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Created June 8, 2018 12:42
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  • Save mpickering/0159d3c19cc221f6d2ecf9fd5c947184 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mpickering/0159d3c19cc221f6d2ecf9fd5c947184 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nixpkgs = import ((import <nixpkgs> { }).fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nixpkgs";
rev = "72f07e74f3bcac0635b880fecbd45c17938a6368";
sha256 = "081qi4hpxzw3w5kphv1qcxyayh542szdshmacz2kpfj9d04d3nzc";
}) { config = { }; };
nixpkgs.callPackage ./pinned-ghc.nix {}
{ stdenv
, writeText
, cacert
, git
, haskell
} :
# We need a version of fetchgit that allows us to register two
# remotes for the main repo, so that the submodules which use
# relative paths are all pointing to the correct location.
fetchgit-ghc =
{ origin # location of master and all relative submodules
, url # location of fork
, commit # commit hash we want to build
, ref # git ref / branch we want to fetch
, sha256 # checksum of the complete checkout
, name # nix-store name of the sources
} :
{ inherit name;
builder = writeText "" ''
source $stdenv/setup
header "exporting $url (branch $ref, commit $commit) into $out"
mkdir -p "$out"
cd "$out"
git init
# We add the origin repo (to which all the submodules are relative).
git remote add origin "$origin";
# We add the fork repo (containing the patches we're interested in).
git remote add fork "$url";
( [ -n "$http_proxy" ] && git config http.proxy "$http_proxy" ) || true
# Obtain the main repo.
git fetch --progress --depth 100 fork +"$ref" || return 1
git checkout -b local "$commit"
# Get all the submodules.
git submodule init
git submodule update # fetches all but seems difficult to avoid
# For all submodules, delete the .git directories.
echo "removing \`.git'..." >&2
find "$out" -name .git -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
buildInputs = [git];
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = sha256;
inherit url origin commit ref;
GIT_SSL_CAINFO = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
impureEnvVars = stdenv.lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ [
# This builds the fork of GHC with the desired changes.
# We do so by overriding the ghcHEAD expression which does almost
# the right thing already (namely building GHC via the git repos).
# Note that we specify an explicit commit. This should result
# in a fully reproducable build, but it means changes are not
# picked up automatically.
(haskell.compiler.ghcHEAD.override { version = "8.5.20180608"; })
(old :
{ src = fetchgit-ghc {
name = "ghc-head.git"; # store name for the sources
origin = "git://"; # primary repo
url = "git://"; # our fork
ref = "refs/heads/master"; # branch we want
commit = "d66ca0111cefcda6620a4c82a932456b3e48874c"; # commit we want
sha256 = "0pcxbvljf70q1gpip2vn1xdjq3irqbsr77s6dpli9rw243qn4647";
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