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Last active January 31, 2022 01:12
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Arduino library of an array of averaged Analog Inputs connected PhotoCells (aka LDR)
#include "PhotCellArrayAveraged.h"
PhotoCell ldr[] = {{Pins{A0, A1}, 10}, {Pins{A2, A3}, 10}, {Pins{A4, A5}, 10}, {Pins{A6, A7}, 10}};
unsigned period = 1000;
unsigned long nextPrintTime;
void setup() {
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps
nextPrintTime = (unsigned long) (millis() + period);
void loop() {
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
for (int i = 0; i < ((sizeof(ldr) / sizeof(ldr[0]))); i++) {
if (currentTime > nextPrintTime) {
nextPrintTime = (unsigned long) (currentTime + period);
for (int i = 0; i < ((sizeof(ldr) / sizeof(ldr[0]))); i++) {
Serial.print("), ");
#include "PhotCellArrayAveraged.h"
PhotoCell::PhotoCell(Pins _pins, int samples) {
pins = _pins;
pinMode(pins.sig, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pins.gnd, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pins.gnd, LOW);
m_samples = samples;
m_readings = new int[m_samples];
m_period = 1000 / samples;
threshold = 100;
thresholdStatus = false;
PhotoCell::~PhotoCell() {
delete [] m_readings;
int PhotoCell::read() {
return analogRead(pins.sig);
// add a new reading and return the new moving average
int PhotoCell::updateReading() {
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
int newReading = analogRead(pins.sig);
if (currentTime > m_nextReadingTime) {
m_nextReadingTime = (unsigned long) (currentTime + m_period);
// add each new data point to the sum until the m_readings array is filled
if (m_nbrReadings < m_samples)
m_sum = m_sum + newReading;
// once the array is filled, subtract the oldest data point and add the new one
m_sum = m_sum - m_readings[m_next] + newReading;
m_readings[m_next] = newReading;
if (++m_next >= m_samples) m_next = 0;
average = (m_sum + m_nbrReadings / 2) / m_nbrReadings;
thresholdStatus = (average > threshold) ? true : false;
return average;
// start the moving average over again
void PhotoCell::reset() {
m_nbrReadings = 0;
m_sum = 0;
m_next = 0;
m_nextReadingTime = (unsigned long) (millis() + m_period);
average = 0;
#include "Arduino.h"
struct Pins {
uint8_t sig;
uint8_t gnd;
class PhotoCell {
PhotoCell(Pins _pins, int samples);
int read();
int updateReading();
int average;
int getCount() {
return m_nbrReadings;
void reset();
int* getReadings() {
return m_readings;
int threshold;
bool thresholdStatus;
Pins pins;
int m_samples; // number of data points for the moving average
int m_nbrReadings; // number of readings
long m_sum; // sum of the m_readings array
int m_next; // index to the next reading
int *m_readings; // pointer to the dynamically allocated samples array
unsigned m_period;
unsigned long m_nextReadingTime;
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