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Created July 23, 2018 14:56
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Adapted code for Math Circle
import random
from PIL import Image
imgx = 500; imgy = 500
image ="RGB", (imgx, imgy))
pixels = image.load()
mx = 10; my = 10 # width and height of the maze
maze = [[0 for x in range(mx)] for y in range(my)]
dx = [0, 1, 0, -1]; dy = [-1, 0, 1, 0] # 4 directions to move in the maze
color = [(0,0, 0), (255, 255, 255)] # RGB colors of the maze
# start the maze from a random cell
stack = [(random.randint(0, mx - 1), random.randint(0, my - 1))]
while len(stack) > 0:
(cx, cy) = stack[-1]
maze[cy][cx] = 1
# find a new cell to add
nlst = [] # list of available neighbors
for i in range(4):
nx = cx + dx[i]; ny = cy + dy[i]
if nx >= 0 and nx < mx and ny >= 0 and ny < my:
if maze[ny][nx] == 0:
# of occupied neighbors must be 1
ctr = 0
for j in range(4):
ex = nx + dx[j]; ey = ny + dy[j]
if ex >= 0 and ex < mx and ey >= 0 and ey < my:
if maze[ey][ex] == 1: ctr += 1
if ctr == 1: nlst.append(i)
# if 1 or more neighbors available then randomly select one and move
if len(nlst) > 0:
ir = nlst[random.randint(0, len(nlst) - 1)]
cx += dx[ir]; cy += dy[ir]
stack.append((cx, cy))
else: stack.pop()
# Print maze
for row in maze:
def moves(row,col,maze):
"""replace Maze entry with possible moves."""
pos_moves = ["N","E","S","W"]
print(row,col, maze[row][col])
if maze[row][col] == 0:
return []
if row == 0:
elif maze[row-1][col] == 0:
if row == len(maze)-1:
elif maze[row+1][col] == 0:
if col == 0:
elif maze[row][col-1] == 0:
if col == len(maze[row])-1:
elif maze[row][col+1] == 0:
return pos_moves
new_maze = [[moves(i,j,maze) for j in range(len(maze[i]))] for i in range(len(maze))]
for row in new_maze:
# paint the maze
for ky in range(imgy):
for kx in range(imgx):
pixels[kx, ky] = color[maze[my * ky // imgy][mx * kx // imgx]]"Maze_" + str(mx) + "x" + str(my) + ".png", "PNG")
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