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Created December 19, 2013 19:20
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import copy
import imp
import random
import sys
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from rgkit import rg
from rgkit.settings import settings, AttrDict
sys.modules['rg'] = rg # preserve backwards compatible robot imports
def init_settings(map_data):
settings.spawn_coords = map_data['spawn'] # FIX NAMING
settings.obstacles = map_data['obstacle']
settings.start1 = map_data['start1']
settings.start2 = map_data['start2']
return settings
class GameState:
def __init__(self, settings, use_start=False, turn=0, next_robot_id=0):
self._settings = settings
self.robots = {}
self.turn = turn
self._next_robot_id = next_robot_id
if use_start:
for loc in self._settings.start1:
self.add_robot(loc, 0)
for loc in self._settings.start2:
self.add_robot(loc, 1)
def add_robot(self, loc, player_id, hp=None, robot_id=None):
if hp is None:
hp = self._settings.robot_hp
if robot_id is None:
robot_id = self._next_robot_id
self._next_robot_id += 1
self.robots[loc] = AttrDict({
'location': loc,
'hp': hp,
'player_id': player_id,
'robot_id': robot_id
def remove_robot(self, loc):
if self.is_robot(loc):
del self.robots[loc]
def is_robot(self, loc):
return loc in self.robots
def _clear_spawn(self):
for loc in settings.spawn_coords:
if self.is_robot(loc):
def _spawn_robots(self):
# see
locations = []
n = 0
for loc in self._settings.spawn_coords:
n += 1
if len(locations) < self._settings.spawn_per_player*2:
s = int(random.random()*n)
if s < self._settings.spawn_per_player*2:
locations[s] = loc
for i in xrange(self._settings.spawn_per_player):
self.add_robot(locations[i], 0)
self.add_robot(locations[i + self._settings.spawn_per_player], 1)
def _clear_dead(self):
dead = filter(lambda loc: self.robots[loc].hp <= 0, self.robots)
for loc in dead:
# actions = map (loc) -> (action)
# all actions must be valid
# returns new GameState
def apply_actions(self, actions, spawn=True):
new_state = GameState(self._settings, next_robot_id=self._next_robot_id,
turn=self.turn + 1)
def dest(loc):
if actions[loc][0] == 'move':
return actions[loc][1]
return loc
hitpoints = defaultdict(lambda: set())
def add(loc, target):
def remove(loc, target):
if loc in hitpoints[target]:
def stuck(loc):
# we are not moving anywhere
# inform others
old_hitpoints = hitpoints[loc]
hitpoints[loc] = set([loc])
for rival in old_hitpoints:
if rival != loc:
for loc in self.robots:
add(loc, dest(loc))
for loc in self.robots:
if len(hitpoints[dest(loc)]) > 1 or (self.is_robot(dest(loc)) and
dest(loc) != loc and
dest(dest(loc)) == loc):
# we've got a problem
# calculate new locations
for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
if actions[loc][0] == 'move' and loc in hitpoints[loc]:
new_loc = loc
new_loc = dest(loc)
robot.player_id, robot.hp, robot.robot_id)
collisions = set()
for loc in self.robots:
for target in hitpoints[dest(loc)]:
if (target, loc) not in collisions:
collisions.add((loc, target))
# apply collision damage
for (loc, loc2) in collisions:
if self.robots[loc].player_id != self.robots[loc2].player_id:
damage = self._settings.collision_damage
if actions[loc][0] != 'guard':
new_state.robots[loc].hp -= damage
if actions[loc2][0] != 'guard':
new_state.robots[loc2].hp -= damage
damage_map = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
actor_id = robot.player_id
if actions[loc][0] == 'attack':
target = actions[loc][1]
damage = random.randint(*self._settings.attack_range)
damage_map[target][actor_id] += damage
if actions[loc][0] == 'suicide':
damage_map[target][1-actor_id] += self._settings.robot_hp
damage = self._settings.suicide_damage
for target in rg.locs_around(loc):
damage_map[target][actor_id] += damage
# apply damage
for loc, robot in new_state.robots.iteritems():
damage_taken = damage_map[loc][1-robot.player_id]
if self.is_robot(loc) and actions[loc][0] == 'guard':
damage_taken /= 2
robot.hp -= damage_taken
# clear dead bots
if spawn:
if self.turn % 10 == 0:
return new_state
def get_scores(self):
scores = [0, 0]
for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
scores[robot.player_id] += 1
return scores
# export GameState to be used by a robot
def get_game_info(self, player_id):
game_info = AttrDict()
game_info.robots = {loc: AttrDict(robot)
for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems()}
for loc, robot in game_info.robots.iteritems():
if robot.player_id != player_id:
del robot.robot_id
game_info.turn = self.turn
return game_info
# actor = location
# action = well, action
def is_valid_action(self, actor, action):
if action[0] in ['move', 'attack']:
return action[1] in rg.locs_around(
actor, filter_out=['invalid', 'obstacle'])
elif action[0] in ['guard', 'suicide']:
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
class Player:
def __init__(self, code):
self._module = imp.new_module('usercode%d' % id(self))
exec code in self._module.__dict__
self._robot = self._module.__dict__['Robot']()
def set_player_id(self, player_id):
self._player_id = player_id
def reload(self):
self._robot = self._module.__dict__['Robot']()
def _get_action(self, game_state, game_info, robot):
self._robot.location = robot.location
self._robot.hp = robot.hp
self._robot.player_id = robot.player_id
self._robot.robot_id = robot.robot_id
action = self._robot.act(game_info)
if not game_state.is_valid_action(robot.location, action):
raise Exception(
'Bot {0}: {1} is not a valid action from {2}'.format(
robot.robot_id + 1, action, robot.location)
except Exception:
action = ['guard']
return action
# returns map (loc) -> (action) for all bots of this player
# 'fixes' invalid actions
def get_actions(self, game_state):
game_info = game_state.get_game_info(self._player_id)
actions = {}
for loc, robot in game_state.robots.iteritems():
if robot.player_id == self._player_id:
actions[loc] = self._get_action(game_state, game_info, robot)
return actions
class Match:
def __init__(self, settings, player1, player2, record_history=True):
self._settings = settings
self._player1 = player1
self._player2 = player2
self._record_history = record_history
if self._record_history:
self.history = []
def run(self):
self.state = GameState(self._settings, use_start=True)
while self.state.turn < self._settings.max_turns:
if self._record_history:
self.scores = self.state.get_scores()
def _save_to_history(self, actions=None):
data = AttrDict()
data.state = self.state
data.actions = actions
def run_turn(self):
actions = self._player1.get_actions(self.state)
actions2 = self._player2.get_actions(self.state)
if self._record_history:
self.state = self.state.apply_actions(actions)
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