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Created November 18, 2012 22:06
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(defprotocol JSCodec
(clj->js [x])
(key->js [x])
(js->clj [x][x options]))
(extend-protocol JSCodec
(key->js [k]
(if (coll? k)
(prn-str k)
(clj->js k)))
(clj->js [x]
(keyword? x) (name x)
(symbol? x) (str x)
(map? x) (let [m (js-obj)]
(doseq [[k v] x]
(aset m (key->js k) (clj->js v)))
(coll? x) (apply array (map clj->js x))
:else x))
([x options]
(let [{:keys [keywordize-keys]} options
keyfn (if keywordize-keys keyword str)
f (fn thisfn [x]
(seq? x) (doall (map thisfn x))
(coll? x) (into (empty x) (map thisfn x))
(goog.isArray x) (vec (map thisfn x))
(identical? (type x) js/Object) (into {} (for [k (js-keys x)]
[(keyfn k)
(thisfn (aget x k))]))
:else x))]
(f x)))
([x] (js->clj x {:keywordize-keys false})))
(clj->js [x] nil))
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mpenet commented Nov 18, 2012

There is probably some overhead using a protocol (just a guess) but this would make life easier when dealing with nested structures with custom types (either clojure or js instances depending on the fn).

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