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Created November 19, 2017 21:29
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Solución al reto 4 de la Semic Challenge del grupo "josep_pon" en la HackEPS 2017
import heapq
import fileinput
class Node:
def __init__(self, state, parent=None, action=None, cost=0):
self.state = state
self.parent = parent
self.action = action
self.cost = cost
def get_path_action(self):
path_actions = []
node = self
while node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
return path_actions
def __str__(self):
return "-- Node {0} --\n Parent: {1}\n Action: {2}\n Cost: {3}" \
.format(self.state, self.parent, self.action, self.cost)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.cost < other.cost
class MazeSolver(object):
def __init__(self, maze_rows):
self.maze_rows = maze_rows
self.start, self.end = self._get_start_end()
self.FRINGE = 0
self.EXPANDED = 1
self.path = None
def _get_start_end(self):
start = end = (0, 0)
for i, _ in enumerate(self.maze_rows):
for j, _ in enumerate(self.maze_rows[i]):
if self.maze_rows[i][j] == 'A':
start = (i, j)
if self.maze_rows[i][j] == 'B':
end = (i, j)
return start, end
def solve(self):
# Solved with A* algorithm
fringe = []
nss = dict()
heapq.heappush(fringe, (0, Node(self.start)))
nss[self.start] = (self.FRINGE, 0)
while fringe:
n = heapq.heappop(fringe)[1]
state = n.state
if nss[state] == self.EXPANDED:
if state == self.end:
self.path = n.get_path_action()
nss[n] = (self.EXPANDED, n.cost)
for s, a, c in self._get_successors(n):
cost = n.cost + c
heuristic_cost = self._manhattan_distance(s)
ns = Node(s, n, a, cost)
if ns.state not in nss:
total_cost = ns.cost + heuristic_cost
heapq.heappush(fringe, (total_cost, ns))
nss[ns.state] = (self.FRINGE, ns.cost)
elif nss[ns.state][1] > ns.cost and nss[ns.state][0] == self.FRINGE:
nss[ns.state] = (self.FRINGE, ns.cost)
def _get_successors(self, node):
x = node.state[0]
y = node.state[1]
actions = ['Right', 'Left', 'Up', 'Down']
states = [(x,y+1), (x,y-1), (x-1,y), (x+1,y)]
act_dict = {a: s for a, s in zip(actions, states) if self._is_valid_state(s)}
for a in act_dict:
yield act_dict[a], a, 1
def _is_valid_state(self, state):
x = state[0]
y = state[1]
return x >= 0 and x < len(self.maze_rows) and \
y >= 0 and y < len(self.maze_rows[0]) and \
self.maze_rows[x][y] != '#'
def _manhattan_distance(self, state):
return abs(self.end[0] - state[0]) + abs(self.end[1] - state[1])
def draw(self):
if not self.path:
print('Error! Path is not computed!')
curr_x = self.start[0]
curr_y = self.start[1]
prev_act = None
act = None
next_act = None
for i in range(len(self.path)):
prev_act = self.path[i-1] if i > 0 else None
act = self.path[i]
next_act = self.path[i+1] if i < len(self.path) - 1 else None
if act == 'Right':
curr_y += 1
elif act == 'Left':
curr_y -= 1
elif act == 'Up':
curr_x -= 1
elif act == 'Down':
curr_x += 1
if act == 'Right' and next_act == 'Up':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┘')
elif act == 'Right' and next_act == 'Down':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┐')
elif act == 'Left' and next_act == 'Up':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '└')
elif act == 'Left' and next_act == 'Down':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┌')
elif act == 'Up' and next_act == 'Left':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┐')
elif act == 'Up' and next_act == 'Right':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┌')
elif act == 'Down' and next_act == 'Left':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '┘')
elif act == 'Down' and next_act == 'Right':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '└')
elif act == 'Down' or act == 'Up':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '|')
elif act == 'Right' or act == 'Left':
self._set_char(curr_x, curr_y, '-')
def _set_char(self, x, y, c):
if self.maze_rows[x][y] != 'A' and self.maze_rows[x][y] != 'B':
row = list(self.maze_rows[x])
row[y] = c
self.maze_rows[x] = "".join(row)
def print_maze(self):
for r in self.maze_rows:
def main():
n_mazes = 0
current_maze = 0
mazes = dict()
solved_mazes = dict()
# Parse input
for line in fileinput.input():
line = line.strip()
if n_mazes == 0:
n_mazes = int(line)
if line.isdigit():
current_maze = int(line)
mazes[current_maze] = []
# Solve input mazes
for m in mazes.keys():
maze_solver = MazeSolver(mazes[m])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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