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Created March 22, 2021 18:00
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5ch (2ch) trip calculator snippet.
# 5ch (2ch) trip calculator snippet
import re
import base64
import hashlib
from passlib.hash import des_crypt
SALT_TRANSLATOR = bytes.maketrans(rb':;<=>?@[\]^_`', b'ABCDEFGabcdef')
re_raw_trip = re.compile(
def entrip(name: str, charset: str = DEFAULT_CHARSET) -> str:
Encrypt trip key value in handle name field to trip.
if '#' not in name:
return name
prefix, tripkey = name.split('#', 1)
tripkey = bytes(tripkey, encoding=charset)
if len(tripkey) < 12:
# 10 digits, normal
salt = bytes(
c if 0x2e <= c <= 0x7a else 0x2e for c in (tripkey + b'H.')[1:3]
return (
prefix + TRIP_MARK +
des_crypt.hash(tripkey, salt=salt.decode('ascii'))[-10:]
if tripkey.startswith(b'#') or tripkey.startswith(b'$'):
# 10 digits, raw key
m = re_raw_trip.match(tripkey.decode(charset))
if not m:
# unsupported; reserved for future use
return prefix + TRIP_MARK + '???'
return (
prefix + TRIP_MARK +
salt=('salt') + '..')[:2]
# 12 digits, normal
return (
prefix + TRIP_MARK +
)[:12].decode('ascii').replace('+', '.')
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