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Created May 18, 2017 15:44
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This library is still VERY incomplete. Do not use this yet.


Tablr is a lightweight, dependancy free, easy to use data table library.


  • Displays data passed into it with no configuration
  • Column header labels
  • Can transform values into display values shown in cell
  • Can sort columns
  • Pagination
  • Provide TypeScript definition file
  • Default theme


  • AJAX polling
  • Validation
  • Handling of unsafe strings / HTML?
  • Filtering (with AJAX mode?)

Needs Consideration

  • Column id member which allows for the reference of that column as an ID. Would be required for ALL columns
  • Pagination UI
  • Templating of page.textBefore and page.textAfter
  • By default require call of render method unless option deferRender: true
  • Tiered sorting


new Tablr(Element, [options])

var dataArr = [
  ['Patricia Fantastic', '1993-03-11', '124839285'],
  ['Mike Powers', '1989-11-26', '84821'],
  ['Dana Simco', '1963-06-02', '8597335'],

var dataObj = {
    name: 'Patricia Fantastic',
    birthday: '1993-03-11',
    diskQuota: '124839285',
    name: 'Mike Powers',
    birthday: '1989-11-26',
    diskQuota: '84821',
    name: 'Dana Simco',
    birthday: '1963-06-02',
    diskQuota: '8597335',

var basic = new Tablr('#my-thing', {
  data: dataArr,
  columns: ['Name', 'Birthday', 'Disk Quota'],

var headlessBasic = new Tablr(element, dataArr);

var advanced = new Tablr(element, {
  data: dataObj,
  columns: [
      id: 'name',
      label: 'Name',  // Will assume string type
      id: 'birthday',
      label: 'Birthday',
      sort: 'date',
      id: 'diskQuota',
      label: 'Disk Quota',
      sort: function sort(a, b) {
        return a - b;
      displayValue: function displayValue(value) {
        return toHumanReadableUnits(value)
  page: true,
  filter: (query, row) =>,

var advancedPageination = new Tablr(element, {
  data: dataObj,
  columns: ['Name', 'Birthday', 'Disk Quota'],
  page: {
    size: [10, 25 , 50, 100, 'All'],
    sizeDefault: 25,  // Otherwise 10
    position: 'bottom',
    textBefore: 'Show',
    textAfter: 'entries',

var advancedFiltering = new Tablr(element, {
  data: dataObj,
  columns: ['Name', 'Birthday', 'Disk Quota'],
  filter: {
    rule: (query, row) =>,
    debounce: 300,
    minQueryLength: 1,
    placeholder: 'Filter...',
    singlePage: false,


Name Type Default Description
data any[][] | Object[] [] Data to be rendered as rows in a table. Must be a nested array where each nested array represents a row, and can contain any data type.
columns array Required Table schema. More....
deferRender boolean false Whether the table should be rerendered upon adding or removing data from its data set, or if it should wait until the render method is called.
page boolean | object false Set to true to enable pagination with default settings. Else pass an Object with specific settings. More...
filter (query: string, row: any[] &$124; Object): boolean | Object false If set to a function or an object display an input[type="text"] element by the table to be used to filter values. The filter fuction run on the input element's change event, has a query parameter which is the value of the input element, and a second parameter for the row. It must return a boolean to determine whether to omit the row or not. More...


Name Type Default Description
id string Transformed label If data is an object, the key corresponding with the value for this column. If label exists for this column, not ID is passed, but data is an object, it will transform Disk Quota to diskQuota.
label string '' Text to display in column heading.
display (a: any): string N/A By default the display value is the actual cell value. Otherwise the output of the passed function will be.
sort `string | boolean (a: any, b: any) => number` N/A


Name Type Default Description
size number | array 25 The number of items to display at once without going to / from a page. If passed an array, a select menu will appear in the pagination controls with these values. Aside from a number, any string passed into it will count as displaying all rows while using the string as the label. -1 can also be used and default the label to All.
sizeDefault number 25 If size is an array, the default value selected.
position string 'bottom' Where the pagination controls are situated relative to the table. Possible values are top and bottom.
textBefore string 'Showing' Text to show before page size select menu if visible.
textAfter string 'of n' Text to show after page size select menu if visible.


Name Type Default Description
rule (query: string, row: any[] &$124; Object): boolean Required The sorting function that can be passed into the filter parameter instead of this object.
throttle number 200 How frequently to refilter the list. Cannot be set alongside debounce.
debounce number | boolean N/A How long before user input ends before executing the filter. Cannot be set alongside throttle. If set to true will use a default value of 30.
minQueryLength number 2 Minimum length of input value before table can be filtered.
placeholder string 'Filter...' Placeholder text for input element.
singlePage boolean false If set to true the filter will only apply to the currently viewed page. Otherwise it will filter all results and show the maximum amount of items allowed within view. (Need to figure out what to do about page number)


add(row: any[]): Tablr

remove(any[] => bool): Tablr

map((row: any[]) => any[]): Tablr (maybe)

replace(match: ((row: any[]) => boolean), transform: ((row: any[]) => any[])): Tablr (maybe)

sort((a: Object, b: Object) => number): Tablr

moveColumn(a: number, b: number): Tablr (maybe)

Sorting Presets

Name Description
string Sorts in alphabetical order.
number Sorts in numeric order.


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