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Last active August 27, 2015 21:13
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  • Save mpaquette/5080066fd5fffb385ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mpaquette/5080066fd5fffb385ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dirty example to display signal for individual shell of multi-shell as spherical function.
Dirty example to display signal for individual shell of multi-shell as spherical function.
No background maps, just signal spheres.
Option to assume or not antipodal symmetry.
Assume the gradient table as at least 1 b0.
Uses so not very robust ad-hoc function to detect which sample belong to which shell.
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from dipy.viz import fvtk
from dipy.core.sphere import HemiSphere, Sphere
from import read_bvals_bvecs
# from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
from import fetch_isbi2013_2shell, read_isbi2013_2shell
def main():
# path_dwi = '/media/Data/data_MRI/slider_kawin/'
# path_bvecs = '/media/Data/data_MRI/slider_kawin/'
# path_bvals = '/media/Data/data_MRI/slider_kawin/'
apply_antipodal_symmetry = True
shell_idx_to_plot = 0 # excluding b0s
# # Get data / gradient info
# data = nib.load(path_dwi).get_data()
# bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(path_bvals, path_bvecs)
img, gtab = read_isbi2013_2shell()
data = img.get_data()
data= data[10:40, 22, None, 10:40]
bvecs = gtab.bvecs
bvals = gtab.bvals
del gtab, img
# At this point, you need to have bvecs/bvals/data,
# comment the fetching and uncomment + change path for your data
# Find b-values in the sampling scheme
target_bvalues = _find_target_bvalues(bvals, shell_th = 50)
# Drop the first (assumes it's a b0)
target_bvalues = target_bvalues[1:]
# Assign shell idx to bvecs based on target_bvalues
shells = _find_shells(bvals, target_bvalues, shell_th = 50)
# Extract desired shell
bvecs_to_use = (shells == shell_idx_to_plot)
bvecs_shell = bvecs[bvecs_to_use]
data_shell = data[..., bvecs_to_use]
# Making a sphere to get vertices and faces
if apply_antipodal_symmetry:
signal_sphere = HemiSphere(xyz = bvecs_shell)
signal_sphere = signal_sphere.mirror()
data_shell = np.concatenate((data_shell, data_shell), axis = -1)
signal_sphere = Sphere(xyz = bvecs_shell)
r =
sfu = fvtk.sphere_funcs(data_shell, signal_sphere, scale=2.2, norm=True)
fvtk.add(r, sfu)
# outname = 'screenshot_signal.png'
# fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path = outname, size=(3000, 1500), magnification = 2)
## SOON: from scilpy.viz.sampling_scheme import ...
def _find_target_bvalues(bvals, shell_th = 50):
# Not robust
target_bvalues = []
bvalues = np.sort(np.array(list(set(bvals))))
for bval in bvalues:
add_bval = True
for target_bval in target_bvalues:
if (bval <= target_bval + shell_th) & (bval >= target_bval - shell_th):
add_bval = False
if add_bval:
return target_bvalues
# Assign bvecs to a target shell
def _find_shells(bvals, target_bvalues, shell_th = 50):
# Not robust
# shell -1 means nbvecs not part of target_bvalues
shells = -1 * np.ones_like(bvals)
for shell_id, bval in enumerate(target_bvalues):
shells[(bvals <= bval + shell_th) & (bvals >= bval - shell_th)] = shell_id
return shells
if __name__ == "__main__":
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