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Last active December 22, 2022 02:21
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it is based on odoo version 12.0
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
# ALLOWED_MODEL_ACCESS extracted from global groups with create permissions
# groups = (self.env.ref('base.group_portal') | self.env.ref('base.group_public') |
# self.env.ref('base.group_user'))
# self.env['ir.model.access'].search(
# ['&', '|', ('group_id', 'in', groups.ids), ('group_id', '=', False),
# ('perm_create', '=', True)]).mapped('model_id.model'))))
# Exclude internal employee since that it requires a new user instead of readonly one
'bus.bus', 'bus.presence', 'ir.filters',
'mail.activity', 'mail.alias', '', '',
'mail.followers', 'mail.mail', 'mail.message', 'mail.message.subtype',
'mail.moderation', 'mail.notification', 'mail.shortcode', 'mail.thread',
'note.note', 'report.layout', 'res.users.log',
'utm.campaign', 'utm.medium', 'utm.source',
class IrModelAccess(models.Model):
_inherit = 'ir.model.access'
'self._uid', 'model', 'mode', 'raise_exception', keys=('lang',))
def check(self, model, mode='read', raise_exception=True):
result = super(IrModelAccess, self).check(
model, mode, raise_exception=raise_exception)
if (self.env.user.has_group('custom_module.group_readonly') and mode != 'read'
and model not in ALLOWED_MODEL_ACCESS):
if raise_exception:
raise AccessError(_(
"Sorry, you are only allowed to read this document. (%s - %s)") % (model, mode))
return False
return result
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