'`
local current_date_epoch=$(date +%s)
local expire_date_epoch=$(date -j -f "%b %e %T %Y %Z" "$expire_date" "+%s")
days_left=$(( (expire_date_epoch - current_date_epoch)/(3600*24) )) || 0
#log messages
echo "\n$days_left days remaining for SSL certificate: $cert" >&2
if [[ ! -z "$expire_date" ]]; then
echo "Expiration date : $expire_date " >&2
echo $days_left #function return value
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