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Created July 23, 2019 17:46
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Agenda for preCUMC Panel/Workshop
Hour 1:
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this hour, participants will be able to
1. Describe a typical day at the CUMC.
2. Introduce yourself to a (math) stranger.
3. Network with other undergrads in math.
1. Introductions
-Learning Objectives
- Other events in this series:
- Practice talks (July 16th from 3-6pm in Bahen 2155)
- pre-CUMC mini-conference (Friday July 19 3pm-6pm, this room)
-Introduce Panel (maybe)
2. What is CUMC?
- Annual summer conference for math undergrads.
- This year in Kingston. (2008 it was in Toronto!)
- Students give 20min presentations about whatever math topic they like (lots of diversity, not nec. original research)
- There are people from across Canada (and the world)
- Presentations happen simulataneously.
- You don't *have* to give a presentation (but you probably should)
- There is lots of time for hanging out/socializing/networking.
[See CUMC website FAQ]
3. Gather questions
- Mentimeter
4. Away panelists
- Read Lyra's statement
- Watch Jordyn's video
5. Ask questions of the panelists
Backup questions:
- Dress code
- What are the people like?
- Did you make any friends?
- How did you meet people?
- What was a typical day like? Busy? How many talks did you go to?
- What types of talks did you go to? What was your favourite?
- What was your actual presentation like?
6. Networking advice
Think-pair-share on the question "Why do we network at the CUMC? and How?". Put both questions on the blackboard and let people fill them in together.
- Ask questions.
- Things about the conference. (Keynotes, activities, talks they've been to)
- What university?
- What math they like? (Have any fun examples/problems/theorems?)
- What is your talk about? (How did it go?)
- Connect your personal experience with their answers. (This allows the conversation to progress.)
- Say Hi to people!
7. Game 1. Networking
- Find a person, and introduce yourself. I'll give you under 2 minutes, then we'll switch. (Repeat for 10 minutes)
Debrief: What did you learn? What went well? What was challenging?
--- BREAK ---
Hour 2:
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this hour, participants will be able to
1. Plan a CUMC presentation.
2. Find Abstracts of other talks.
3. Modify 3 key features (target audience, topic, LOs) of a conference presentation.
4. Ask good questions in a presentation.
1. Finding abstracts
- Look at the 2017 website (they have abstracts listed).
[ACTIVITY: Find 3 abstracts that look interesting to you.]
[ACTIVITY: Think-Pair-Share: What do you notice about the abstracts? What do the good ones have in common?]
2. Game 2: "Tell me about"
- Find a person.
-Person 1 will start talking about a math topic that they like.
-Person 2 can interupt at any time and say "Tell me about [this thing you mentioned]".
-Person 1 then talks about that.
-It's okay (and expected) that the topics move around a lot.
-It's okay if Person 1 stumbles, or says something that isn't exactly true. Try to keep it moving.
-We'll switch.
Debrief: What did you learn? What went well? What was challenging? What questions were the best?
- In presentations, sometimes we ask questions to show off. Don't do that. You can always talk/discuss after the presentation.
3. What should a talk contain?
[TPS: "What should a good presentation contain?"]
- Proofs?
- Exmples?
- Motivation?
- Every details?
4. Game 3. "Remixing a talk"
- There are 3 main variables for a talk:
- Topic
- Target Audience
- Learning Objectives
We can vary these.
Choose a topic that you could speak about. I'll give you the rest. Make a plausible plan.
Activity 1.
- Topic: Your choice.
- Target Audience (I'll choose one, let you think, then give you a different one):
4th year undergrads
1st year undergrads
Motivated Grade 9 students
Very smart kindergardners
Fields medalists
- Learning Objectives: Draw a picture of the key idea in the talk.
Activity 2.
-Topic: "Things they didn't teach you in 1st year calc"
-Target Audience: 2nd year undergrads (with calc and lin alg)
- Solve a very hard integral.
- Generalize some 1st year calc concepts/problems into topology/analysis.
- [General amazement]
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