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Created April 15, 2014 17:13
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Pure Lua implementation of checks
Argument type checking API.
This library declares a `checks()` function and a `checkers` table, which
allow to check the parameters passed to a Lua function in a fast and
unobtrusive way.
`checks (type_1, ..., type_n)`, when called directly inside function
`f`, checks that `f`'s 1st argument conforms to `type_1`, that its 2nd
argument conforms to `type_2`, etc. until `type_n`. Type specifiers
are strings, and if the arguments passed to `f` don't conform to their
specification, a proper error message is produced, pinpointing the
call to `f` as the faulty expression.
Each type description `type_n` must be a string, and can describe:
* the Lua type of an object, such as `"table"`, `"number"` etc.;
* an arbitrary name, which would be stored in the `__type` field of
the argument's metatable;
* a type-checking function, which would be stored in the `checkers`
global table. This table uses type names as keys, test functions
returning Booleans as keys.
Moreover, types can be prefixed with a `"?"`, which makes them
optional. For instance, `"?table"` accepts tables as well as `nil`
A `"?"` alone accepts anything. It is mainly useful as a placeholder,
to skip an argument which doesn't need to be checked.
Finally, several types can be accepted, if their names are
concatenated with a bar `"|"` between them. For instance,
`"table|number"` accepts tables as well as numbers. It can be combined
with the question mark, so `"?table|number"` accepts tables, numbers
and nil values. It is actually equivalent to `"nil|table|number"`.
More formally, let's specify `conform(a, t)`, the property that
argument `a` conforms to the type denoted by `t`. `conform(a,t)` is
true if and only if at least one of the following propositions is
* `conforms(a, t:match "^(.-)|.*"`
* `t == "?"`
* `t:sub(1, 1) == "?" and (conforms(a, t:sub(2, -1)) or a==nil)`
* `type(a) == t`
* `getmetatable(a) and getmetatable(a).__type == t`
* `checkers[t] and checkers[t](a) is true`
* `conforms(a, t:match "^.-|(.*)")`
The above propositions are listed in the order in which they are
tried by `check`. The higher they appear in the list, the faster
`checks` accepts aconforming argument. For instance,
`checks("number")` is faster than
`checkers.mynumber=function(x) return type(x)=="number" end; checks("mynumber")`.
Usage examples
require 'checks'
-- Custom checker function --
function checkers.port(p)
return type(p)=='number' and p>0 and p<0x10000
-- A new named type --
socket_mt = { __type='socket' }
asocket = setmetatable ({ }, socket_mt)
-- A function that checks its parameters --
function take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (sock, port, str)
checks ('socket', 'port', '?string')
take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (asocket, 1024, "hello")
take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (asocket, 1024)
-- A couple of other parameter-checking options --
function take_number_or_string()
function take_number_or_string_or_nil()
function take_anything_followed_by_a_number()
checks("?", "number")
-- Catch some incorrect arguments passed to the function --
function must_fail(...)
assert (not pcall (take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string, ...))
must_fail ({ }, 1024, "string") -- 1st argument isn't a socket
must_fail (asocket, -1, "string") -- port number must be 0-0xffff
must_fail (asocket, 1024, { }) -- 3rd argument cannot be a table
-- Table for custom checkers.
local checkers = {}
-- Generate and throw an error.
local function raiseError(level, narg, expected, got)
local funcName = debug.getinfo(level + 1, "n").name
local info = debug.getinfo(level + 2, "Sl")
return error(("%s:%d: bad argument #%d to %s (%s expected, got %s)"):format(
info.short_src, info.currentline, narg, funcName, expected, got
), 0)
--- Return true iff actual_type occurs in expected_types, the later being
-- a list of type names separate by '|' chars.
local function matches(actualType, expectedTypes)
for expectedType in expectedTypes:gmatch("[^|]+") do
if actualType == expectedType then
return true
local function checks(...)
local level = 2 -- outer function
local i = 1 -- starting argument index
local first = select(1, ...)
if type(first) == "number" then
level = first
i = 2 -- skip the level argument
assert(debug.getinfo(level, ""), "checks() must be called within a Lua function")
local total = select("#", ...)
while i <= total do
local expectedType = select(i, ...)
local _, value = debug.getlocal(level, i)
-- 1. Check whether the argument should be inspected.
if expectedType ~= "?" then
-- 2. Check whether the type definition uses short notation for nil.
if not (expectedType:sub(1, 1) == "?" and value == nil) then
expectedType = expectedType:gsub("^%?", "")
-- 3. Check actual type.
local actualType = type(value)
if not matches(actualType, expectedType) then
-- 4. Check type name in metatable.
local mt = debug.getmetatable(value)
if not (mt and mt.__type and matches(mt.__type, expectedType)) then
-- 5. Check custom typechecking functions.
local checkers = debug.getregistry().checkers
local ok, result
for checkerName in expectedType:gmatch("[^|]+") do
local checker = checkers[checkerName]
if checker and type(checker) == "function" then
ok, result = pcall(checker, value)
if ok and result then
if not (ok and result) then
raiseError(level, i, expectedType, actualType)
i = i + 1
-- Export table of custom checkers and the `check` function.
_G.checkers = checkers
debug.getregistry().checkers = checkers -- Is it necessary to use the registry?
_G.checks = checks
return checks
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