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function ajax_load_back() {
$post_id = $_POST[ 'post_id' ];
$the_post = get_post( $post_id, OBJECT);
$title = get_the_title($post_id);
$post = $the_post->post_content;
$text_content = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+./','', $post);
// $attachments = get_posts(
// array( 'post_type' => 'attachment',
// 'numberposts' => -1,
// 'post_mime_type' => 'image',
// 'post_status' => null,
// 'post_parent' => $the_post->ID )
// );
$attachments = get_attached_media( 'image', $post_id );
if ($attachments) {
$index = 0;
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
$imageList .= '<div class="modal" onclick="modalImgSwap('. $index .');">
<div class="modalThumb">
<li style="background-image: url('.wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment->ID , false ).'");>&nbsp;
<div class="modalInner" style="background-image: url('.wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment->ID , false ).'")>
<div class="modalClose" onclick="closeModal()"></div>
$index += 1;
echo "<div class='close'>X</div>"."<div id='content'>"."<div id='gallery'><div class='listContainer'><div class='fadeScreen'></div>".$imageList."</div></div>"."<h6 class='postTitle'>".$title."</h6><div class='postText'>".$text_content."</div>";
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