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Last active October 7, 2016 03:11
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Small script that fetch DSI data and uses Dipy recon module to recreate figure 6 and 7 from Paquette et al. "Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: better ODFs and better connectivity".
#!/usr/bin/env python
This example reproduces the ODFs in figure 6 and 7 from Paquette et al.
"Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: better ODFs and better connectivity".
The Optimal DSI (figure 7), is obtained using the parameters from the last
line of Tbl. 5 as the snr was estimated at 38 following an approach detailed
Required python modules (with their respective reqs):
import os
from os.path import join as pjoin
from import check_md5, _get_file_data
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
from import read_bvals_bvecs
from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel
from dipy.reconst.dsi import DiffusionSpectrumModel, DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel
from import get_sphere
from dipy.viz import fvtk
# Matplotlib version check
# The visualisation is tested for 1.4 and known to fail for 1.2 and 1.3
import matplotlib as plt
plt_ver = int(plt.__version__.split('.')[0])
plt_subver = int(plt.__version__.split('.')[1])
if (plt_ver < 1) or ((plt_ver == 1) and (plt_subver < 4)):
print("The visualisation part of this example requires matplotlib >= 1.4 (currently using {})".format(plt.__version__))
def main():
# Get the data and gradients
img, bvals, bvecs = read_dsi515_crop()
gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
data = img.get_data()
aff = img.get_affine()
# Estimate tensor
tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
tensorfit =
print("Computing tensor")
fa = tensorfit.fa.astype(np.float32)
img_fa = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(fa, aff)
print('Saving FA as fa_dsi515_crop.nii.gz'), 'fa_dsi515_crop.nii.gz')
del img_fa
# Approximate white matter mask by FA threshold
wm_mask = fa > 0.3
# Get sphere for ODF computation
print("Modify tess_order (line 59) to 1 or 2 for higher ODF tessellation")
tess_order = 0
sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724').subdivide(tess_order)
## Parameters of DSI:
# G: Grid size
# a: lower ODF integration relative bound
# b: upper ODF integration relative bound
# B: beta parameter for low-pass Kaiser window
## The DSI models:
# Plain DSI (PDSI)
[G, a, b, B] = [11, 0.0, 1.00, 0.0]
width = beta2width(B)
half_grid_size = (G+1)//2
pdsimodel = DiffusionSpectrumModel(gtab,
qgrid_size = G,
r_start = a * half_grid_size,
r_end = b * half_grid_size,
r_step = (b - a) * half_grid_size / 19.,
filter_width = width,
normalize_peaks = False)
# Classic DSI (CDSI)
[G, a, b, B] = [17, 0.25, 0.75, 2.5]
width = beta2width(B)
half_grid_size = (G+1)//2
cdsimodel = DiffusionSpectrumModel(gtab,
qgrid_size = G,
r_start = a * half_grid_size,
r_end = b * half_grid_size,
r_step = (b - a) * half_grid_size / 19.,
filter_width = width,
normalize_peaks = False)
# Optimal DSI (ODSI) estimated SNR 38
[G, a, b, B] = [35, 0.4, 0.8, 0.0]
width = beta2width(B)
half_grid_size = (G+1)//2
odsimodel = DiffusionSpectrumModel(gtab,
qgrid_size = G,
r_start = a * half_grid_size,
r_end = b * half_grid_size,
r_step = (b - a) * half_grid_size / 19.,
filter_width = width,
normalize_peaks = False)
# DSI Deconvolution (DDSI)
[G, a, b, B] = [35, 0.2, 0.8, 0.0]
width = beta2width(B)
half_grid_size = (G+1)//2
ddsimodel = DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel(gtab,
qgrid_size = G,
r_start = a * half_grid_size,
r_end = b * half_grid_size,
r_step = (b - a) * half_grid_size / 19.,
filter_width = width,
normalize_peaks = False)
## Computing and saving ODFs
# ODFs from figure 6: PDSI
print("Computing ODFs from figure 6: PDSI")
dsifit = = data, mask = wm_mask)
dsiodf = dsifit.odf(sphere)
print("Saving ODFs as odfs_pdsi.png")
save_ss(dsiodf, sphere, fname = 'odfs_pdsi.png')
# ODFs from figure 6: CDSI
print("Computing ODFs from figure 6: CDSI")
dsifit = = data, mask = wm_mask)
dsiodf = dsifit.odf(sphere)
print("Saving ODFs as odfs_cdsi.png")
save_ss(dsiodf, sphere, fname = 'odfs_cdsi.png')
# ODFs from figure 7: ODSI
print("Computing ODFs from figure 7: ODSI")
dsifit = = data, mask = wm_mask)
dsiodf = dsifit.odf(sphere)
print("Saving ODFs as odfs_odsi.png")
save_ss(dsiodf, sphere, fname = 'odfs_odsi.png')
# ODFs from figure 7: DDSI
print("Computing ODFs from figure 7: DDSI")
dsifit = = data, mask = wm_mask)
dsiodf = dsifit.odf(sphere)
print("Saving ODFs as odfs_ddsi.png")
save_ss(dsiodf, sphere, fname = 'odfs_ddsi.png')
def fetch_dsi515_crop():
""" Download the DSI515 crop dataset
dipy_home = pjoin(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.dipy')
uraw = ''
ubval = ''
ubvec = ''
folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'dsi515_crop')
md5_list = ['be22e7c55209e66d77088d561a5391fd', # data
'1b6053f8ffdbdc81bf7db3f10f235c3d', # bval
'622a3e0ed53d6832cb77d1a2d9d6f426'] # bvec
url_list = [uraw, ubval, ubvec]
fname_list = ['dsi515_crop.nii.gz', 'dsi515.bval', 'dsi515.bvec']
if not os.path.exists(folder):
print('Creating new directory %s' % folder)
print('Downloading raw DSI crop data (<1MB)...')
for i in range(len(md5_list)):
_get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i])
check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i])
print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder)
print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
def read_dsi515_crop():
""" Load DSI515 crop dataset
img : obj,
gtab : obj,
dipy_home = pjoin(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.dipy')
folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'dsi515_crop')
fraw = pjoin(folder, 'dsi515_crop.nii.gz')
fbval = pjoin(folder, 'dsi515.bval')
fbvec = pjoin(folder, 'dsi515.bvec')
md5_dict = {'data': 'be22e7c55209e66d77088d561a5391fd',
'bval': '1b6053f8ffdbdc81bf7db3f10f235c3d',
'bvec': '622a3e0ed53d6832cb77d1a2d9d6f426'}
check_md5(fraw, md5_dict['data'])
check_md5(fbval, md5_dict['bval'])
check_md5(fbvec, md5_dict['bvec'])
bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
# gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
img = nib.load(fraw)
return img, bvals, bvecs#, gtab
def beta2width(beta):
Convert the Kaiser window Beta parameter to its
Hann window equivalent following Appendix A
if beta != 0:
return 2 * np.pi * 11 / np.arccos((2 / np.i0(beta)) - 1)
# no filter
return np.inf
def save_ss(odf, sphere, fname = None):
Visualise or save as PNG a screenshot of a slice of ODFs
r =
sfu = fvtk.sphere_funcs(odf, sphere, scale=2.2, norm=True)
fvtk.add(r, sfu)
if fname == None:
fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path= fname, size=(3000, 1500), magnification = 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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