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Save mpapis/1179554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 631 > ruby_string=rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 632 > gemset_name=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 633 > repo_url=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 634 > branch_name=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 635 > ruby_name=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 637 > __rvm_unset_ruby_variables
+ /scripts/functions/env : __rvm_unset_ruby_variables() 2 > unset rvm_ruby_string rvm_ruby_strings rvm_ruby_binary rvm_ruby_gem_home rvm_ruby_gem_path rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_ruby_log_path rvm_ruby_major_version rvm_ruby_minor_version rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_release_version rvm_ruby_repo_url rvm_ruby_repo_branch rvm_ruby_revision rvm_ruby_selected_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_version rvm_ruby_load_path rvm_ruby_require rvm_head_flag rvm_ruby_package_file rvm_ruby_configure rvm_ruby_name rvm_ruby_url rvm_ruby_global_gems_path rvm_ruby_args rvm_ruby_name rvm_llvm_flag
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 628 > rvm_ruby_repo_url=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 629 > rvm_ruby_repo_branch=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 630 > rvm_ruby_name=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 632 > [[ -n '' ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 638 > strings=($(echo "${ruby_string//-/ }"))
++ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() -18 > echo 'rbx 2.0.0pre 1.9'
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 640 > (( 3 == 0 ))
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 674 > for string in '"${strings[@]:-""}"'
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 676 > case "$string" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 795 > rvm_ruby_interpreter=rbx
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 674 > for string in '"${strings[@]:-""}"'
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 676 > case "$string" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 711 > case "$string" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 700 > [[ rbx == \r\b\x ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 721 > case "${string}" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 708 > [[ -z '' ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 710 > rvm_ruby_version=2.0.0pre
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 674 > for string in '"${strings[@]:-""}"'
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 676 > case "$string" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 711 > case "$string" in
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 694 > rvm_ruby_version=1.9
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 695 > rvm_ruby_revision=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 696 > rvm_ruby_tag=
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 855 > [[ -z rbx ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 867 > rvm_ruby_version=1.9
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 868 > [[ -z 1.9 ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 875 > [[ -z 1.9 ]]
+ /scripts/selector : __rvm_ruby_string() 879 > rvm_ruby_string=rbx-1.9
sasha:source brian$ rvm install -n 1.9 rbx-2.0.0pre -- --default-version=1.9
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 installing #dependencies
Pulling from origin 2.0.0pre
Copying from repo to source...
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #configuring
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #compiling
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - adjusting #shebangs for (erb ri rdoc).
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #importing default gemsets (/Users/brian/.rvm/gemsets/)
WARN: rbx rbx-1.9 is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install rbx-1.9'
sasha:source brian$ rvm --version
rvm 1.8.0 by Wayne E. Seguin ( []
sasha:source brian$ rvm list
rvm rubies
rbx-1.2.4-20110705 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.8.7-p352 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p180 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre
Removing /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-2.0.0pre...
Removing /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.0.0pre...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre aliases...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre wrappers...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre environments...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-1.8 is already non existent.
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-1.8 is already non existent.
Removing rbx-1.8 aliases...
Removing rbx-1.8 wrappers...
Removing rbx-1.8 environments...
Removing rbx-1.8 binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-1.9 is already non existent.
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-1.9 is already non existent.
Removing rbx-1.9 aliases...
Removing rbx-1.9 wrappers...
Removing rbx-1.9 environments...
Removing rbx-1.9 binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm list
rvm rubies
rbx-1.2.4-20110705 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.8.7-p352 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p180 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
sasha:source brian$ rvm install -n 1.9 rbx-2.0.0pre -- --default-version=1.9
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 installing #dependencies
Pulling from origin 2.0.0pre
Copying from repo to source...
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #configuring
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #compiling
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - adjusting #shebangs for (erb ri rdoc).
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 - #importing default gemsets (/Users/brian/.rvm/gemsets/)
WARN: rbx rbx-1.9 is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install rbx-1.9'
sasha:source brian$ rvm --version
rvm 1.8.0 by Wayne E. Seguin ( []
sasha:source brian$ rvm list
rvm rubies
rbx-1.2.4-20110705 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.8.7-p352 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p180 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre
Removing /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-2.0.0pre...
Removing /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.0.0pre...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre aliases...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre wrappers...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre environments...
Removing rbx-2.0.0pre binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-1.8 is already non existent.
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-1.8 is already non existent.
Removing rbx-1.8 aliases...
Removing rbx-1.8 wrappers...
Removing rbx-1.8 environments...
Removing rbx-1.8 binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm remove rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/src/rbx-1.9 is already non existent.
it seems that /Users/brian/.rvm/rubies/rbx-1.9 is already non existent.
Removing rbx-1.9 aliases...
Removing rbx-1.9 wrappers...
Removing rbx-1.9 environments...
Removing rbx-1.9 binaries...
sasha:source brian$ rvm list
rvm rubies
rbx-1.2.4-20110705 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.8 [ x86_64 ]
rbx-2.0.0pre-1.9 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.8.7-p352 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p180 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
Copy link

The issue here is that the -n is not propigating, rvm's selector uses -n to designate a name so this:

Should be:

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