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Created August 4, 2012 23:44
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using SASS to convert/calculate css sizes from px to em, px to percent and em to px; also has function to remove units / (Design in pixels then convert it to em or percent)
//----- Global variables-------------
$mr-grid-width: 1200px !default; // The wrapper/container size$mr-gutter-width: 20px !default; // The amount of margin between columns
$mr-em-base: 16px !default;
$mr-convert-to: "%" !default;
@function -mr-grid-col-width($cols, $grid-width:$mr-grid-width, $grid-total-cols:$mr-grid-total-column, $gutter-width: $mr-gutter-width){
//$cols The number of columns used to create the current elements width.
@return ($grid-width / $grid-total-cols) * $cols - $gutter-width;
@function mr-remove-unit($target){
@if not unitless($target){
//find out the unit of measurement being used
@if (unit($target) == "px"){$one:1px;}
@elseif (unit($target) == "em"){$one:1em;}
@elseif (unit($target) == "%"){$one:1%;}
// dividing by the same unit forces sass to return a value with no unit
@return $target / $one ;
{@return $target;}
@function -mr-calc-elem($target-size,$new-unit:$mr-convert-to,$em-base:$mr-em-base,$context:$mr-grid-width){
// $context defaults to the container's size
// $new-unit accepts as values %, em, or px
//if no unit is entered, assume the unit being used is in pixels
@if unitless($target-size){
@warn "Assuming #{$target-size} to be in pixels, change to #{$target-size}px or another unit of measurement";
$target-size: $target-size * 1px;
// remove units to prevent sass errors
$nounit-target-size: mr-remove-unit($target-size);
@if (unit($target-size) == $new-unit){
//does not make sense to convert to the same unit, so return the original size
@return $target-size;
//convert pixel to percentage
@elseif (unit($target-size) == "px" and $new-unit =="%"){
@return percentage($nounit-target-size / $context);
//---convert pixel to em
@elseif (unit($target-size) == "px" and $new-unit =="em"){
// multiplying by 1em forces sass to add the em unit to the result
@return ($nounit-target-size / $em-base)* 1em;
//---convert em to px
@elseif (unit($target-size) == "em" and $new-unit =="px"){
// multiplying by 1px forces sass to add the px unit to the result,
@return ($nounit-target-size * $em-base) * 1px;
@else {
@warn "The unit being used is #{unit($target-size)}, #{$target-size} should be in px, %, or em" ;
@return $target-size;
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