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Last active January 9, 2025 17:42
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Amethyst for MacOS keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet


Amethyst is a tiling window manager for MacOS. This cheat sheet is to support my attempt to remember all of the keyboard shortcuts that are useful for me. See Amethyst preferences for the full list, or to record/remap your own.

Shortcuts Description
Option + Shift + Space Cycle layout forward
Ctrl + Option + Shift + Space Cycle layout backwards
Option + Shift + Z Force windows to be reevaluated
Option + Shift + D Fullscreen layout
Option + Shift + F Column layout
Option + Shift + A Tall layout
Option + Shift + S Wide layout
Option + Shift + I Display current layout
Option + Shift + W Focus on Screen 1
Ctrl + Option + Shift + W Place focussed window on Screen 1
Option + Shift + E Focus on Screen 2
Ctrl + Option + Shift + E Place focussed window on Screen 2
Option + Shift + R Focus on Screen 3
Ctrl + Option + Shift + R Place focussed window on Screen 3
Ctrl + Option + Shift + X Toggle focus follows mouse
Ctrl + Option + Shift + T Toggle global tiling

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