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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# THETAで撮影した画像から自分を消すスクリプト for iOS Pythonista 3
import dialogs
import notification
import piexif
from PIL import Image
# 必要ライブラリ
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import piexif
from PIL import Image
# 必要ライブラリ
# pip3 install pillow piexif
# THETAを三脚に固定
1. 経済的損害の問題
on split(str, delim)
local orgDelim, rtn
set orgDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim}
set rtn to every text item of str
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgDelim
return rtn
私はついに#crypto、#XRP、#ETHについての私の見解を共有することに興奮しています。この記事は2023年から私のロッカーに入っていますが、公開していません。BOOOMの投稿を好む人に謝罪 - 私はXプレミアムを買う余裕がないので、一口サイズのチャンクで提供される長い読み物です。お楽しみに
1時間1,100円 東京都三鷹市 "DIY STORE三鷹"
1時間1,000円 神奈川県横浜市(長津田) "DIY用のレンタルスペース"
1時間1,650円〜 東京都八王子市(溶接1時間2,200円) "HACHIOJI DIY GARAGE"
Date April 8, 2019
Re: Howey Analysis: XRP
You have asked for an analysis of whether XRP should be treated as a "security" under the federal securities lows. The analysis that follows is based on information that we have been able to obtain from the public record. Because the analysis in this memorandum is heavily fact-dependent, to the extent that tha information we have relied upon is erroneous, or to the extent additional information exists that we have not considered but that bears upon the analisis contained herein, the conclusions contained in this memrundum may require modification.
Most digital assets currently in circulation today do not clearly fall into any of the more common types of instruments within the definition of "security" in the Securities Act of 1933 (as amended, the "Securities Act") or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (as amended, the "Exchange Act"), such as notes, stock or bonds. (1) However, as the Securities & Exchange Commission (the "
// Amazonが直接売ってるやつだけ検索するブックマークレット
$buf = "";
function(currentValue, currentIndex, listObj) {
$buf = $buf + currentValue.text + " ";
prompt("", $buf);
tell application "Photos"
set sel to selection
set cnt to contents of sel
class of cnt
set pr to properties of item 1 of cnt
set loc to location of pr
set lat to first item of loc
set lon to second item of loc
set u to "" & lat & "," & lon & "/"
set the clipboard to u