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Created October 4, 2014 17:25
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Convert marine gravity anomaly map to GeoTIFF
# Convert to NetCDF
img2grd grav.img.23.1 -Rg
# Reencode since gdal didn't like NetCDF file
cdo -f nc4c -k lines copy
# Create GeoTIFF
gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 grav.tif
# Reproject as EPSG:3857
gdalwarp -multi -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=100 -r cubic -t_srs EPSG:3857 grav.tif grav2.tif
# Convert from floating point to integer and compress
gdal_translate -scale -647 729 -ot byte -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE grav2.tif gravity.tif
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