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Created November 23, 2009 12:16
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Salted password hashes with CL-MD5.
;;; This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
;;; the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
;;; To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
;;; for more details.
(defparameter +hash-salt-chars+ "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm")
(defparameter +salt-length+ 5)
(defun md5str (password)
"Return string form of PASSWORD's MD5sum."
(format nil "~{~2,'0x~}"
(concatenate 'list (md5:md5sum-sequence password))))
(defun random-string (character-set length)
(coerce (loop
for i from 0 to length
collect (aref character-set
(random (length character-set))))
(defun hash-password (password
&optional (salt (random-string +hash-salt-chars+ +salt-length+)))
(concatenate 'string salt "~"
(md5str (concatenate 'string salt "~" password))))
(defun check-password-hash (password hash)
(destructuring-bind (salt md5)
(split-sequence:split-sequence #\~ hash)
(string= md5 (md5str (concatenate 'string salt "~" password)))))
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