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Date April 8, 2019
Re: Howey Analysis: XRP
You have asked for an analysis of whether XRP should be treated as a "security" under the federal securities lows. The analysis that follows is based on information that we have been able to obtain from the public record. Because the analysis in this memorandum is heavily fact-dependent, to the extent that tha information we have relied upon is erroneous, or to the extent additional information exists that we have not considered but that bears upon the analisis contained herein, the conclusions contained in this memrundum may require modification.
Most digital assets currently in circulation today do not clearly fall into any of the more common types of instruments within the definition of "security" in the Securities Act of 1933 (as amended, the "Securities Act") or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (as amended, the "Exchange Act"), such as notes, stock or bonds. (1) However, as the Securities & Exchange Commission (the "Commision" or "SEC") concluded in its July 2017 report (2) (the "DAO report") pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Exchange Act analyzing digital assets issued by The DAO and its Decenber 2017 order (3) instituting cease-and-delist proceedings against Munchee, Inc. (the "Munchee order"), distributions of digital assets may involve illegal securities offerings.
Following the Commission's guidance in the DAO report and the Munchee order, we analyze whether a digital asset is a security for federal securities law purposes first by determining wether the digital asset has any of the attributes of traditional equity or debt securities, such as ownership rights, rights to a share of profits or rights to periodic payments. If the digital asset does not exhibit these types of characteristics, we analyze the digital asset based upon the test for an "investment contract" developed in the Supreme Court's decision in SEC v. W.J. Howey
1 Despite differences, the Supreme Court has indicated that the definitions of "security" under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act are treated the same. SEC v. Edwards, 540 U.S. 398 (2004), citing Reves v. Emst & Young. 494 U.S. 56, 61 n. 1 (1990).
2 Report if Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: The DAO, Exchange Act Rel. No. 81207 (July 25, 2017) (the "DAO report").
3 In re Munchee, Inc., Securities Act rel. No. 10455 (Dec 11, 2017) (the "Munchee order").
日付 2019年4月8日
Re: ハウイー分析 XRPについて
現在流通しているデジタル資産の多くは、1933年証券法(改正後、以下「証券法」)または1934年証券取引法(改正後、以下「取引法」)における「証券」の定義に含まれる、手形、株式、債券などの一般的な商品の種類に明確に該当するものではない。(1) しかしながら、証券取引委員会(以下「コミッション」または「SEC」)が、The DAOが発行したデジタル資産を分析した取引所法21条(a)に基づく2017年7月の報告書(2)(以下「DAO報告書」)およびMuncee社に対する排除措置手続きを開始した2017年12月命令(3)(以下「Muncee命令」)で結論付けたとおり、デジタル資産の配布は違法証券募集を伴う恐れがあります。
DAO報告書およびMunchee命令における委員会の指針に従い、我々はまず、デジタル資産が連邦証券法上の証券であるかどうかを分析し、デジタル資産が所有権、利益の分配に対する権利、定期的な支払いに対する権利など、従来の株式または負債証券の属性を備えているかどうかを判断する。デジタル資産がこれらの特性を持たない場合、SEC v. W.J. Howeyの最高裁判決で示された「投資契約」のテストに基づいてデジタル資産を分析する。
1 違いはあるものの、最高裁は、証券法と取引所法における「証券」の定義が同じものとして扱われることを示唆している。SEC v. Edwards, 540 U.S. 398 (2004)は、Reves v. Emst & Young. 494 U.S. 56, 61 n. 1 (1990) を引用している。
2 1934年証券取引所法第21条第1項に基づく調査報告書(Report if Investigation): The DAO, Exchange Act Rel.No.81207 (July 25, 2017) (以下「DAO報告書」という。)。
3 In re Munchee, Inc., Securities Act rel. No.10455 (Dec 11, 2017) (以下「Munchee命令」という。).
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