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Created October 18, 2024 20:48
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Bluesky video upload - direct upload
import {
} from "npm:@atproto/api";
const userAgent = new AtpAgent({
service: prompt("Service URL (default:") ||
await userAgent.login({
identifier: prompt("Handle:")!,
password: prompt("Password:")!,
console.log(`Logged in as ${userAgent.session?.handle}`);
const videoPath = prompt("Video file (.mp4):")!;
const { data: serviceAuth } = await
aud: `did:web:${}`,
lxm: "com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob",
exp: / 1000 + 60 * 30, // 30 minutes
const token = serviceAuth.token;
const file = await;
const { size } = await file.stat();
// optional: print upload progress
let bytesUploaded = 0;
const progressTrackingStream = new TransformStream({
transform(chunk, controller) {
bytesUploaded += chunk.byteLength;
"upload progress:",
Math.trunc(bytesUploaded / size * 100) + "%",
flush() {
console.log("upload complete ✨");
const uploadUrl = new URL(
uploadUrl.searchParams.append("did", userAgent.session!.did);
uploadUrl.searchParams.append("name", videoPath.split("/").pop()!);
const uploadResponse = await fetch(uploadUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
"Content-Type": "video/mp4",
"Content-Length": String(size),
body: file.readable.pipeThrough(progressTrackingStream),
const jobStatus = (await uploadResponse.json()) as AppBskyVideoDefs.JobStatus;
console.log("JobId:", jobStatus.jobId);
let blob: BlobRef | undefined = jobStatus.blob;
const videoAgent = new AtpAgent({ service: "" });
while (!blob) {
const { data: status } = await
{ jobId: jobStatus.jobId },
status.jobStatus.progress || "",
if (status.jobStatus.blob) {
blob = status.jobStatus.blob;
// wait a second
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
text: "This post should have a video attached",
langs: ["en"],
embed: {
$type: "",
video: blob,
aspectRatio: await getAspectRatio(videoPath),
} satisfies AppBskyEmbedVideo.Main,
console.log("done ✨");
// bonus: get aspect ratio using ffprobe
// in the browser, you can just put the video uri in a <video> element
// and measure the dimensions once it loads. in React Native, the image picker
// will give you the dimensions directly
import { ffprobe } from "";
async function getAspectRatio(fileName: string) {
const { streams } = await ffprobe(fileName, {});
const videoSteam = streams.find((stream) => stream.codec_type === "video");
return {
width: videoSteam.width,
height: videoSteam.height,
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minter commented Nov 12, 2024

@mozzius I'm attempting to implement the happy path in Ruby, based on this example. Everything seems to be working, except that when I try to attach the video blob to the post, it's giving me a "Blob not found" error. I'm not really sure what could be happening. The blob JSON looks visually correct.

This may have an easy answer, or I'm glad to post some example code.

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@minter, I've the same problem. When i'd verified bluesky account video uploaded correct.

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