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Forked from anonymous/output
Last active December 26, 2015 20:09
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nick ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/start foo,/sbin/stop foo,/sbin restart foo,/sbin/service foo start,/sbin/service foo stop,/sbin/service foo restart,/home/nick/.rvm/wrappers/foo/foreman
desc "Restart application"
task :restart do
on roles(:app) do
execute :rvm, "alias create #{fetch(:application)} #{fetch(:rvm_ruby_version)}"
execute :rvm, "wrapper #{fetch(:application)} --no-links bundle"
#invoke "foreman:export" # <-- this does not work in cap v3
execute "sudo /home/nick/.rvm/wrappers/my_app/bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init -e #{fetch(:rails_env)} -a #{fetch(:application)} -u #{fetch(:user)} -l /var/#{fetch(:application)}/log"
# on OS X the equivalent pid-finding command is `ps | grep '/puma' | head -n 1 | awk {'print $1'}`
execute "(kill -s SIGUSR1 $(ps -C ruby -F | grep '/puma' | awk {'print $2'})) || sudo service #{fetch(:application)} restart"
# foreman.restart # uncomment this (and comment line above) if we need to read changes to the procfile
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