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Last active September 25, 2023 14:17
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Feed checker script for IDing feeders with issues
# OARC ADS-B Feed Checker v4 - Mark 2M0IIG with additional help from Roger M7TEE
# This script reads in the readsb and mlat-server clients.json files and presents the information in a clearer manner
# to identify users with issues
import json
import argparse
colour_red = "\033[1m\033[91m***"
colour_yellow = "\033[1m\033[93m***"
colour_magenta = "\033[1m\033[95m***"
colour_green = "\033[1m\033[92m***"
colour_blue = "\033[1m\033[94m***"
colour_cyan = "\033[1m\033[96m***"
colour_darkcyan = "\033[1m\033[36m***"
colour_bold = "\033[1m"
colour_underline = "\033[4m"
colour_end = "\033[0m"
# This opens the two JSON files
def parseJSONfile():
with open('/run/readsb/clients.json', 'r') as readsb_client_json:
readsb_data = json.load(readsb_client_json)
with open('/run/mlat-server/clients.json', 'r') as mlat_client_json:
mlat_data = json.load(mlat_client_json)
return readsb_data, mlat_data
# Set up some variables for later
readsb_data, mlat_data = parseJSONfile()
all_ip_addresses = []
readsb_ip_count = dict()
mlat_ip_count = dict()
readsb_ip_uuids = dict()
mlat_ip_uuids = dict()
mlat_ip_names = dict()
for readsb_entry in readsb_data['clients']:
client_ip = readsb_entry[1].split("port", 1)[0].strip()
# update count of readsb ip_count
if client_ip in readsb_ip_count:
readsb_ip_count[client_ip] += 1
readsb_ip_count[client_ip] = 1
uuid = readsb_entry[0]
# add uuid to readsb_ip_uuids
if client_ip in readsb_ip_uuids:
readsb_ip_uuids[client_ip] = [uuid]
mlat_ip_msgs_per_second = dict()
mlat_ip_outlier_percentages = dict()
mlat_ip_peer_counts = dict()
for mlat_entry in mlat_data:
client_ip = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['source_ip']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_count:
mlat_ip_count[client_ip] += 1
mlat_ip_count[client_ip] = 1
mlat_username = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['user']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_names:
mlat_ip_names[client_ip] = [mlat_username]
uuid = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['uuid']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_uuids:
mlat_ip_uuids[client_ip] = [uuid]
msgs_per_second = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['message_rate']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_msgs_per_second:
mlat_ip_msgs_per_second[client_ip] = [msgs_per_second]
outlier_percentage = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['outlier_percent']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_outlier_percentages:
mlat_ip_outlier_percentages[client_ip] = [outlier_percentage]
peer_count = mlat_data[mlat_entry]['peer_count']
if client_ip in mlat_ip_peer_counts:
mlat_ip_peer_counts[client_ip] = [peer_count]
# get command line args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="OARC ADS-B Feed Checker", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--skip_working', action='store_true', help='Skip working feeders')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--show_uuid_breakdown', action='store_true', help='Show UUID breakdown')
args = parser.parse_args()
# remove duplicates
unique_ip_addresses = list(dict.fromkeys(all_ip_addresses))
# unique_ip_addresses.sort()
# sort the list
# print count of IP addresses
print("Total IP addresses: " + str(len(all_ip_addresses)))
print("Unique IP addresses: " + str(len(unique_ip_addresses)))
if(args.skip_working): print("\nSkipping working feeders")
if not(args.show_uuid_breakdown): print("\nSkipping UUID breakdown")
table_format = "{:3} {:16} {:<6} {:<6} {:<6} {:<6} {:<20} {:}"
num = 0
print(table_format.format("Num", "IP Address ", "READSB", "MLAT", "READSB", "MLAT", "MLAT", "Notes"))
print(table_format.format(" ", " ", "Count", "Count", "UUIDs", "UUIDs", "Username ", " "))
for ip in unique_ip_addresses:
num += 1
notes = ''
readsb_count = readsb_ip_count.get(ip, 0)
mlat_count = mlat_ip_count.get(ip, 0)
if(readsb_count != mlat_count):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_red + " beast/mlat counts do not match ***\033[0m"
if(mlat_count < readsb_count):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_red + " MLAT not enabled on at least one of these feeds ***\033[0m"
readsb_uuids = readsb_ip_uuids.get(ip, [])
mlat_uuids = mlat_ip_uuids.get(ip, [])
mlat_usernames = mlat_ip_names.get(ip, ['NO NAME'])
if(len(readsb_uuids) != len(mlat_uuids)):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_red + " readsb/mlat uuid counts do not match ***\033[0m"
all_uuids = []
all_uuids = all_uuids + readsb_uuids
all_uuids = all_uuids + mlat_uuids
# all_unique_uuids = list(dict.fromkeys(all_uuids))
# alternative, which avoids TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
all_unique_uuids = []
for uuid in all_uuids:
if uuid not in all_unique_uuids:
if(len(all_unique_uuids) > 1):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_yellow + " multiple uuids found (" + str(len(all_unique_uuids)) + ") ***\033[0m"
uuid_none_count = all_uuids.count(None)
if(uuid_none_count > 0):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_yellow + " at least one entry of a null UUID (" + str(uuid_none_count) + ") ***\033[0m"
mlat_messages_per_second = mlat_ip_msgs_per_second.get(ip, [])
if(0 in mlat_messages_per_second):
if(len(notes) > 0):
notes += ", "
notes += "" + colour_yellow + " at least one entry of 0 MLAT messages per second ***\033[0m"
# mlat_outlier_percentages = mlat_ip_outlier_percentages.get(ip, [])
# outlier_pc_threshold = 0.1
# if(any(outlier_percentage > outlier_pc_threshold for outlier_percentage in mlat_outlier_percentages)):
# if(len(notes) > 0):
# notes += ", "
# notes += "" + colour_red + " at least one entry of greater than 0.1 outlier percentage ***\033[0m"
# mlat_peer_count = mlat_ip_peer_counts.get(ip, [])
# if(any(peer_count < 2 for peer_count in mlat_peer_count)):
# if(len(notes) > 0):
# notes += ", "
# notes += "" + colour_red + " at least one entry of less than 2 peers ***\033[0m"
if(ip == "::1"):
notes = '' # We don't care about the mlat-server feed
if (notes == ''):
if not(args.skip_working):
print(table_format.format(str(num), ip, readsb_count, mlat_count, len(readsb_uuids), len(mlat_uuids), mlat_usernames[0], notes))
print(table_format.format(str(num), ip, readsb_count, mlat_count, len(readsb_uuids), len(mlat_uuids), mlat_usernames[0], notes))
if (notes == ''):
if not(args.skip_working):
sub_num = 0
for uuid in all_unique_uuids:
sub_num += 1
# print(table_format.format( "{:}-{:}".format(num, sub_num), str(uuid), "", "", "", "", ""))
print(table_format.format( " {:}".format(sub_num), str(uuid), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
sub_num = 0
for uuid in all_unique_uuids:
sub_num += 1
# print(table_format.format( "{:}-{:}".format(num, sub_num), str(uuid), "", "", "", "", ""))
print(table_format.format( " {:}".format(sub_num), str(uuid), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
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