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Created December 15, 2017 18:33
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Parcellate volume data into N random parcel using kmeans.
import argparse
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import sklearn.cluster as clu
Parcellate volume data into N random parcel.
Uses sklearn kmean clustering.
Does not respect mask topology.
EPILOG = """
def buildArgsParser():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
description = DESCRIPTION,
epilog = EPILOG)
p._optionals.title = "Options and Parameters"
'volume', action='store', metavar='volume', type=str,
help='Filename for mask to parcellate.')
'outfile', action='store', metavar='outfile', type=str,
help='Output filename (don\'t include extension).')
'nparcel', action='store', metavar='nparcel', type=int,
help='Number of desired parcel.')
'-v', action='store_true', dest='v', default=False,
help='Enable verbose')
return p
def main():
# Parser
parser = buildArgsParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
volume = args.volume
outfile = args.outfile
n_parcel = args.nparcel
verbose = args.v
vol = nib.load(volume)
data = vol.get_data()
if verbose:
print('Volume loaded.')
# # Controled RNG seeding
# i_parcel = 0
# np.random.seed(i_parcel)
pos = np.where(data)
pts = np.zeros((np.array(pos[0]).shape[0], 3))
pts[:,0] = np.array(pos[0])
pts[:,1] = np.array(pos[1])
pts[:,2] = np.array(pos[2])
n_init = 3
clusterer = clu.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters = n_parcel, n_init = n_init, init = "k-means++", compute_labels = True)
fitted_cluster =
if verbose:
print('Clustering done.')
if verbose:
ll = np.array([(fitted_cluster.labels_==i).sum() for i in range(n_parcel)])
# print(ll.sum(), pts.shape[0])
print('parcel_id #voxel')
for i in range(n_parcel):
print(i, ll[i])
parcelation = np.zeros_like(data).astype(np.float32)
for ii in range(pts.shape[0]):
parcelation[int(pts[ii,0]), int(pts[ii,1]), int(pts[ii,2])] = fitted_cluster.labels_[ii]
output = nib.Nifti1Image(parcelation.astype(np.float32), vol.get_affine()), outfile + '.nii.gz')
if verbose:
print('Saved results as \n' + outfile + '.nii.gz')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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