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Created April 30, 2014 10:59
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(ns qbits.alia
[qbits.knit :as knit]
[qbits.alia.codec :as codec]
[qbits.alia.utils :as utils]
[qbits.alia.enum :as enum :refer [TConsistencyLevel]]
[qbits.hayt :as hayt]
[lamina.core :as l]
[clojure.core.memoize :as memo]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[clojure.core.typed :as T :refer [Seqable Option BlockingDeref ExInfo
[qbits.alia.cluster-options :as cluster-opt])
(java.nio ByteBuffer)
(java.util.concurrent ExecutorService)
(lamina.core.result ResultChannel)
(clojure.core.async.impl.channels ManyToManyChannel)
(T/def-alias Rows (Seqable (IPersistentMap Any Any)))
(T/def-alias BindValues (Option Seqable))
(T/def-alias HaytQuery (IPersistentMap Any Any))
(T/def-alias ExecuteOptions
(Option (HMap :optional
{:values BindValues
:consistency TConsistencyLevel
:serial-consistency TConsistencyLevel
:routing-key ByteBuffer
:retry-policy RetryPolicy
:tracing? Boolean
:string-keys? Boolean
:fetch-size AnyInteger
:executor ExecutorService
:success (Fn [Rows -> Any])
:error (Fn [Exception -> Any])})))
(T/def-alias Query (U String HaytQuery Statement PreparedStatement BoundStatement))
(T/ann ^:no-check default-executor (BlockingDeref ExecutorService))
(def default-executor (delay (knit/executor :cached)))
(T/ann ^:no-check hayt-query-fn [HaytQuery -> String])
(def ^:no-doc hayt-query-fn (memo/lu hayt/->raw :lu/threshold 100))
(T/ann ^:no-check set-hayt-query-fn! [(Fn [HaytQuery -> String]) -> nil])
(defn set-hayt-query-fn!
"Sets root value of hayt-query-fn, allowing to control how hayt
queries are executed , defaults to LU with a threshold of 100,
this is a global var, changing it will impact all threads"
(alter-var-root #'hayt-query-fn
(constantly f)
(when (thread-bound? #'hayt-query-fn)
(set! hayt-query-fn f)))
;; (alter-var-root #'hayt-query-fn (constantly f))
(T/ann ^:no-check cluster (Fn [cluster-opt/ClusterOptions -> Cluster]
[-> Cluster]))
(defn cluster
"Takes an option map and returns a new
com.datastax.driver.core/Cluster instance.
The following options are supported:
* `:contact-points` : List of nodes ip addresses to connect to.
* `:port` : port to connect to on the nodes (native transport must be
active on the nodes: `start_native_transport: true` in
cassandra.yaml). Defaults to 9042 if not supplied.
* `:load-balancing-policy` : Configure the
[Load Balancing Policy](
to use for the new cluster.
* `:reconnection-policy` : Configure the
[Reconnection Policy](
to use for the new cluster.
* `:retry-policy` : Configure the
[Retry Policy](
to use for the new cluster.
* `:metrics?` : Toggles metrics collection for the created cluster
(metrics are enabled by default otherwise).
* `:jmx-reporting?` : Toggles JMX reporting of the metrics.
* `:credentials` : Takes a map of :username and :password for use with
Cassandra's PasswordAuthenticator
* `:compression` : Compression supported by the Cassandra binary
protocol. Can be `:none` or `:snappy`.
* `:ssl?`: enables/disables SSL
* `:ssl-options` : advanced SSL setup using a
`com.datastax.driver.core.SSLOptions` instance
* `:pooling-options` : The pooling options used by this builder.
Options related to connection pooling.
The driver uses connections in an asynchronous way. Meaning that
multiple requests can be submitted on the same connection at the
same time. This means that the driver only needs to maintain a
relatively small number of connections to each Cassandra host. These
options allow to control how many connections are kept exactly.
For each host, the driver keeps a core amount of connections open at
all time. If the utilisation of those connections reaches a
configurable threshold ,more connections are created up to a
configurable maximum number of connections.
Once more than core connections have been created, connections in
excess are reclaimed if the utilisation of opened connections drops
below the configured threshold.
Each of these parameters can be separately set for `:local` and `:remote`
hosts (HostDistance). For `:ignored` hosts, the default for all those
settings is 0 and cannot be changed.
Each of the following configuration keys, take a map of {distance value} :
:core-connections-per-host {:remote 10 :local 100}
+ `:core-connections-per-host` Number
+ `:max-connections-per-host` Number
+ `:max-simultaneous-requests-per-connection` Number
+ `:min-simultaneous-requests-per-connection` Number
* `:socket-options`: a map of
+ `:connect-timeout-millis` Number
+ `:read-timeout-millis` Number
+ `:receive-buffer-size` Number
+ `:send-buffer-size` Number
+ `:so-linger` Number
+ `:tcp-no-delay?` Bool
+ `:reuse-address?` Bool
+ `:keep-alive?` Bool
* `:query-options`: a map of
+ `:fetch-size` Number
+ `:consistency` (consistency Keyword)
+ `:serial-consistency` (consistency Keyword)
* `:jmx-reporting?` Bool, enables/disables JMX reporting of the metrics.
The handling of these options is achieved with a multimethod that you
could extend if you need to handle some special case or want to create
your own options templates.
See `qbits.alia.cluster-options/set-cluster-option!` [[source]](../src/qbits/alia/cluster_options.clj#L19)
Values for consistency:
:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum
:serial :three :two
(-> (Cluster/builder)
(cluster-opt/set-cluster-options! (merge {:contact-points ["localhost"]}
([] (cluster {})))
(T/ann ^:no-check connect (Fn [Cluster String -> Session]
[Cluster -> Session]))
(defn ^Session connect
"Returns a new com.datastax.driver.core/Session instance. We need to
have this separate in order to allow users to connect to multiple
keyspaces from a single cluster instance"
([^Cluster cluster keyspace]
(.connect cluster (name keyspace)))
([^Cluster cluster]
(.connect cluster)))
(T/ann ^:no-check shutdown [(U Session Cluster) -> CloseFuture])
(defn shutdown
"Shutdowns Session or Cluster instance, clearing the underlying
(.closeAsync x))
(T/ann ^:no-check ex->ex-info
(Fn [Exception (IPersistentMap Any Any) String -> ExInfo]
[Exception (IPersistentMap Any Any) -> ExInfo]))
(defn ^:private ex->ex-info
([^Exception ex data msg]
(ex-info msg
(merge {:type ::execute
:exception ex}
(.getCause ex)))
([ex data]
(ex->ex-info ex data "Query execution failed")))
(T/ann ^:no-check prepare [Session (U String IPersistentMap) -> PreparedStatement])
(defn prepare
"Takes a session and a query (raw string or hayt) and returns a
com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement instance to be used in
`execute` after it's been bound with `bind`. Hayt query parameter
will be compiled with qbits.hayt/->raw internaly
ex: (prepare session (select :foo (where {:bar ?})))"
[^Session session query]
(let [^String q (if (map? query)
(hayt/->raw query)
(.prepare session q)
(catch Exception ex
(throw (ex->ex-info ex
{:type ::prepare-error
:query q}
"Query prepare failed"))))))
(T/ann ^:no-check bind [PreparedStatement BindValues -> BoundStatement])
(defn bind
"Takes a statement and a collection of values and returns a
com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement instance to be used with
`execute` (or one of its variants)"
[^PreparedStatement statement values]
(.bind statement (to-array (map codec/encode values)))
(catch Exception ex
(throw (ex->ex-info ex {:query statement
:type ::bind-error
:values values}
"Query binding failed")))))
(T/ann-protocol PStatement
[Query BindValues -> Statement])
(T/defprotocol> ^:no-doc PStatement
[q values] "Encodes input into a Statement instance"))
(extend-protocol PStatement
(^:no-check query->statement [q _] q)
(^:no-check query->statement [q values]
(bind q values))
(^:no-check query->statement [q _]
(SimpleStatement. q))
(^:no-check query->statement [q _]
(query->statement (hayt-query-fn q) nil)))
(T/ann ^:no-check set-statement-options!
[Statement ByteBuffer RetryPolicy Boolean TConsistencyLevel
TConsistencyLevel AnyInteger -> Any])
(defn ^:private set-statement-options!
[^Statement statement routing-key retry-policy tracing? consistency
serial-consistency fetch-size]
(when routing-key
(.setRoutingKey ^SimpleStatement statement
^ByteBuffer routing-key))
(when retry-policy
(.setRetryPolicy statement retry-policy))
(when tracing?
(.enableTracing statement))
(when fetch-size
(.setFetchSize statement fetch-size))
(when serial-consistency
(.setSerialConsistencyLevel statement
(enum/consistency-level serial-consistency)))
(when consistency
(.setConsistencyLevel statement (enum/consistency-level consistency))))
(T/ann ^:no-check execute
(Fn [Session Query ExecuteOptions -> Rows]
[Session Query -> Rows]))
(defn execute
"Executes a query against a session.
Returns a collection of rows.
The query can be a raw string, a PreparedStatement (returned by
`prepare`) with values passed via the `:values` option key will be bound by
`execute`, BoundStatement (returned by `qbits.alia/bind`), or a Hayt query.
The following options are supported:
* `:values` : values to be bound to a prepared query
* `:consistency` : Keyword, consistency
* `:serial-consistency` : Keyword, consistency
* `:routing-key` : ByteBuffer
* `:retry-policy` : one of qbits.alia.policy.retry/*
* `:tracing?` : Bool, toggles query tracing (available via query result metadata)
* `:string-keys?` : Bool, stringify keys (they are keyword by default)
* `:fetch-size` : Number, sets query fetching size
Values for consistency:
:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum
:serial :three :two"
([^Session session query {:keys [consistency serial-consistency
routing-key retry-policy tracing? string-keys?
fetch-size values]}]
(let [^Statement statement (query->statement query values)]
(set-statement-options! statement routing-key retry-policy tracing?
consistency serial-consistency fetch-size)
(codec/result-set->maps (.execute session statement) string-keys?)
(catch Exception err
(throw (ex->ex-info err {:query statement :values values}))))))
;; to support old syle api with unrolled args
([^Session session query]
(execute session query {})))
(T/ann ^:no-check execute-async
(Fn [Session Query ExecuteOptions -> ResultChannel]
[Session Query -> ResultChannel]))
(defn execute-async
"Same as execute, but returns a promise and accepts :success
and :error handlers via options, you can also pass :executor via the
option map for the ResultFuture, it defaults to a cachedThreadPool
if you don't.
For other options refer to `qbits.alia/execute` doc"
([^Session session query {:keys [success error executor consistency
serial-consistency routing-key
retry-policy tracing? string-keys? fetch-size
(let [^Statement statement (query->statement query values)]
(set-statement-options! statement routing-key retry-policy tracing?
consistency serial-consistency fetch-size)
(let [^ResultSetFuture rs-future
(.executeAsync session statement)
(catch Exception ex
(throw (ex->ex-info ex {:query statement :values values}))))
async-result (l/result-channel)]
(l/on-realized async-result success error)
(reify FutureCallback
(onSuccess [_ result]
(l/success async-result
(codec/result-set->maps (.get rs-future) string-keys?)))
(onFailure [_ ex]
(l/error async-result
(ex->ex-info ex {:query statement :values values}))))
(or executor @default-executor))
([^Session session query]
(execute-async session query {})))
(T/ann ^:no-check execute-chan
(Fn [Session Query ExecuteOptions -> ManyToManyChannel]
[Session Query -> ManyToManyChannel]))
(defn execute-chan
"Same as execute, but returns a clojure.core.async/chan that is
wired to the underlying ResultSetFuture. This means this is usable
with `go` blocks or `take!`. Exceptions are sent to the channel as a
value, it's your responsability to handle these how you deem
For options refer to `qbits.alia/execute` doc"
([^Session session query {:keys [executor consistency serial-consistency
routing-key retry-policy tracing?
string-keys? fetch-size values]}]
(let [^Statement statement (query->statement query values)]
(set-statement-options! statement routing-key retry-policy tracing?
consistency serial-consistency fetch-size)
(let [^ResultSetFuture rs-future (.executeAsync session statement)
ch (async/chan 1)]
(reify FutureCallback
(onSuccess [_ result]
(async/put! ch (codec/result-set->maps (.get rs-future) string-keys?))
(async/close! ch))
(onFailure [_ ex]
(async/put! ch (ex->ex-info ex {:query statement :values values}))
(async/close! ch)))
(or executor @default-executor))
([^Session session query]
(execute-chan session query {})))
(T/ann ^:no-check lazy-query- [Session Query Any Rows ExecuteOptions -> Rows])
(defn ^:private lazy-query-
[session query pred coll opts]
(lazy-cat coll
(when query
(let [coll (execute session query opts)]
(lazy-query- session (pred query coll) pred coll opts)))))
(T/ann ^:no-check lazy-query (Fn [Session Query ExecuteOptions -> Rows]
[Session Query -> Rows]))
(defn lazy-query
"Takes a session, a query (hayt, raw or prepared) and a query modifier fn (that
receives the last query and last chunk and returns a new query or nil).
The first chunk will be the original query result, then for each
subsequent chunk the query will be the result of last query
modified by the modifier fn unless the fn returns nil,
which would causes the iteration to stop.
It also accepts any of `execute` options.
ex: (lazy-query session
(select :items (limit 2) (where {:x (int 1)}))
(fn [q coll]
(merge q (where {:si (-> coll last :x inc)})))
{:consistency :quorum :tracing? true})"
([session query pred opts]
(lazy-query- session query pred [] opts))
([session query pred]
(lazy-query session query pred {})))
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